2003-02-20COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES 191 CABOT STREET BEVERLY, MA 01915 MINUTES OF MEETING FEBRUARY 20, 2003 PROGRESS REPORT ON INITIATIVE TO DEVELOP HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE TRAIL At the BCOD’s regular meeting on February 20, 2003, Tom Scully, Community Services Director, Arthur Sullivan, Acting Director of Beverly Parks & Recreation Dept. and Amy Maxner from Beverly’s Planning Department assisted Commission members in exploring possible sites for such a trail. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED TRAIL: · Generally level five foot wide path · Side slope of less than 2% · Grade of less than 5% · Surface must be firm & stable, perhaps stone dust · Approximately every 300 – 500 feet, there should be a turn-off area with a bench · Parking must include two van accessible spaces · Ideally, would have view or other attraction at end of trail Summary of possible sites: Sally Milligan Park 1. has some areas that are level enough to accommodate such a trail but much is hilly. One area is tick haven. Parking is not available. Generally, it is a challenging site. Green’s Hill 2. would have to stay close to the school playground near the top. There are many deep gullies, eroded areas. Clearing vegetation for trail would be difficult to prevent further erosion. There is no exit to Bridge Street. Lower Green’s Hill 3. is a Harbor Authority exploring trail. Access from the street would be difficult. Tanzella Property 4. at the end of Folger Avenue is challenging. Hart St. Audubon 5. is too hilly. Norwood Pond’s 6. entrance from Dodge St. or from Red Rock would be most accessible, but parking would be difficult. A fence now blocks access from the North Beverly School. Access from the North Shore Music Theater leads to more hilly area. The Norwood Pond Association would offer muscle & perhaps funds to develop/support the trail. Conservation Commission has no control over the land. J. C. Phillips Nature Preserve: 7. In follow-up phone calls, Amy and/or Elise spoke with: · Dept. of Environmental Mgmt. (Joel Lerner at 617-626- 1012) – DEM has no real interest, regulatory authority or otherwise in the property. There is no need to include in planning. He offered specs for the trail. · Trustees of Reservations (Ginny Slack at 978-921-1944) – Trustees helped only with signs and trail maintenance on a one-time project a few years ago. · Director of Field Operations for the Trustees (Tom Foster at 781-821-2977) – The property is not theirs, but they are supportive and willing to provide information on trail design, which they used in a new trail in Medfield at the Rocky Woods Reservation. This included trail, parking, fishing platform & 3 or 4 picnic tables. · Project Adventure: Tom Cahill and Juliette (617-626- 1012) – no ownership or management. · Beverly Department of Public Services Director, Mike Collins, favors this site; the road is already about 20-24 feet wide, goes to the old estate, and would need some re-grading. Amy Maxner is to research with the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, who helped Beverly purchase the property, what restrictions are placed on the property, if any, and if the trail would be in compliance with restrictions. Elise R. Bernstein March 20, 2003