Parking and Traffic Commission
September 5, 2007
Conference Room B, City Hall
Wayne Francis, Chris Negrotti, Richard Hutchinson,
Tina Cassidy, Sue Mueller, Bob Mead
Richard LaFave
Tina Cassidy
Cassidy calls the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and explains that there are two items on the
agenda, both site plans pending before the Planning Board.
The first is a modified site plan application for construction of a proposed office building at
138 Conant Street. Applicant Steve Connolly explains the modifications that are being
proposed, which include relocation of the proposed driveway approximately 20' more to the
east than originally approved and widening the one way traffic aisles from 18' to 21'.
Additionally, the building itself has been modified slightly such that the comers will be right
angles as opposed to the original design. This will add about 600 sq. ft. to the overall size of
the building.
Cassidy asks the members if there are any questions on the revisions or the plan. There are
none. Cassidy asks if it is the Commission's recommendation that the revised site plan be
approved as submitted. Members concur.
Next on the agenda is discussion of a site plan for the redevelopment of the former
Friendly's site at 480-486 Rantoul Street. Representatives of the developer include Attorney
Mark Glovsky and Peter Ogren from Hayes Engineering. They explain the location of the
three proposed buildings and their uses; the two buildings closest to Rantoul Street will
contain retail stores (perhaps a restaurant) and the building at the rear of the site will have
retail on the first floor and office space on the second story. The "front" building near the
southern property line may have a drive through at some point in the future.
Ogren notes that the lot lines shown on the plan are different than originally proposed
because the developer has negotiated a land swap at the request of the owners of two
commercial condominiums on an abutting parcel. Without the land swap and resulting
reconfiguration of this proposal, the trucks servicing the commercial condominiums would
not have had sufficient room to enter and leave the site. He adds that landscaping or
fencing may be added along the western property line at some point in the future.
Francis expresses concern about the island at the entrance to Rantoul Street. Ogren
confirms they intend to construct an island and to place a freestanding sign on it. Francis
says the current configuration does not provide 18' of clearance which is the minimum
Parking and Trciffic Commission minutes
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9-5-07 meeting
necessary to allow safe passage of a fire truck. Ogren indicates there will be about 14' of
driveway width at the island, and Francis states that is inadequate.
A general discussion ensues regarding ways to address the Fire Department's concern. Serpa
states that perhaps the island can be eliminated and the sign relocated to a spot adjacent to
one of the front buildings. Ogren states that they may be able to reconfigure the driveway
entrance and the parking spaces immediately adjacent to it so that the island would not have
to be eliminated. Francis says that he prefers elimination of the island altogether, but will
require 18' of clearance in any event.
Cassidy asks the members if there are any other questions or issues relative to the site plan.
Mead states that he is comfortable with approving the plan as long as the Fire Department's
concerns are addressed. There are no other comments or questions.
Cassidy asks if it is the consensus of the Commission to recommend approval of the site
plan, subject to the applicant revising the driveway entrance onto Rantoul Street to create at
least 18' of clearance to ensure adequate access to the site by fire apparatus. This may entail
elimination of the proposed island at the new entrance or by reconfiguring the driveway's
geometrics at its intersection with Rantoul Street. Francis states that he prefers that the
island be eliminated. Cassidy states that she will note that preference in the letter that is
written to the Planning Board.
There being no other business, the meeting is adjourned at 10:45 a.m.
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9-5-07 meeting