City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: December 5, 2002
Place: Beverly Depot Restaurant
Board members present: Bruce Doig, Mark Casey, David Gardner, Kevin Hobin, Arthur Powell, Patti Adams,
Lauren Young, Lisa McFadden
Board members absent: Elizabeth Caputo,
Others present: Acting Director Artie Sullivan and former Director Joan Fairbank
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written.
. Reported on sub committee on dogs meeting of 11/19. List of provisions agreed upon was reviewed. Included:
restricted access May 1- Oct 1: dogs allowed 6am - 7:45 am on leash, clean up required. Off limit areas: garden,
play structures, playing fields. Discussed asking City Council to increase dog license fee by $5 to add part time
help for Animal Control. Trial period of 1 year. At Dec 3rd meeting points were reexamined. Another meeting is
planned for Dec 17. Discussed the request for off leash time in a fenced in area at Lynch.
The Commission agreed with the 6 points as presented in addition to continuing to explore and research an area
(such as Bessie or Brimbal area) for a dog park.
A motion was made to have the sub committee present their final report and recommendations at the January
meeting. The Commission will then be able to make a recommendation to the City Council. Motion was carried
with all in favor.
Discussed the request for a sign with telephone numbers for complaints. Motion was made to not accept the sign
as presented. Motion carried with all in favor.
. Beverly Golf & Tennis: Artie reported on a meeting he had with the club regarding summer programs.
Golf lessons: club proposes increasing the current fee of $55 to $100. Split would be $80 to club, $20 us.
After some discussion the Commission agreed to rate increase but expressed concerns about how the
increase could effect registration.
Tennis lessons: Mike Mercier proposes moving all classes to the club (eliminating the classes at the Cove)
as well as taking over the Homecoming Tennis Tournament. Mike is working up a list of fees and details.
Pool Operation/Tennis, Golf, Swim camp: Club has asked us if we are interested in taking over the
operation of the pool. Pool is open 7 days a week from 8am - 7 pm from Memorial Day-Labor Day. We
would need to provide all staffing and maintenance. In addition, they asked if we would like to take over the
operation of their camp. The club was not happy with the YMCA which ran both the pool and the camp last
year. They are sending a list of fees charged last year including pool memberships. Discussion was held on
the proposal. Questions included: Do we have enough staff? What kind of shape is the pool in? What
about liability? What are the numbers? Are there limits on pool use? The Commission agreed they needed
more information before they could make a decision.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted
Gail Carmody
Recreation Dept.