2007-10-04 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: October 4, 2007 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Mark Casey, Gary Lambert, Bill Lowd, Jack O'Neil, Brian Chirco Board members absent: Patty Adams, Jeff Rubin, Mike Ralbovsky Others present: Recreation Director Bruce Doig, Paul & Suzanne Lanzikos, ACO Jim Lindley, Toni Musante Meeting called to order at 7:00PM. Minutes: The 9/6/07 meeting minutes were accepted unanimously (5-0). Lynch Park Carriage House: Paul & Suzanne Lanzikos addressed the commission and discussed the Carriage House Renovation Kick Off Party scheduled for Saturday, October 13, 2007. Many tickets have been sold. Dane Street Beach Concession Stand: Toni Musanti and another neighbor of Dane Street Beach expressed concerns about plans to have a concession stand at the Dane Street bathhouse. Their concerns were mostly with possible trash and nighttime usage, which is already a problem after 10:00PM and into the early mornings. They also expressed concerns about the number of dogs that run off leash at the beach throughout the day and evenings. Dog Policy: ACO Jim Lindley discussed the summer enforcement of the new dog policy. He stated that the patrols started late because of a 3-week delay in getting CORI checks for the three young people hired for the patrols. The three people hired ranged in age from 16 to 20 years old. The bike patrols were restricted to Tuck's Point, Dane Street Beach, Independence Park and Lynch Park. According to Jim, these patrols spoke to about 10 people per day but were told not to issue tickets to avoid confrontations. One of the limitations was that signage in the parks did not match the updated ordinance due to the late timing of the ordinance being passed. Each patrol person was working about 12-16 hours per week. One of the patrol people was injured in the second week and could not complete the summer. Director's Report: Bruce discussed the following items during his Director's Report - RECENT EVENTS: 8th Annual Mom's Softball Tournament - September 28-30th - Bruce reported that this may have been the best year yet for weather, competition and money raised. Essex National Heritage Trails & Sails - Event at Lynch Park on Sunday, 9/30 - About 100 people attended and loved the carriage house. INNOCENTI PARK I MCPHERSON YOUTH CENTER: Bruce reported that all work should be completed by the end of October or mid-November. Enterprise Fund - Beginning balance for FY2008 was over $195,000. See handout for details. Summer revenues and expenses were very good. Gate receipts were highest ever and garden revenues were 2nd highest ever. Several revenues are still due from Apple Village and the Community Development office. LYNCH PARK: Concession Stand - Dick William's is retiring from running our concession stand. New bids will be sought this fall. LYNCH PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE I LYNCH PARK CARRIAGE HOUSE: Work to renovate the "Gallery" (GBA room) has been completed and the room looks great. The floor has been refinished and the old fluorescent lights have been removed. The cost of the work to date was $13,000 and will be paid for using LPAC money in the Friends account. The GBA met with Mayor Scanlon and is trying to get the city to approve a new "lease" for them to continue using the carriage house for meetings, shows, classes, etc. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes - October 4,2007 (continued) FALL BASEBALL/SOFTBALL: Bruce reported that Extra Innings has not paid the $1500 for any of the field permits being used this fall. There are currently 10 teams paying $450 per team to play on Beverly fields. Extra Innings did send a letter stating that they CORI checked all of their volunteers but Bruce talked to about 7 of their coaches and was told that they have never been checked by Extra Innings. In addition, individuals who should not be coaching and who have been removed from other leagues are coaching teams in their league. COONEY FIELD: Irrigation has been added to the outfield area. DPW will try to grow grass late this fall and early next spring. The new irrigation has already helped make the grass greener and the field must less dusty for Pop Warner practices. BIRCH PLAINS (VITALE SITE): Only one field is currently being used by BYSA this fall. Still need a plan for the spring season. Bruce reported that the ADA concerns about the area around the concession stand/bathroom building have been resolved by DPW. BYSA is using a portable toilet instead of the building. Art Daignault would like to see HP toilets at the fields. HP units are $200/month versus only $105 for regular units. PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT UPDATES / ADA ISSUES: Lynch Park Swings - Lynch Trustees have agreed to fund the installation of the new swings. Bruce has contacted the vendor and he will be coming over soon to check out the site and give an estimate. Bessie Baker (5-12 structure) - Contacted 2 vendors to give design suggestions and estimates. Cove Playground (2-5 & 5-12 structures) - Contacted 2 vendors to give design suggestions and estimates. Bruce talked with a woman that is interested in trying to raise funds for new play structures. Obear Park - Estimate for fence along embankment - $3250 for 200 feet of 4' black vinyl fencing. Money available from several donations earmarked for Obear improvements (DEP Waterways License applications - Francis & Cathleen Kavanaugh - $5730, Dana & Joan Black - $3290 Dix Park - Estimate for gate at bottom of stairs for $640 - Money left in Friends account from initial installation. Dog Policy Update - Bruce reported that there was a request over the summer to keep the morning hours at 8:00AM instead of 7:30AM to eliminate confusion. GAR Hall - A new card reader was installed on the door by last week. Only two groups are still using the building. The yoga classes are no longer being held at the GAR Hall. They were not willing to sign a lease and get insurance as required by the Purchasing Director. OSRC: Sally Milligan Park - New signs are still needed. There is no mention of the Santin family donation of 20+ acres. Bruce needs to speak with Robert Buscbaum from the OSRC about new signs. There has not been an update from Mike Rabolvsky on this subject. December Commission Dinner - This dinner will be held on Thursday, 12/8/07 at the Beverly Depot. Meeting adjourned at 9:00PM. Respectfully submitted, Bruce Doig Director, Recreation Department