2008-01-03 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: January 3, 2008 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Mark Casey, Bill Lowd, Jack O'Neil, Mike Ralbovsky, Jan Jefgood, Jeff Rubin, Brian Chirco Board members absent: Gary Lambert, Patty Adams Others present: Recreation Director Bruce Doig, Assistant Director Joscelyn Ruelle-Kersker Meeting called to order at 7:00PM. Mark welcomed everyone and wished them a Happy New Year. Minutes: The 12/6/07 meeting minutes were accepted unanimously (6-0). Communications/Correspondence: None to report this month. Director's Report: Bruce discussed the following items during his report - RECENT EVENTS: North Pole Calling - Bruce and staff called 72 kids this year. Beverly's New Year - Several members of the Beverly Recreation staff sponsored worked an event at the GAR Hall. Bruce co-chaired Beverly's New Year again this year. Another large crowd enjoyed all of the events including the 600 beach balls. UPCOMING EVENTS: Middle School Strength & Conditioning Class - 34 kids have already signed up. Class begins 1/7/08. INNOCENTI PARK / MCPHERSON YOUTH CENTER: Outside work is on hold until the spring due to the snow and ice. The next step inside the building is to get the computer lab installed and running. Power has been restored to the building LYNCH PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE / LYNCH PARK CARRIAGE HOUSE: LPAC is moving ahead to begin fundraising for carriage house. Several new members have joined the group. Bruce will be presenting a new lease agreement to the Guild of Beverly Artists this month. PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT UPDATES: Bruce is still collecting estimates from vendors for Bessie Baker, Cove Playground and the swings at Lynch Park. MPHW /YMCA HEALTHY WEIGHT TASK FORCE: As part of the YMCA Healthy Weight Task Force, Bruce is meeting regularly with several people to start a Beverly on the Move initiative to address healthy weight issues in Beverly. He is working with the YMCA to schedule a school track meet on April 1ih at BHS. DOG PARK SUBCOMMITTEE: Bruce is still working to produce a draft plan for the Henderson Road dog park to present to National Grid for their approval. The committee also wants to get some citizens involved in this committee to help with the planning and implementation of this dog park. Bruce sent a summary of where the project stands to Mayor Scanlon, Roy Gelineau, Chief Ray, Jim Lindley and Mike Collins. Another meeting will be scheduled. Beverly Parks & Recreation Commission - Public Meeting Minutes (continued) Assistant Director's Report: Joscelyn discussed her report. Items discussed included Summer Camp and Parks, Evening Enrichment and the Bev Rec web site. BHS Renovation Project: Bill Lowd had some questions about the fields at BHS during the renovation project scheduled to begin in June 2008. There was some discussion about the desire to have artificial turf fields after the project is completed. Jack discussed the new high school in North Andover, which has 3 new artificial turf fields. These fields were not in the school budget but were built because they felt it was necessary to have these fields in the community. It was discussed that if money does not exist in the BHS budget for new fields that the Field Committee should begin working to raise funding for new artificial fields. Long Range Planning: Mark handed out a spreadsheet and mentioned that he would like to continue discussions about long-range planning at our next meeting Park Tour: It was decided that we should schedule a park tour for the commission sometime in March. Bruce will work with Mark to schedule this tour. Meeting adjourned at 8:15PM. Respectfully submitted, Bruce Doig Director, Recreation Department