City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: January 4,2007 (7:00PM)
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Mark Casey, Gary Lambert, Mike Ralbovsky, Jeff Rubin, Patty Adams,
Deborah Ploszay
Board members absent: Arthur Powell, Jack O'Neil, Bill Lowd
Others present: Recreation Director Bruce Doig, Assistant to Director Joscelyn Ruelle Kersker, City
Councilor Kevin Hobin
Meeting called to order at 7:00PM.
Minutes of previous meeting were unanimously accepted as written.
Dog Policy Update - Mark handed out an updated draft of the proposed dog ordinance. There was a
discussion about the proposed changes to the ordinance. There was also a discussion about enforcement
of the ordinance and setting a sunset clause to review the success of the new ordinance and also to allow
the Parks & Recreation Commission to rescind the access to certain parks if problems arise. It was agreed
that commission members would meet with Mayor Scanlon and seek his support regarding enforcement
including funding additional ACO coverage and asking the police and ACO to increase enforcement of the
ordinance. Mike Ralbovsky made a motion to this effect and Deb Ploszay seconded it. The motion passed
Long Range Planning - Mark handed out an update to the planning spreadsheet. He asked everyone
to pick their top 3-4 priorities in order to begin discussions at the February meeting. Everyone agreed to
do this as part of his or her homework assignment.
DIRECTOR's REPORT - Bruce reviewed his Director's Report and discussed the following items:
North Pole Calling at the Bev Rec offices was successful again with approximately 105 children called
th is yea r.
Beverly's New Year 2007 - Bruce Co-Chaired again this year. The Beverly Recreation staff hosted a
very successful venue at the GAR Hall with arts & crafts projects, magic, storytelling and popcorn.
Middle School Strength & Conditioning Program - Starts Monday, 1/8/2007, and many kids are still
Sponsor Banners - Bruce discussed the need for a policy regarding Recreation Department sponsor
banners. The Kelly Nissan banner at Balch Playground was taken down due to weather damage. Bruce
received a request to possibly leave the banner up all year. The policy should address fees, timeframes,
sizes, materials, etc. Kelly is willing to continue sponsorship and will abide by whatever policy the
commission creates. Kelly Nissan would like to know ASAP and is willing to sponsor the park again this
year. They are not opposed to only hanging the banner for part of the year. The commission will discuss
this again in February.
Lynch Park - Bruce reported some vandalism to the van and office screens. With the mild weather, the
park still looks gorgeous and is still attracting large crowds during the day.
Harry Ball Field - Bruce reported that the concrete pad for the new stands was finally installed in early
December. DPW installed some drainage in the area and laid out the grades for the pad. A private
contractor poured the concrete ($3000 - BLL; $3900 - Bev Rec) on 12/6/2006. The installer still has not
been able to schedule time to come install the stands. BLL paid over $20,000 for these stands and they
will be a great addition to the facility.
Beverly Youth Collaboration - After hearing that $14M was cut from the state budget for earmark
projects the collaboration began planning to fund raise for basic improvements to the McPherson Center
site to draw kids back. In December the board informed that the money for the McPherson project still
exists and that we can spend $580,000 instead of just the $300,000 earmark. All state contracts are
currently on hold but will hopefully begin moving forward after the first of the year. Volunteer work to
improve the facility for the winter will continue until the state money is available. A recent estimate of
$5500 was put together for short-term improvements to bring kids back for the winter.
Vitale Site - The Conservation Commission voted on 10/24 to approve use of site for active recreation.
The Commission will determine the length of the license to use the site at future meetings.
The foundation for the utility building has already been started. National Grid will install the building by
next spring. The building cannot be used as a concession stand due to Article 97 restrictions.
There has still been no decision about who will use the fields at the Vitale Site starting this fall.
Field Summit - Bruce is looking to have the annual Field Summit in January this year to discuss plans for
the Vitale Site and other field usage issues.
Wentworth Drive Tot Lot - The contractor installed the new fence after the wood fiber was delivered
and came back to resolve a few issues. Everything is completed now.
Dane Street Beach: No word on when equipment might be installed. Bruce received an email from
Councilor at Large Paul Guanci that someone is very interested in donating money towards new equipment
for Lyons Park. Work on Lothrop Street is completed. The staging area at Dane Street has been vacated
and is being repaired.
Bessie Baker: A major portion of the old play structure has broken. The section was removed and we
will need to decide whether to replace it or remove the entire structure in the spring.
Benches: Some benches have been installed with several more to be completed as resources allow.
The complete list of tasks for DPW, including all of the ADA and safety issues that need to be resolved, will
be completed when DPW resources are available.
Painting of Rec Offices - Bruce is still trying to gather quotes for spring. Approximately $4000 - $4500.
GAR Hall - Still not sure of long-term use or sale of building. There have been several inquiries about
leasing or purchasing the building.
Polar Plunge - Deb handed out a flyer and discussed the fundraiser for Riverhouse and the Beverly
Affordable Housing Coalition.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00PM.
Respectfully submitted
Bruce Doig, Recreation Department