March 12, 2008
A regular meeting of the Beverly School Committee was held on Wednesday, March 12, 2008, in the City
Council Chambers, Beverly City Hall, Beverly, MA.
Members Present:
Ms. Cesa, Mr. Manzi, Mr. Manzo, Ms. Decker, Mr. Latter, Ms. Fogarty, and Mayor
Also in Attendance:
Dr. James Hayes, Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Marie Galinski, Assistant Superintendent of Schools
Ms. Jacqueline Belliveau, Student Representative to the School Committee
Donna Bergeron, Executive Secretary to the Superintendent and School Committee
Not in Attendance:
Ms. Joan Liporto, Director of Finance & Operations
President Cesa called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Ms. Fogarty led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Recognitions - Such Other Matters (Kudos, Congratulations)
Dr. Hayes and Ms. Cesa recognized Sgt. Major Todd Ellis for the outstanding job he has been doing
with the JROTC Program. Sgt. Major Ellis introduced several members of the JROTC Program in
attendance and, together with Ms. Cesa and Dr. Hayes, commended the cadets for having completed
over 1,100 hours of community service. Cadets honored included Cadet Lt. Col. Conner Grenier,
Cadet 2nd Lt. Briana Hogan, Cadet Sgt. Maj. James Garcia, Cadet 1st Sgt. Anne-Marie Ngotho and
Cadet Lcpl. Joel Sylvester. Examples of their community service included the Beverly Senior Citizens
snow removal program, Boys Scout Troop Toys for Tots campaign and Salvation Army Color Guards.
Open Forum for Citizen Input into Non-Agenda-Related Items
Opportunity for Citizen Input into Agenda-Related Items
Ms. Julie DeSilva, a McKeown School parent, addressed the committee with her concerns related to
the FY09 draft budget. In addressing the school committee, she hoped that her comments also
reached the Mayor and City Council.
Records of Meetings
A motion was made by Ms. Decker and seconded by Mr. Latter to approve the minutes of January 23,
2008 School Committee of the Whole Meeting. So voted.
A motion was made by Mr. Latter and seconded by Ms. Decker to approve the minutes of February
13, 2008 School Committee meeting. So voted.
Report from Student Representative
Jacqui Belliveau reported the following from BHS:
. The Harlem Rockets Comedy Basketball Team was at BHS, an event sponsored by the Peer
Leadership Team and DECA. There was a huge community turnout.
. Two seniors (Erin Harrington and Carolyn Schweitzer) have been named National Merit
Scholarship finalists.
. The Musical "Funny Girl" runs the weekend of March 13th through the 16th.
. Picture retakes are scheduled for March 18th in the auditorium during all three lunches.
. A show called MADE will be coming to BHS in April. There are forms in the main office for
any students interested in auditioning.
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. All members reported receiving many calls and e-mails regarding to the proposed FY09
budget and increased class sizes at the elementary level.
. A question was received about the possibility of a future all day kindergarten program for all
. One committee member received a question about a bus stop location, which was referred to
transportation director Bill Burke.
. Ms. Decker said she has had many contacts regarding the expanded learning day initiative at
Briscoe. She is encouraging parents of fourth through eight grade students to complete the
survey on the Briscoe website.
. One committee member received a communication from a citizen regarding the use of
technology in schools.
. One committee member spoke to a Cove parent involved in the recycling program. She said
they are planning a waste free lunch day to take place some time this spring.
. One committee member spoke to several people regarding ways to reduce utilities usage in
the schools.
. One committee member spoke with a representative of the Montserrat College of Art who
expressed concerns over the new high school having adequate art spaces.
. Mr. Manzo said he had attended the Special Education tour along with other members of the
school committee and city council and found it to be very informative.
. Mr. Manzo said he had the privilege of judging the McKeown School Science Fair.
. The third annual St. Patrick's Day luncheon was held at the Pickled Onion and raised over
$1200 for homeless shelters.
. The Cove School Auction is this Friday at 6:30 p.m. at the Danversport Yacht Club.
. Mr. Manzi commented on a recent Salem News article on the JROTC Program.
. Mr. Manzi said he encourages people to attend "Funny Girl" at BHS this weekend - it will be
a great show with tremendous talent!
. Mayor Scanlon presented Dr. Hayes with a check in the amount of $950 for the BPS.
. A question was received about the professional development day scheduled for the Friday
before Columbus Day weekend in the 2008-2009 calendar.
. Ms. Cesa reported that the BHS PTSO was considering becoming a tax exempt entity. She
said they are currently going through the process and that other PTO's may consider taking
similar action.
. A parent expressed her concern about using food as incentives, a matter that Dr. Hayes will
. A reminder was made concerning the next FY09 budget meeting to be held on March 26th at
the BHS Library.
. A reminder was made concerning the Ayers Ryal Side School Carnival to be held on
Saturday 3/22 from 1 Oa.m. to 2p.m.
Overnight Field Trip - Alexandria VA
Dr. Hayes asked Sgt. Major Ellis to summarize for the Committee the trip the JROTC had taken
recently to Alexandria, VA. The Sgt. Major accompanied 20 students (including two students from the
Boston Public School district) to Alexandria to participate in a drill competition featuring 18 other
schools. Sgt. Major Ellis noted that the trip had been fully funded through fundraising and revenue
from the JROTC account. He also described the upcoming trip to Norwich University in Vermont,
which will take place this April. Sgt. Major Ellis said that the cadets will participate in a Leadership
Challenge Weekend and that the cost is $40.00 per student.
FY09 Budget Development
Dr. Hayes reported to the Committee that currently we need to close a $2.66 million gap in the FY09
budget. Dr. Hayes described this as a difficult task but one that is reachable. He indicated that the
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administration is currently working on ways to close the gap and that budget plans will be presented
to the Committee of the Whole Meeting on Wednesday, March 26th.
High School and Centerville Principal Searches
Dr. Hayes stated that the high school search has been narrowed down to three finalists. He reported
that these finalists were recently interviewed by members of his administrative cabinet with the goal to
select a finalist by the end of the current week. Dr. Hayes re~orted that this individual will be
interviewed by the School Committee on Tuesday, March 18 h in the conference room in the Memorial
Building. Ms. Cesa asked that each member come with two questions for the candidate.
Dr. Hayes reported that the Centerville Principal Search has been narrowed down to three finalists,
with interviews to be conducted the following week. Dr. Hayes indicated that a finalist should be
named the week after next.
BHS Construction Project Update
Dr. Hayes stated that he recently sent the following three items to the MSBA: a certificate of
compliance, spreadsheets of enrollment data, and a formal approval of commitment signed by Mayor
Scanlon. He concluded that a recent call from the MSBA with a question concerning the data sent
was a positive indicator of potential MSBA reimbursement for the high school renovation project.
Report from School Committee President Annemarie Cesa
Ms. Cesa reported that they had received a request for the naming of Cove School Library. As the 45
day waiting period had passed a motion could be entertained at this time. No motion was made.
Committee Reports
StandinQ Committee on Finance & Facilities:
Paul Manzo. Chairperson
Mr. Manzo reported that the last meeting of the Standing Committee on Finance and Facilities was
held on Wednesday, February 27,2008. The committee reviewed budget revenues and continues to
monitor both revenues and expenses closely. Mr. Manzo stated that the revenue picture continues to
be troubling, but that current expenditures are on target and some accounts could have adequate
surplus funds at year end to balance revenue shortfalls. The standing committee received
information regarding the health insurance holiday proposed by the municipal finance director, utility
bills and new gifts to the Briscoe facility.
The next Finance and Facilities meeting is scheduled for March 19, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Memorial
StandinQ Committee on Curriculum. Instruction. and Student Life
Maria Decker. Chairperson
The Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instructions & Student Life last met on Wednesday, March 5,
2008. Ms. Decker described a review of the curriculum maps detailing our elementary Music, Art and
Physical Education programs. The Summer Academy brochures were reviewed, issued to students
and made available on the district web site.
Ms. Decker offered the following policy for approval (second reading):
Upon the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Life a
motion was made by Ms. Decker and seconded by Ms. Fogarty to approve the attached policy
regarding "Homeless Children: Enrollment Rights and Services". So voted.
Ms. Decker indicated that the next Curriculum, Instruction and Student Life meeting will be on Wednesday, April
2, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. Memorial Building.
Policy Subcommittee
David Manzi, Chairperson
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Mr. Manzi said that the Policy Subcommittee will be meeting on Wednesday, March 19th at 6:00 p.m.
Neqotiations Subcommittee
Jim Latter, Chairperson
Mr. Latter reported that the committee has met and work continues.
New Business
Opportunity for Questions from the Press
Consider Executive Session
A motion was made by Mr. Manzo and seconded by Mr. Latter to go into executive session to
consider the lease of real estate property and not to return to open session.
A roll call was request which resulted in the following:
Yes: Mayor Scanlon, Ms. Decker, Ms. Fogarty, Mr. Latter, Mr. Manzi, Mr. Manzo and Ms. Cesa
No: None
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Manzo, Secretary
Beverly School Committee