City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: November 1, 2007
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Bill Lowd, Jack O'Neil, Brian Chirco, Jan Jefgood, Patty Adams
Board members absent: Jeff Rubin, Mike Ralbovsky, Mark Casey, Gary Lambert
Others present: Recreation Director Bruce Doig, Assistant Director Joscelyn Ruelle-Kersker, Joanne Gallagher
(Ward 1 Civic Association)
Meeting called to order at 7:00PM.
Minutes: The 10/4/07 meeting minutes were accepted unanimously (5-0).
Introductions: Jan Jefgood is the newest member of the commission. Jan was introduced to the commission
members present and gave a brief summary of his background.
Ward 1 Civic Association: Joanne Gallagher came to the meeting to discuss possible improvements at Obear
Park that have been discussed within the Ward 1 Civic Association.
Bruce stated that the estimate for the fence along the embankment nearest the play structure was $3250 and that
Dura-Built Fence was to install the fence soon.
Joanne mentioned tha the association would like the bathhouse improved and made available for residents to use
during the week. Joanne mentioned having a sewerage line connected to the bathhouse. Bruce mentioned that
this has been discussed before and that due to ledge in the area, this was not done. Bruce agreed to talk to Mike
Collins regarding the cost of connecting this facility to the city sewerage. The group also discussed the possibility
of alternative bathroom facilities such as portable toilets and vaulted prefabricated restrooms. The idea of a
covered structure was also discussed.
Correspondence: Bruce presented a letter from Assistant City solicitor Bob Munroe regarding the In-House
Disposition of Dog Violations. The letter states that the city would not be allowed under Massachusetts General
Laws to set up a hearing officer for the disposition of dog violations. This is only allowed for parking violations
under MGL Chapter 90. Bruce also presented emails that had been sent by Dan McPherson from Beverly Youth
Soccer and Chief of Police Mark Ray regarding conditions at North Beverly Elementary School where several dog
owners have not been picking up after their dogs.
Dog Policy Letter: Bruce distributed the updated letter from Mark to the City Council summarizing the new
"Leashed Dog Program". Jack expressed some concerns about the letter and some of the things mentioned that
had not been completed during the past summer. Bruce will talk to Mark about updating the letter before it is
sent to the City Council.
There was also a discussion about the need for dedicated dog parks in the city, starting with the Henderson Road
site owned by National Grid. A motion was made by Brian and seconded by Jack to set up a new Dog Park
Subcomittee solely for the purpose of creating dog parks in Beverly. The first objective would be to create a
dedicated park on Henderson Road. The motion passed 5-0. Joscelyn, Bruce, Brian and Jack all agreed to serve
on committee and get citizens involved as well.
DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Bruce discussed the following items during his report-
The Carriage House Renovation Kick Off Party on October 13th went very well with approximately 200
attendees and a lot of excitement about the project.
MRPA State Conference/Professional Awards - Joscelyn was recognized by the MRPA as the New
Professional of the Year. Bruce was selected to receive the MRPA Community Professional of the Year award.
Bruce also presented two seminars during the conference, one on Intergenerational Programs and one about
Youth Sports Ethics.
Work has slowed down due to a delay in getting fill for field area. The concrete skate park area has been poured
and equipment should be installed soon. The paving should be completed soon as well.
Beverly Parks & Recreation Commission - Public Meeting Minutes (continued)
Enterprise Fund - City took a transfer of over $100,000 to cover summer salary costs and we still have a
balance of over $135,000.
fundraising for carriage house. Denise Deschamps was selected as the new Chairperson of the LPAC.
HARRY BALL FIELD: BLL hired Prescription Turf Services to install some drainage as recommended by the city.
COONEY FIELD: Babe Ruth Baseball has installed a new storage trailer at Cooney near the parking lot.
BIRCH PLAINS (VITALE SITE): The dedication ceremony for the fields was held on Thursday, 10/25/07.
PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT UPDATES / ADA ISSUES: Lynch Park Swings - Lynch Trustees have agreed to
fund the installation of the new swings. Bruce has contacted the vendor and he will be coming over soon to check
out the site and give an estimate for installation.
Bessie Baker (5-12 structure) - Bruce has contacted 2 vendors to give design suggestions and estimates.
Cove Playground (2-5 & 5-12 structures) - Contacted 2 vendors to give design suggestions and estimates.
Dix Park - Estimate for gate at bottom of stairs is $640. There is money in the Friends account for this project.
MPHW/YMCA HEALTHY WEIGHT TASK FORCE: Bruce took a trip to Attleboro on 10/31/07 to discuss
"Activate Attleboro" with the Executive Director of the Attleboro YMCA. They are the main players in collaboration
with many community partners to create these programs. Bruce is also attending a seminar in Peabody on
11/2/07 to discuss the "Shape up Somerville" program and other healthy weight initiatives. Bruce is very
interested in getting a number of these types of initiatives started in Beverly (walking school bus, Saturday AM
walks, neighborhood walks, track meets, etc.).
Dog Policy Update/Dog Parks: Bruce reported that there was a meeting requested by Mayor Scanlon to
discuss moving ahead with the proposed dog park at the National Grid site on Henderson Road. Attendees
included Mayor Scanlon, Mike Collins, Chief Ray, ACO Jim Lindley and Bob Munroe from the Solicitor's office. It
was discussed whether it would be possible for DPW or the BPD to lock the site at night or open it in the morning
and DPW maintaining this site as necessary. Resources are limited and neither DPW nor BPD could commit to
locking or unlocking the site. Mike Collins had some concerns about maintaining the site with limited resources.
OSRC: Sally Milligan Park needs new signs. There is no mention of the Santin family property.
December Commission Dinner will be held on Thursday, 12/6, at the Beverly Depot starting at 6:30PM.
Assistant Director Report: Joscelyn distributed her report and reviewed the winter/spring brochure, camp fairs,
evening enrichment classes, brochure ads, the website and the recent MRPA State Conference.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce Doig
Director, Recreation Department