Historic District Commission, Regular
July 30, 2007
City Council Chambers, Beverly City Hall,
3rd Floor
Chairperson Willo
Chairperson J
Matthew L
John Frates
Kate Newhall, Associat
Andrea Bray
Chairperson William Finch calls the meeting to order.
1. Public Hearim!:: Demolition ofilitructure at 62-64 Water Street. David
Carnevale - Determinations as to wh cture is historically significant and if
preferably preserved
2. Certificate of A ro riateness:
existing brick and block structure
two issues and then recuses himself, turning the Chair over to the
issues can be considered in unison.
vale plans to demolish the building at the site.
Younger asks for c
Robert Nelson of 12 Davis Street states that he likes old buildings but he is an old yankee
who believes that the City would be better served to see a plaque on the property which
explains the historic significance of the site. He speaks in favor of demolition.
August Meyer of 57 Front Street speaks in opposition of the demolition, stating that the
historic building that is on that site should include the present building.
Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes
July 30, 2007
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Chris Wizwold who works at 52 Water Street states that the proposed design looked
architecturally appropriate but the costs were prohibitive so they couldn't work with the
building. He adds that the owners put tenants in the building which are not good tenants.
He speaks in favor of demolition.
Dale LaJoie of 57 Front Street agrees about the tenants, but states that the structure is
worth saving.
Aurelia Nelson of 12 Davis Street states that it is more dangerous to keep that building as
it is than to take it down and build something nice. She claims that she has restored
buildings in the past and in this case it doesn't make sense to work with that old building.
She adds that it is in the best interest of the neighborhood to put up a nice plaque and
build a new building.
Justin Sullivan of 43 Front Street agrees with N
Nathan Zoll of 4 Orchard Street recognizes the fa "~ against demolition
stating that this building is one of the few things that significance to Beverly's
traditional colonial past. He states that he does not live e neighborhood but
frequently uses Water Street. He agrees that the building' 0 0 n is questionable and
maybe unsafe but maintains that it is possible to restore it to ver productivity level
it structurally was several years ago. He says that he does no elieve another condo on
Water Street should be b 0 the expense of removing one of Beverly's historic sites.
He suggests the devel 0 te with the Commission to sell the property for
preservation, usin Preservation Act, to fund this project through
additional taxes.
Carol Rose of 50 Front Str a emolition stating that the Hugh Hill
Warehouse is a rare structure. ds that the original plan to develop the warehouse
had too many units for the size 0 ilding and would have caused a loss of parking
on Front Street. Rose states that. Glovsky worked with the neighborhood residents
to form a compromise which would have 3 residential units at the warehouse. She adds
that the new plans called for the removal of the ugly cement block building addition, and
restoration of the original structure including the part destroyed in the 1938 hurricane.
She urges the Commission to vote against demolition and she urges the City to work with
the developer to allow him to carry out the compromise plan.
Gail Davis, trustee of the building at 22 Front Street, speaks against the demolition
stating that her father purchased her house to prevent it from being demolished. She
urges the Commission to maintain this historic part of Beverly.
Rosemary Maglio of30 Pleasant Street speaks against the demolition. She sites the
example of 56 Front Street which was restored and is now a nice building. She states that
the applicants must prove that this is not a historically significant building in order to
Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes
July 30, 2007
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attain a demolition certificate. She suggests a demolition delay of 12 months for some
alternative plans to be made.
Dorothy Hayes speaks against the demolition stating that the building is one of the
richest, most valuable properties that we have. She adds that the developer seemed to
have a solution to restore the building. She recommends looking to Salem to see how
they have preserved their buildings.
Joe Sweeney of 57 Front Street presents copies of two letters for
the demolition.
on. He claims that
e bought his
rtant to keep
s one
Robert Neiley of26 Front Street speaks in opposition of
the street didn't even have side walks and was in ruins at e time
property there. He adds that it since has been restored. He says it is
this building as part of Beverly's heritage and identity, and once it is go
forever and it cannot be replaced.
Paul Adam of 52 Front Street speaks in opposition to the demolition because the
applicant didn't even show up to sha is plans with the public.
Richard Davis of32 Preston Place spea
previous plans looked very good. Speak!
be a turning of ones back. He adds that if
like to see the City do it and make it a perm
Otion of the demolition stating that the
er he states that there seems to
lllg to be torn down he would
Betsy Bundy of 51 Front Street speaks in oppo
warehouse is one of the only ones in existence
of the project stating that this
wand it can be a lovely place.
of two units at 41 Front Street, expresses frustration in having
ars. He states that he is generally a preservationist at heart
veral years for something to be done with this property.
etters from the public into the record:
1. Date July 28, 2 m Jason Sevinor of 49 Front
2. Date July 27, 200 , from
against the demolition
against the demolition
Dwayne Anderson states that there is someone currently living in the property.
Turcott: Motion to close the public hearing. All members vote in favor. The
motion passes 4-0.
Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes
July 30, 2007
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Younger closes the public hearing and opens the regular meeting. He states that the
previously approved plans for the building are not to be considered tonight. He says that
the building is as historically significant today as it was then.
Lewis agrees with Younger that this is still significant.
Condon states that it is still historically significant.
Turcotte states that the place is a dump but it is worth saving.
Commission can do is delay the demolition for one year. He
impossible to find a mason who is willing to work on that b
ds that all the
s at it is virtually
Lewis: Motion to deem the building as historicall gnifi
Condon. All members vote in favor. The motion passes 4- .
Lewis: Motion to deem that the building should be preferably pres
seconded by Condon. All members vote in favor. The motion passes 4-0.
Condon states that it appears that the Olding is currently being taken down. He asks
what should be done about this.
The members discuss the demolition delay.
of the Building Department.
Younger states that this should be broug
Turcotte requests they only delay for 9 months.
can get federal grants to fix that building up.
pose a one-year demolition delay on 62-64 Front Street,
mbers vote in favor. The motion passes 4-0.
All members vo
the Certificate of Appropriateness, seconded by Turcotte.
he motion passes 4-0.
April 12. 2007 Meetin2
Turcotte: Motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Younger. All members vote
in favor. The motion passes 4-0.
New/Other Business
4. Determination of Need for Public Hearin2/Certificate of Appropriateness: 2
South Street. Krstanovic - Replace front door
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July 30, 2007
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Younger states that the Krstanovics have been before the Commission once before for
other requests. He states that William Finch met with the applicants and convinced them
to change the door design from having the Palladian window to having two small square
windows, and therefore there is no need to have them come before the Commission about
this revised design of the door. He adds that the door should be wood, not fiberglass.
Condon: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Turcotte. All members vote in favor. The
motion passes 4-0.
The meeting is adjourned at 8:20 p.m.