Meeting Minutes
May 2, 2006, 11 :00 a.m.
Danvers Town Hall
PRESENT: Timothy Flaherty, William Coughlin, Miranda Gooding, Paul Manzo,
Maria Decker.
Also present were Kathleen Griffin, Wayne Marquis, Danvers Town Manager and Don
DeHart, Director of Public Works in Danvers.
Mr. Flaherty explained that the Committee is exploring the possibility of consolidating
certain school and city functions in Beverly, and wanted to gain insight into which
functions in Danvers are consolidated and whether the consolidation works well. The
following is a summary of the major points made by Mr. Marquis and Mr. DeHart:
1. The organization of the Public Works Department was explained and members were
provided with flow charts depicting the structure of the Public Works Department and
the Building Operations Division within Public Works.
2. School buildings and grounds are maintained by the Public Works Department.
Danvers contracts out privately for after school custodial services, and there was
substantial discussion regarding the coordination and supervision of school custodial
staff and private cleaning staff. Danvers officials praised the use of private cleaners,
but noted that the key components of a successful program were detailed cleaning
specifications and good supervision.
3. Under the town by-laws/charter, the Town Manager is responsible for the
maintenance and repair of the school buildings and for the supervision of all work on
school buildings; the school department has jurisdiction of the rental and use of
school buildings, as well as the planning for all school buildings, including new
4. The Public Works Department distributes maintenance programs/checklist for all
buildings. Custodial staff perform some routine maintenance items as noted on the
maintenance program. Other maintenance/repair is performed by the city electrician
and maintenance/carpentry crew, or contracted out to specialized vendors as needed.
All work is coordinated and prioritized through Public Works buildings supervisor.
5. Budget allocation was discussed. For the purposes of budget planning, the town
manager budgets for all building utility costs, including schools. In addition, the
town manager's budget carries health insurance for school employees on its side.
Crossing guards are also carried on the town side.
6. The town technology department handles both city and school technology needs and
budgeting, though there are technology specialists in the schools.
7. The town carries health insurance costs for city and school employees on its budget.
8. Within the Finance Department, health insurance and life insurance benefits for both
town and school employees are handled by one office. School payroll is processed by
the town finance department, but information is collected/administered within the
school department. Though there is currently a separate School Business Manager,
they are considering adjustments to that position in light of an upcoming retirement.
9. Other information provided:
Draft FY07 Budget for School and Town Buildings Operations
Examples of Warrant Articles for Capital Improvements
Description of Public Works - Building Division responsibilities
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:30 p.m. The next meetings were
tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, May 9th at 7:00 p.m. to meet with Chris Rand, and for
Tuesday, May 16th at 9:00 a.m. to meet with representatives from Lynnfield.