Meeting Minutes
Tuesday October 16,2007 11:00 a.m.
Beverly City Hall
PRESENT: Timothy Flaherty, William Coughlin, Miranda Gooding. Maria Decker
joined the meeting at 11:20 a.m.
Kathy Griffin and John Dunn were also present.
The group discussed its conclusions to date with regard to the possible consolidation in
three areas of city/school functions: Maintenance/Building and Grounds; Finance
Departments; and Technology.
Maintenance/Building & Grounds
The group discussed the information needed to evaluate the additional cost to the city
Public Services Department for undertaking the maintenance of school grounds only, in
accordance with the proposal made by Paul Manzo and Maria Decker at the group's last
meeting in April. It was agreed that the School Department should be asked to provide
the following information: 1) scope of services desired; and 2) what is current cost that
school department is incurring to perform those services itself. John Dunn suggested that
upon receipt of this information the Public Services department could then reply with its
suggested scope of services (which may be wider than that currently provided) together
with an anticipated cost. It was agreed that Kathy Griffin would contact Joan LiPorto and
Dr. Hayes to obtain this information.
Finance Department
Tim Flaherty asked about the availability of Dan Sullivan to help with an assessment of
consolidation in this area. John explained that Sullivan is currently providing consulting
services to the school department in connection with the overhauling of its chart of
accounts and that perhaps Dan would have insight gained from that process which could
help with analysis of restructuring/consolidation. However, it was agreed that in the
short term Kathy Griffin should undertake an analysis of the Finance Departments and
the potential for restructuring/consolidation and that we should keep Dan Sullivan in
reserve until Kathy has reported back.
It was agreed that Kathy would have a joint session with city and school Finance
Department personnel and would seek the following information: 1) an understanding of
who performs which functions (AIR, AlP, payroll etc.) in each central office; 2) an
understanding of which finance functions are performed at the school level by principals
and clerks; 3) track duties from schools to central business office, 4) review city
Finance/Treasury/Accounting Department functions; 5) report any duplication of
services/personnel; 6) make a recommendation regarding a reorganization and/or
John Dunn offered his view that the situation with Technology is very fluid at the present
moment in light of the decisions that need to be made regarding technology at the new
high school. Depending on the outcome of that issue, the technology needs of the school
department could be substantially more than could be serviced by way of a city/school
consolidation. Maria Decker concurred and all agreed that this issue should be tabled
until the high school technology course is charted.
It was agreed that the group would reconvene when Kathy Griffin reported back her
findings on the School Building and Grounds needs. The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Miranda Gooding
November 9,2007
Respectfully submitted,
Miranda Gooding
October 17,2007