City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: AprilS, 2007 (7:00PM)
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Mark Casey, Gary Lambert, Bill Lowd, Deb Ploszay, Jeff Rubin
Board members absent: Jack O'Neil, Patty Adams, Mike Ralbovsky
Others present: Recreation Director Bruce Doig, Brian Chirco (new appointee to Recreation Commission
awaiting City Council approval)
Meeting called to order at 7:00PM.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved unanimously (5-0).
Correspondence - Mark discussed receiving a letter of resignation from Arthur Powell in early March.
Based on Arthur's resignation from the commission, Brian Chirco was recommended for appointment to the
commission and has been submitted by Mayor Scanlon for approval by the City council.
Bruce reviewed his Directors Report and discussed the following items:
Youth Sports Festival - Bruce attended this conference and took advantage of many great youth clinics
and adult educational sessions.
MRPA Youth Sports Committee - Bruce reported the he is the Chairman of this new committee and an
initial meeting was held on 3/6/07.
Massachusetts Partnership for Healthy Weight - Several healthcare, education and recreation
professionals met to discuss nutrition and healthy weight initiatives and activities around the state.
Touch A Truck - May 20th, 10:00AM-1:00PM @ Cummings Center
Plans still being developed to resolve the lead contamination. The plan needs to be approved by the DEP
before work can begin. If everything goes smoothly, the work should be completed by July.
Mayor Scanlon has agreed to have $150,000 of improvements made to the McPherson Center while the
balance of the $580,000 state grant will be used for capping the site to resolve the lead issue.
City Budget - On budget. Budget numbers due by 4/27. Met with John Dunn and Mayor Scanlon.
There is only room for the standard 2.5% increase if needed.
Enterprise Fund - Revenues still on pace with last year. Last month's report had an error. Available
balance currently over $104,000.
REC TRAC Upgrade - Need to upgrade software (FREE w/ Training - $4000). Will need a new server
("'$850) for the upgrade. Current office server is outdated. Evaluating other potential options.
LYNCH PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Planning for 3rd annual Davis S. Lynch Appreciation Day, July
15, 2007.
The LPAC applied for a grant up to $15,000 to help with renovations. To receive the $15,000 the LPAC
must plan to spend at least $30,000 for restoration of the carriage house. The current plan is to spend
approximately $17,000 for improvements to the GBA Room and to spend approximately $20,000 to have
architectural drawings done for the exterior of the building. We may need to contribute some money from
the Enterprise fund to help with these initial renovations.
The installer for the new stands is planning to complete the work by the end of April. This has been two
years coming.
The construction of the utility building has been completed but they are still working on installing the
electrical and plumbing for the restrooms. The building cannot be used as a concession stand due to
Article 97 restrictions.
FIELD COMMITTEE: BHS Building Subcommittee Meeting was held on 3/8/2007 @ BHS
Bruce was not able to attend this meeting but have been in contact with AD Jon Longley to discuss the
issues. Another meeting will be set up soon.
Cove Playground: Received a call from a woman interested in starting a fundraising campaign along
with a few other women for this project. No word recently.
Dane Street Beach: No word on when equipment might be installed. I did receive an email from
Councilor at Large Paul Guanci that someone is very interested in donating money towards new equipment
for Lyons Park. I still have not heard from this individual.
NOTE: Work on Lothrop Street is completed. The staging area at Dane Street has been vacated and
has been repaired.
Lynch Park: No word from Mike Bouchard about our plans to install the new swings near Woodbury
Bessie Baker: A major portion of the old play structure has been removed. We will need to decide
whether to replace it or remove the entire structure in the spring.
Benches: Some benches have been installed with several more to be completed as resources allow.
The complete list of tasks for DPW, including all of the ADA and safety issues that need to be resolved, will
be completed when DPW resources are available.
Painting of Recreation Department Offices - Bruce received third quote. Quotes were approximately
$4100 - $7600. Bruce is working with David Gelineau to determine the contractor for the job.
Veterans' Memorials at Odell Park - Jerry Guilebbe wants to set up a meeting with Mark and Mayor
Scanlon to discuss the plans for Odell Park and the possible transfer to the Veterans' Advisory Council/War
Memorial Advisory Committee.
Dog Policy Update - The proposed ordinance change was submitted to the City Council and briefly
discussed on Monday, 4/2. This will be discussed again on Monday, 4/9/07, at the Legal Affairs Committee
meeting. Meeting has been posted for the Recreation Commission to allow all members to attend. Mark
has created a draft policy to go with the ordinance change. The commission discussed the policy again
and made some minor changes. Mark will make updates for discussion at our next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce Doig
Director, Recreation Department