2006-11-02 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: November 2, 2006 (7:00PM) Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Mark Casey, Jack O'Neil, Bill Lowd, Gary Lambert, Deborah Ploszay, Mike Ralbovsky, Jeff Rubin, Arthur Powell, Patty Adams Board members absent: Others present: Recreation Director Bruce Doig, Assistant to Director Joscelyn Ruelle Kersker, City Solicitor Roy Gelineau, City Councilors Kevin Hobin and John Burke Meeting called to order at 7:00PM. Minutes from the October 4, 2006 meeting were reviewed and approved 7-0. Gary Lambert was not present at the time the minutes were approved and Patty Adams abstained since she was not at the previous meeting. Correspondence: Mark distributed a copy of an email sent by former Recreation Commission member Bill Collins to Jack O'Neil regarding dog waste on playing fields. The email was briefly discussed by the commission. City Solicitor: City Solicitor Roy Gelineau handed out a letter and addressed the commission regarding the Open Meeting Law. Mr. Gelineau answered several questions from the commission clarifying the law and recent request for information from the District Attorney's Office. Dog Ordinance Update: Mark presented an updated draft of the ordinance regarding dogs (Chapter 4B - Animals, Article II, Section 4B-26). City Councilors Kevin Hobin and John Burke were present to discuss the proposed ordinance changes with the commission. Councilor Burke discussed his proposal to allow dogs on leash in all parks year round except during "permitted events". The commission discussed both proposals at length. Councilor Burke suggested listing the names of parks allowing on-leash access in the summer in the commission's proposal. After much discussion, Gary Lambert made a motion to accept the draft ordinance change presented by Mark without naming any parks or designating a number of parks for on- leash summer access. Gary also asked for a sunset clause to be added to the ordinance change to allow the new ordinance to be reviewed after a period of time. Gary's motion was seconded by Jack O'Neil and passed by a vote of 8-0. Arthur Powell was absent during this vote due to another commitment. Time Off Policy: Bruce & Joscelyn again reviewed and discussed the policy with the commission and reviewed documentation about the policy that Joscelyn compiled. Everyone agreed that the current policy was very fair. After a brief discussion a motion was made to keep the Time Off Policy as is. The motion passed 8-0. Bruce mentioned that the department would try to hire additional substitutes and be as flexible as possible with requests for time off next summer. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Due to limited time, Bruce quickly reviewed his Director's Report with the commission. The following items were discussed: MRPA Board Info - Youth Sports Committee - Bruce is starting and chairing a committee to discuss youth sports issues in Massachusetts with recreation directors from around the state. LYNCH PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Bruce mentioned that the committee met to discuss how to move forward with the city. A letter will be sent to the City Council and Mayor Scanlon. Bruce distributed a copy of the letter to the commission members. Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes - November 2,2006 (Continued) BLL/HARRY BALL FIELD - The new stands will be installed when DPW can layout the area and the contractor can put in the concrete pad. This is starting to become an issue with the installer because of the cost for storage of the stands. VITALE SITE - Bruce reported that the grass is growing strong and fields should be ready by the fall of 2007. The Conservation Commission voted on 11/24/06 to approve use of site for active recreation. The Commission will determine the length of the license to use the site at future meetings. The plans for the utility building have been finalized and building will be installed this year. The building cannot be used as a concession stand due to Article 97 restrictions. PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT UPDATES/ ADA ISSUES - Need to spread 270 yards of wood fiber at about 12 parks. Bruce sent an email to the school PTO contacts and has already received some feedback. Bruce has been working with DPW and The Green Company to figure out the cost of delivering the wood fiber and a schedule. PTO groups and other volunteers will work to spread the wood fiber at most of the sites. Bruce sent an updated list of ADA and safety issues to DPW along with a list of other projects that need to be completed. Dane Street Beach - No recent word on when equipment might be installed. Bruce did receive an email from Councilor at Large Paul Guanci that someone is very interested in donating money towards new equipment for Lyons Park. Wentworth Drive Tot Lot - Bruce mentioned that the neighbors raised over $600 with a neighborhood yard sale and have decided to use the contractor who estimated the cost of the new fence at $1100 and fund the balance through the Friends account. Neighbors installed some new landscape timbers at base of fence to eliminate some gaps. Painting of Rec Offices - Bruce is trying to gather quotes. So far the quotes have been approximately $4000 - $4500 for this work. GAR Hall - Bruce mentioned that the city is still not sure of long-term use or sale of building due to some limitations of the deed. Wedding Policy: Bruce mentioned that someone called the office looking to book the Rose Garden for her granddaughter at the resident rate of $200. The current policy only allows parents to book weddings for the resident rate. After a brief discussion a motion was made to keep the current policy in place. The motion was passed 8- O. Long Range Planning: Mark handed out a spreadsheet listing several topics for discussing long range planning for the commission. Mark asked the commission to review the list and prepare to discuss this at the next meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 9:10PM. Respectfully submitted, Bruce Doig Beverly Recreation Department