City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: April 3, 2002
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Mark Casey, Kevin Hobin, Arthur Powell, Patti Adams, Lauren Young,
David Gardner
Board members absent:
Others present: Director Bruce Doig, Tom Scully, Virginia McGlynn, Bill Collins, Jane Modini, Jake
Jane Modini from the Centerville Improvement Society presented the plans for the playground
installation and landscaping at Cahill Park. The landscaping will be completed in two phases.
Phase One will include the landscaping for the areas around the playground equipment and along
the fence bordering Hull Street. Phase Two will complete the landscaping for the park by adding
a walkway and plantings in the area adjacent to the playground equipment. The commission
unanimously approved the plans for Phase One. The playground equipment is scheduled to be
installed 5/31/03. The landscaping will begin as soon as possible after the equipment is installed.
Mr. Petronzio addressed the commission and presented the 1996 plans for Veterans Memorials at Odell Park.
He also discussed additions to the 1996 plans including: Redesign of the walkway around memorial;
Installation of a bell; Eternal flame; Granite pillars and chain around park; Relocating the cannons within the
park; and adding memorials to commemorate additional wars.
The proposal to move the Civil War monument to Odell Park was discussed. Concerns have been expressed
about the statue being damaged during the move as well as the cost. Mr. Petronzio stated that grant money
may be available once the move has been approved.
Motion to ask City Solicitor if the commission has the authority to approve the moving of the statue and to
clarify who has jurisdiction over Veterans Memorials at Odell Park. Motion carried with all in favor.
City Councilor, Virginia McGlynn was present to discuss some concerns about the use of the golf cart at Lynch
Park. She was under the impression it was only to be used to transport equipment and in emergencies. From
her observations she believes it is being overused. Director Bruce Doig explained that the cart was always
intended to assist the rangers in their duties in addition to increasing the response time in case of an
emergency. The ranger must respond many times daily to the needs the general public, as well as the camp
staff, lifeguards and gate staff. Their duties also include cleaning and stocking the bathhouse and the
restrooms in the Rec Building, enforcing the park rules, assisting in deliveries, and monitoring the traffic on the
road inside the park. Further discussion on use of the cart will be held at the next meeting.
Mrs. McGlynn also asked if the lifeguards were still responsible for cleaning up the beach. It was agreed that
some raking should be done but the guards' first responsibility needs to be monitoring the ocean even if only
one person is in the water.
Mrs. McGlynn also expressed concerns about the speed of cars and volume of traffic on the driveway. She was
informed that the rangers restrict traffic but that there are still many delivery trucks using the driveway.
Traffic for cars is restricted and staff members do park in the main lot when possible during the summer
months to reduce traffic in this area.
Mrs. McGlynn asked permission to place a yellow ribbon on the oak tree at the Common.
Motion was made to approve her request. Motion carried with all in favor.
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written.
. April 26 park clean up being planned
. Early June: Meet and Greet with Jim Lindley at the Common
. July 4th: participating in the Beverly Farms Parade
. Homecoming: contest planned (prettiest dog, etc)
. Sept: Another meet and greet
Bruce reported he has observed increased incidents of dogs off leash at Lynch Park. He has not seen Jim
issuing citations. Lauren asked if Jim could come to the next meeting. Mr. Powell suggested that we ask
the Chief of Police if we can expect some cooperation from his department on enforcement of the leash
law. Everyone attending agreed that enforcement was the major problem. Bruce reported on some
helpful dog park information he received at a NRPA conference he recently attended.
. Park Dept has asked that baseball and softball leagues do not use the fields until April 7
and soccer and lacrosse wait until April 11. Those dates could change if we receive more
rain. Permits are ready to go out.
. Playground Equipment Update: Holcroft/Gage St. - 4/26, Gillis/Pleasantview - 5/10, Cahill
- 5/31, additional equipment being installed at Ahearn, Lyons, Obear, and Lynch
. Artie has been working hard and doing a great job coordinating all of the playground
. Requests for two events at Common:
o Peace Rally scheduled for 4/13 - Motion to allow event pending Police
Department approval carried with all in favor.
o Previously mentioned yellow ribbon on tree at Common - Motion to allow ribbon
carried with all in favor.
. Touch-A-Truck scheduled for 5/18 at Cummings Center
. Heart Association Walk scheduled for 5/3 at Lynch Park
. Little League and Girls Softball pictures scheduled for 5/10 at Lynch Park
. Field permits are being issued for all spring leagues pending receipt of insurance
certificates and CORI approvals.
. Per City ordinances, one member of the Parks and Recreation Commission must serve on
the Beverly Youth Collaboration board. Bruce is still serving in that capacity but this may
need to change to be compliant with City ordinances.
. There are currently three openings on the Parks and Recreation Commission due to the
resignations of Lisa McFadden, Bruce Doig, and Liz Caputo.
. The Conservation Commission voted 4-2 in favor of using the Vitale property on
Henderson Road for playing fields once the cleanup by New England Power is completed
and the DEP has deemed the area safe.
Respectfully submitted,
Gail Carmody