City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: March 8, 2007 (7:00PM)
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Mark Casey, Gary Lambert, Jack O'Neil, Bill Lowd, Patty Adams, Mike
Board members absent: Deborah Ploszay, Jeff Rubin
Others present: Recreation Director Bruce Doig
Meeting called to order at 7:00PM.
Minutes of previous two meetings (1/4/07 and 2/1/07) were approved unanimously (6-0).
Open Space & Recreation Committee - Mike Ralbovsky
Mike updated the Recreation Commission on the activities of the OSRC. Mike had questions about the
proposed hockey rink for the city property located on Henderson Road and Nike Road. There is some
opposition to this project from some members of the OSRC.
Mike discussed the possibility of putting a link to the OSRC web site on the BEVREC.COM web site. Bruce
said that would not be a problem when Joscelyn returns from her maternity leave.
Ward 1 Civic Association Meeting - Mark Casey
Mark distributed a list of issues for the Ward 1 parks that was discussed at a meeting of the Ward 1 Civic
Association. Mark mentioned that the association is concerned about the proposed fence along the
embankment at Obear Park and the erosion issue there. There was a discussion about the money
donated for Obear Park and how that money could be used.
Bruce reviewed his Director's Report and discussed the following items:
Adult Enrichment Classes - Started Monday, February 26th at Senior Center and are going well
Camp Registrations - 2/9/2007 - Lottery worked very well again this year. Most camp sessions are full.
2007 Field Summit - 2/12/2007 - Good turnout. Much discussion about possible new fields at BHS.
Youth Sports Festival - To be held March 23-25, 2007 @ Gillette Stadium
Bruce explained that plans are still being developed to resolve the lead contamination was found after
state-mandated testing of the field area and the McPherson Youth Center. The plan will need to be
approved by the DEP before work can begin. The entire area has been fenced off and "No Trespassing"
signs have been posted. If everything goes smoothly, the work should be completed by July.
Bruce discussed that the plans for renovations to the McPherson Youth Center have changed. The
$580,000 state earmark is still available but the city will need to use most of that money to resolve the
lead problem at the site. Mayor Scanlon has agreed to have $150,000 of improvements made to the
McPherson Center. This $150,000 will allow the skate park to be completely rebuilt, all paved areas to be
repaved (including all of the courts), and many renovations inside the building (computer lab, bathroom
upgrades, kitchen area, etc.).
SPONSOR BANNERS: (Vote required)
The commission discussed the issue of sponsor banners in the parks. After much discussion it was decided
that the commission would rather not have the banners in the parks unless the sponsors were willing to
pay for the entire cost of staffing the park (approximately $4000/summer). Bruce agreed to tell Kelly
Nissan Suzuki of this decision and work with them to get concert sponsorships and support for other
Recreation Department programs.
Parks & Recreation Commission meeting minutes - 3/8/07 (continued)
City Budget - On budget.
Enterprise Fund - Revenues still slightly ahead of last year. City took $100k transfer for Part-Time
Salaries. See handout for details.
LYNCH PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Bruce informed the commission that The committee met with
John Dunn and Mayor Scanlon to discuss moving the project forward. Mayor Scanlon agreed to work with
the committee to raise awareness of the project and help with fundraising events. The LPAC has applied
for a grant up to $15,000 to help with renovations. To receive the $15,000 the LPAC must plan to spend
at least $30,000 for restoration of the carriage house. The current plan is to spend approximately $17,000
for improvements to the GBA Room and to spend approximately $20,000 to have architectural drawings
done for the exterior of the building. The Recreation Department may need to contribute some money
from the Enterprise fund to help with these initial renovations.
The construction of the utility building has been completed but they are still working on installing the
electrical and plumbing for the restrooms. The building cannot be used as a concession stand due to
Article 97 restrictions.
Dog Policy Update - Mark reviewed the recommended ordinance changes. Kevin Hobin will submit the
order approved by the commission. Mark also discussed the recent meetings with Kevin Hobin, John Burke
and Assistant City Solicitor Bob Munroe.
Painting of Rec Offices - Bruce is still trying to gather quotes for spring. Approximately $4000 - $6500.
Veterans' Memorials at Odell Park - Bruce mentioned that Jerry Guilebbe has updated the plans for
Odell Park and will present them to the Commission at some point soon.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00PM.
Respectfully submitted
Bruce Doig, Recreation Department