2003-06-19COMMISSION ON DISABILITIES 191 CABOT STREET BEVERLY, MA 01915 MINUTES OF MEETING June 19, 2003 1. Received monthly report from ADA Coordinator: a. Listing of handicap parking violations from January to date total 93. b. Calls for assistance from January to date total 24. Suggest using names for reference. c. 171 parking lot surveys have been completed for handicap parking. d. Report on MOD survey of Route 62 (Elliott St.) e. Copy of letter to Secretary of Transportation re: Route 62. 2. Cabot Cinema found not to be in compliance due to non-accessible restrooms. Elise Bernstein to write letter to management asking them to comply. 3. Letter to Beverly businesses presented by Elise Bernstein and Kathy Tracy. Modified content and letter will be sent to Chamber of Commerce for inclusion in their newsletter. 4. Notified that Beverly National Bank will contribute for assistive listening devices for Library, but not for the labor for installation. Motion to expend $500.00 from handicap fine money to cover the installation passed 4 to 0. ADA Coordinator to place order. 5. Motion to continue ADA Coordinator’s salary for FY 04 passed 4 to 0. Evaluation will be given at July meeting. 6. Accessible trail will not be realized this year. Motion to pursue installation of curb cuts in downtown area passed 4 to 0. 7. Motion to invite Director of Public Services to July th 17 meeting to discuss this project passed 4 to 0. 8. Motion to adjourn 8:35 PM.