2008-05-22 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Date: Board: Location: Members Present May 22, 2008 Historic Commission Beverly City Hall William Finch, Chair, James Younger, John Condon Matthew Lewis Ralph Turcotte Kate Newhall Eileen Sacco Members Absent: Others Present Recorder: Finch called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 265 Essex Street - Demolition of Barn - Essex Park Rehabilitation and N ursini!: Center Newhall noted that the applicant or their representatives are not here at the present time. Finch asks that she try and contact them by telephone to see if they plan on attending. Finch notes in the meantime that the Commission will take the agenda out of order and move on to the next order of business. Certificate of Appropriateness 16 Front Street -Certificate of Appropriateness - Demolition of Garai!:e - Finn Dan Finn addresses the Commission and reports that they are close to completing the renovations on the property and have determined that the garage would be too costly to renovate. He explained the work that would have to be done to restore the garage and noted that its current use is as a dumpster. He also explained that they are proposing more parking for the site when they demolish the garage. Finch asked if the smaller building behind the garage is attached. Finn stated that it is and explained that it was used for pottery and has a cement block setup. Younger noted that the pictures submitted are clear. Finch notes that they are increasing parking and asked how they would lay that out. Finn explained the layout of the parking. Finch noted that if they were to create a parking lot, which is considered an area that can fit three or more cars, which would be visible from the street, they would need a certificate from the Commission. Finch opens the public hearing up for public comment at this time. There was no one present who wished to comment on this matter. Younger stated that he feels that the proposal is straightforward. Younger moved that the property located at 16 Front Street is under the jurisdiction of the Historic Commission but is not historically significant. Lewis seconds the motion. The motion carried. Younger moved to issue a certificate of appropriateness for the demolition of the garage at 16 Front Street on the basis that it is not historically significant. Lewis seconds the motion. The motion carried. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the Beverly Historic Commission meeting held on April 24, 2008 were presented for approval. Younger moved approval as amended. Lewis seconded the motion. The motion carried. Review of Draft Demolition bv N e2lect Ordinance The Commission reviewed the draft of the Demolition by Neglect Ordinance. Younger reported that the Millard Fuller Foundation is an organization that provides grants to elderly people who live in their homes who do not have the money to fix them up. He noted that if could be a resource to address the concern that Mr. Turcotte had regarding that issue. Finch expressed concern about the use of the phrase "intentional demolition" and noted that it seems like the Commission would have to prove intentional demolition by neglect. He suggested that the word "intentional" be deleted from the document. Younger moved to accept the draft Demolition By Neglect Ordinance as amended to delete the word "intentional" where it appears in the document, seconded by Lewis. The motion carried. 265 Essex Street - Demolition of Barn - Essex Park Rehabilitation and N ursin2 Center After several attempts to contact the applicant's attorney, the Commission continued with the public hearing process. Finch reviewed the regulations for holding a public hearing and noted that the Commission still has some time after the close of the public hearing to issue a decision. Newhall noted that today is the 28th day of the 30-day extension granted by the applicant. Finch noted that if the Commission were to meet to issue a decision they could still hear comments from the parties who are interested preserving the barn through a vote of the Commission. Finch noted that the Commission is convening the public hearing that was opened on April 24, 2008. Finch opened the hearing up for public comment at this time. Rose Maglio addressed the Commission and expressed her concerns that the building should be preserved. She noted that there are other buildings in the area that have been maintained and this building stands out at the curve in the road on Essex Street. She also noted that there are other properties in the area that have barns. Maglio noted that the back of the building is gone but the front would be worth preserving and they should try to do so if they can. She also noted that it would be a great loss to the City of Beverly. Younger stated that he would be interested in hearing what John Thompson has to say. There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, Finch declared the public hearing closed. Finch noted that it is a cultural landmark in terms of the visual component to the streetscape of Essex Street. Finch recommended that the Commission hold another meeting for the purpose of issuing a decision. Younger moved that the Historic District Commission convene on June 5, 2008 at 4:00 p.m. to issue a decision on 265 Essex Street - Demolition of Barn - Essex Park Rehabilitation and Nursing Center. Condon seconded the motion. The motion carried. Next Meetin2 The next meeting of the Beverly Historic District Commission will be held on Thursday, June 5, 2008 at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in City Hall. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission this evening, Condon moved to adjourn the meeting. Younger seconded the motion. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8: 15 p. m.