Parking and Traffic Commission
December 13, 2007
Conference Room B, City Hall
Joe Shairs, Richard Hutchinson, Tina Cassidy, Sue
Robert Mead, Wayne Francis
Tina Cassidy
Cassidy calls the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and explains that there are several items on
the agenda including a site plan for 83-85 Bridge Street which is pending before the Planning
(1) Proposed Site Plan for 83-85 Bridge Street
Attorney Matt Kavanaugh, owner Mike Bolland, and engineer Bob Griffin are present to
explain the site plan. They explain that Mr. Bolland recently received a variance from the
Zoning Board of Appeals to allow an addition to be built onto the existing service station.
The petroleum tanks will be removed from the ground and all gas dispensing services on site
will stop. The number of automotive repair bays will increase from 2 to 4. The Design
Review Board has already reviewed the site plan and has requested that (a) additional
landscaping be added in front of the building and (b) a wall be installed along the Bridge
Street sidewalk.
Members review the proposed plan, noting the existing and proposed driveway openings,
sidewalks, and proposed parking spaces that were approved by the Zoning Board of
Appeals. Following the review, members discussed the various aspects of the plan and
safety of pedestrians in the vicinity of the site.
At the completion of discussion, members voted unanimously to recommend the site plan
be approved, with the following conditions:
(a) That on-street parking on the northbound side of Bridge Street, between Eastern
Avenue and Hillside Avenue be eliminated;
(b) That the applicant be required to repave the sidewalk on Eastern Avenue for the
length of his frontage with concrete, to provide a visual cue to motorists leaving
the site that pedestrians may be in close proximity;
(c) That while excavation is underway on site, that portion of the site which is
undergoing excavation be protected with a chain link fence; and
(d) That plantings installed along the building's Bridge Street fa<;ade be sited so as
not to obscure visibility from the building's windows from the street.
Next on the agenda is discussion of a neighborhood request to eliminate an on-street
parking space at the intersection of Cox Court and Summit Avenue. Shairs explains that
trucks are having difficulty making the turn from Cox Court onto Summit Avenue whenever
a vehicle is parked in front of #25 Cox Court. Shairs recommends eliminating the parking
space in front of that address to solve the problem.
Following discussion, the Commission votes unanimously to recommend to the City Council
that the on-street parking space in front of #25 Cox Court (on the northbound side of the
roadway) be eliminated.
Next on the agenda is discussion of a neighborhood request to install a four-way stop sign at
the intersection of Carver Street and Livingston Avenue. Sgt. Shairs indicates that Councilor
Maureen Troubetaris filed the request on behalf of residents in the area.
Members discuss the general flow and volume of traffic on both streets and note that while
Livingstone Avenue is a busy "side" street connecting Bridge and Elliott Streets, Carver
Street by comparison has little traffic volume. As a result, there is relatively little delay
experienced by vehicles exiting Carver Street. Following the discussion, members vote
unanimously to recommend to the City Council that a four-way stop sign not be installed at
the intersection of Carver Street and Livingstone Avenue.
Next on the agenda is a neighborhood request to install "Slow Children" signs at both ends
of South Terrace. Sgt. Shairs indicates this request was also a request from residents
concerned about speeding cars creating a hazard for children in this fairly dense
Members discuss the fact that this street is a fairly narrow side street with a relatively dense
population. However, the street is not used as a through-way for traffic traveling to or from
other neighborhoods but rather is used almost exclusively by the residents who live along it.
For that reason, the Committee votes to recommend to the City Council that the request to
install "Slow Children" signs be tabled for several months in favor of directed patrols by the
Beverly Police Department. The results of the directed patrol efforts should be evaluated in
the Spring and the request reconsidered at that time if results warrant.
Cassidy states that all items on the Commission's agenda have been addressed and asks if
there are any other issues that should be discussed before the meeting is adjourned.
Hutchinson states that he is concerned that there are no "early warning" signs in place to
warn motorists approaching the four-way stop at the intersection of Hale and Dane Streets
that a stop is indeed required. Shairs states that he will conduct a site visit to determine if
additional signs are needed in order to provide adequate warning.
Cassidy asks if there is any other business. There is none. The meeting is adjourned at 11:30