1999-05-06 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: May 6, 1999 Place: Recreation Dept. Board members present: Bruce Doig, Elizabeth Caputo, Albert W. Churchill, Jr., David Gardner, Kevin Hobin, Jane Lyman and Lauren Young. Board members absent: Ivy Mahan, Arthur Powell Others present: Joan Fairbank, Recreation Director, Mari Matt, Tom Scullly, Phil Klimiwicz, and Michael Papamechail Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written. Bruce thanked everyone for the tremendous effort on Sunday for Touch -a-Truck. Was a great event. Mr. Papamechail talked about the project at the Common, as well as others. Hope to have many things done by Memorial Day. Discussed Odell Park. Would like to make some changes there. Need to speak to the Veterans. Also discussed need for drainage and a new water fountain for Lynch, as well as, drainage at the side of the building where the shower is located. COMMITTEE REPORTS · Beverly Golf & Tennis Club: pool needed extensive work to bring it up to code, also Tennis courts have had some repairs. Long term goal is to move 2 of the clay courts to make room for some parking. · Joan & Commission have been invited to the Finance & Property Meeting on Tuesday 5/11 at 6:30 pm regarding Maplewood equipment. Also a meeting with Public Service & Aid on Monday 6:30 at City Hall regarding signs. · Lauren Young and Tom Scully met regarding space usage for old schools, etc. They have arranged a meeting with Mr. Lupini on May 24 at 3 pm. Will have more information following that meeting. Commission met with Tom Bussone who was present representing Little League. They are requesting permission to install a scoreboard for 1st field (will be donated from Snapple without any advertizing) and some batting cages (which have also been donated) at Harry Ball Field. Teams will have a set schedule for use of the cages. They will only be used under close supervision of their coaches. There will be no special lighting and no commercial use. Tom thinks most use would occur: Weekdays (3-8pm), Saturdays (9am - 6pm) , Sundays (3-6 pm ). Minutes 5/6/99....page 2 Little League will agree to have the Recreation Commission monitor the batting cages and will adjust the schedule or agree to any restrictions as per the Commission's instructions. Jane asked about use of the cages for other groups, such as the Recreation Department. Tom said for Joan to call him and he can get Joan the balls, etc. · Motion was made to authorize the installation of a second scoreboard for Harry Ball as described by Mr. Bussone. Motion carried with all in favor. · Motion to approve the installation of the batting cages subject to the rules and restrictions set by the Recreation Commission. Motion seconded. Motion carried with all in favor. * Rules and restrictions to be clarified at the June meeting. Discussed need to line off the parking lot to get the maximum parking spaces. Tom also discussed the CORY check process that all coaches must go through. Little League has 250 volunteers that need to be checked. He is in charge of this for this year. Tom suggested that in the future the Recreation Dept. could make some money registering and CORY checking all volunteers that coach for a youth league. DIRECTOR'S REPORT · Code of Ethics sent to Youth Leagues. Girls Softball has been completed. Leagues will keep the paperwork. It was suggested that each League be asked to certify in writing when this is complete. · Request from Eastern Mountain Sports to run a try-a- Kayak day at Dane Street Beach on June 27 from 8am - 2 pm, in addition, they have asked permission to ask for a donation to use the Kayak, money collected would be given to a group such as Trustee of Reservations. It was agreed that an optional donation is acceptable but no one is to be denied use of the Kayak if they do not have the money. · Request from a Girls Softball Traveling Team to use Park St. on Sunday mornings through September for practices. Policy has been not to issue youth permits for Sunday mornings. One reason is that Sunday mornings should be a quite time for the neighbors as much as possible. After further discussion, a motion was made that the group be told that we do not issue permits for youth groups for Sunday mornings. Joan will try to find them some other field ti me. · Permit request for Innocenti Park for Friday nights from 10 pm - 1 am. They would play two games. Since Men's League no longer exists, they could be offered earlier time slots on other nights. Co-Ed League may expand and may need additional nights. Request was denied. Discussed the new budget. Joan related a call from the Improvement Society that she received. This groups does the annual planting in the Rose Garden each May. They informed Joan that they would no longer be able to do the deadheading or the weeding during the summer. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted Gail Carmody Recreation Department