Beverly City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
October 21, 2004
Members Present:
Norm Ganley, Co-Chairman; Kevin Gallant, Co-Chairman; Eileen
Twiss; Elise Bernstein; and Candace Pike
Members Absent:
Bob Nelson
Art Daignault, ADA Coordinator & Ex-officio Member
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
There was discussion on the purchase of pedestrian crossing signals. The
members voted 5 to 0 to table the motion of purchasing the pedestrian crossing
Members discussed and voted 5 to 0 to change section 5 of the Commission by-
laws to meet six (6) times a year. This now brings the Commission by-laws in
accordance with MGL, chapter 40, section 8j.
Discussion on the allocation of the handicap parking fine money. The suggestions
included text telephone (tty) for the library and building more curb cuts
throughout the City. No vote was taken on this.
The ADA Coordinator stated that the CVS store on Rantoul Street now has
automatic doors to make it easier for everyone to enter and exit the store. They are
now in compliance with the Attorney General’s ruling.
Discussed methods of receiving aid for vision impaired individuals via the Mass.
Commission for the Blind.
Discussed the possibility of hiring an engineer to determine the needs for
construction of an accessible trail at the Phillips Estate in Beverly and Wenham.
No vote was taken on this issue.
Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 18, 2004 at 7:00 p.m.
All minutes of the Beverly Commission on Disabilities’ meetings are available in
alternative format upon request from the American With Disability (ADA) Coordinator at
Beverly City Hall.