2007-05-02 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: May 2, 2007 (7:00PM) Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Mark Casey, Gary Lambert, Bill Lowd, Deb Ploszay, Jeff Rubin, Jack O'Neil, Patty Adams, Mike Ralbovsky, Brian Chirco Board members absent: Others present: Recreation Director Bruce Doig Meeting called to order at 7:00PM. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved unanimously (7-0). Correspondence - No correspondence to report. Dog Policy Update - The commission discussed the need for a written policy to accompany the new ordinance approved by the City Council. The policy would list the parks available for on-leash access and define the rules and regulations for use of the parks by dog owners. It was decided that there should be one policy for on-leash areas and another for off-leash areas when they are created. A motion was made by Mike Ralbovsky and seconded by Patty Adams to designate 6 parks as on-leash parks during the summer of 2007. These parks include Lindsey Park, Independence Park, Beverly Common, Cooney Field, Colgate Playground, and Dix Park. The vote passed by a vote of 8-0. The commission reviewed an outline provide by Mark Casey for the dog policies. After discussing several areas and suggesting text for the policy, it was decided that Bruce would create a policy with the suggested text and set up a meeting on May 15, 2007 at 8:00PM at the GAR Hall to finalize and approve the new policies for on-leash and off-leash areas. The suggested text for the on-leash parks was approved by a vote of 9-0. The text for the policy regarding off-leash areas was approved by a 9-0 as well. Bruce will update the policies for final review at the May 15' 2007 meeting. DIRECTOR'S REPORT - Bruce Doig Bruce reviewed his Directors Report and discussed the following items: RECENT EVENTS: MRPA Entertainment Showcase - Bruce was involved in planning and running this event on April 19th in Melrose where 25 entertainers performed for school vacation kids. UPCOMING EVENTS: Touch A Truck - The 9th annual event will be held on May 20th from 10:00AM-1:00PM at the Cummings Center. Massachusetts Partnership for Healthy Weight - Several healthcare, education and recreation professionals are meeting on a regular basis to discuss nutrition and healthy weight initiatives and activities around the state. Bruce elected as an At-Large Executive Board member. INNOCENTI PARK: Work has started and the DEP and Conservation Commission have approved the plans. If everything goes smoothly, the work should be completed by July. Mayor Scanlon asked the City Council for permission to borrow some of the funding for the project. The total project will cost approximately $830,000, including the $150,000 for the McPherson Youth Center renovations. BEVERLY YOUTH COLLABORATION: Mayor Scanlon is still planning to spend $150,000 for improvements to the McPherson Center while the balance of the $580,000 state grant will be used for capping the site to resolve the lead issue. This $150,000 will allow the skate park to be completely rebuilt, all paved areas to be repaved (including all of the courts), and many renovations inside the building (computer lab, bathroom upgrades, kitchen area, etc. ). FY 2007 BUDGET: City Budget - Bruce met with John Dunn and Mayor Scanlon to discuss the budget being presented to the City Council. Mayor Scanlon agreed with the proposed budget numbers, which included increases for Part-Time Salaries and Maintenance. He also agreed to add a $30,000 line item annually for the repair and replacement of playground equipment. Enterprise Fund - Revenues now ahead of last year. Available balance is currently over $120,000. City still needs to add $12,000 to correct a transfer error. LYNCH PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Continuing to plan for 3rd annual Davis S. Lynch Appreciation Day, July 15, 2007. Still waiting to hear about the $15,000 grant application with the Essex National Heritage Commission. HARRY BALL FIELD: Work to install the new stands was started on Tuesday, 5/1, and is scheduled to be completed by 5/3. FIELD COMMITTEE: A second BHS Building Subcommittee meeting was held on 5/1/2007 @ BHS to discuss fields at the new school. Bruce was not able to attend this meeting but has talked to AD Jon Longley and Councilor Tim Flaherty about the plans. Bruce has also had discussions with Superintendent Hayes and Mayor Scanlon today about the possibilities for artificial turf fields at the new school. PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT UPDATES! ADA ISSUES: Bessie Baker: A major portion of the old play structure has been removed. The entire wooden structure will be removed soon due to safety concerns. Benches: Some benches have been installed recently. Several more have been ordered and will be installed. Former City Councilor Ron Costa would like to put a bench at Dane Street Beach. Our current plan for Dane Street is full but Ron would like to put benches along Lothrop Street. Bruce talked to Phil Klimowicz and Mike Bouchard from DPW and they were opposed to this. Phil was in favor or adding a few more benches along the same row behind the sea wall fence. After discussion, the commission decided not to add any more benches at Dane Street Beach but to suggest that Mr. Costa look at putting a bench at either the Abbott Street or Ocean Street public ways. OTHER ITEMS: Painting of Recreation Department Offices - Bruce received a third quote. Quotes range from $4100 - $6500. Bruce is working with David Gelineau to determine the contractor for the job and is seeking more quotes. Veterans' Memorials at Odell Park - Mark and Bruce met with Mayor Scanlon and Jerry Guilebbe to discuss the plans for Odell Park and the possible transfer to the Veterans' Advisory Council/War Memorial Advisory Committee. Jerry Guilebbe would like to come to the next commission meeting to discuss a new plan for the park. Park Sponsorship - The folks from Kelly Nissan Suzuki are still interested in some form of park sponsorship opportunities for Balch Playground and other city parks. One idea suggested was to create garden areas or planters in the parks with signs similar to what is used in the traffic island areas or plaques attached to the planters. This will be discussed further at the next meeting. Traffic Islands - Bruce has a student from Endicott College (free) working on the traffic island beautification program. They have completed a tour of all the islands and are updating the database of islands and sponsors. Meeting adjourned at 9:00PM. Respectfully submitted, Bruce Doig Director, Recreation Department