2007-09-17 Regular Meeting Beverly City Council 7:00, PM Sept. 17, 2007 Roll Call: Councilors Present: John Burke, William Coughlin, Timothy Flaherty ,Miranda Gooding, Patricia Grimes, Kevin Hobin, Donald Martin, Maureen Troubetaris, Paul Guanci Pledge of Alleg iance to the Flag: Led by Councilor Troubetaris Appointments: Public Hearings and Presentations: 7:05 PM Beverly Airport Commission 7:20 PM P. Kampersal re Safe Drinking Water Alliance Acceptance of Minutes: Regular Meeting of September 4, 2007 Communications from His Honor the Mayor: #209 September 5, 2007 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: Attached is a draft list of streets throughout the City which we plan to improve soon. In each caser these streets require work beyond paving, be it sidewalks, curbs or drainage. We intend to do work on each of these streets this fall but paving will not be completed in many cases until spring. In addition to these streets, work will be completed this fill on Hillcrest, Cabot from Pond to Abbot and Cabot from Herrick to Balch including the portion of Balch from Cabot to the railroad tracks. As part of the Raymond Farms drainage project and the North Beverly drainage project a significant number of streets in each area will be paved but final paving must allow time for proper settlement or filled in trench areas and will occur next year. Very truly yours, William F. Scanlon, Jr., Mayor Refer to Public Services Communications from Other City Officers and Boards: #210 Beverly Airport Presentation Refer to Finance and Property Communications, Applications and Petitions: #211 Comm. from the Garage School of Art requesting waiver of City Ordinance-Alcohol in Public Building for an occasion at the Beverly Farms Public Library on Thursday October 11, 2007 from 5:00 Pm to 9:00 PM. Refer to Leqal Affairs #212 Comm. from Department of Telecommunications and Energy Notice of Filing and Public Hearing - Petition of KeySpan Energy Delivery New England for Approval of its Market Transformation/Energy Efficiency Programs 126 Receive and Place on File #213 Comm. from A. Ara Danikian requesting waiver of City Ordinance-Alcohol in Public Building for an occasion at the Beverly Farms Library On Thursday, November 1, 2007 from 5:30 -8:00 PM. Refer to Leqal Affairs #214 Application for Auctioneers License-Kaminski Auctioneers Recommend license be qranted Reports from Committees: #141 The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of Communication re negotiations with JRM have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Receive and Place on File Order read once and adopted 9-0 Vote #171 The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of Incident report Lost and Found Property have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Receive and Place on File Order read once and adopted 9-0 Vote #172 The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of communication re police report and conduct of Councilor have considered said matter and abeg leave to report as follows, to wit: Receive and Place on File Order read once and adopted 9-0 Vote #162 The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of appointment as Constable of Bruce Hall have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the council approve the appointment Order read once and adopted 9-0 Vote #164 The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of Communication from ZBA relative to Holcroft Park Homes have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Receive and Place on File Order read once and adopted 9-0 Vote #176 The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of Appointment as Constable Mark Snider have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the Council approve the appointment 127 Order read once and adopted 9-0 Vote #202 The Committee on Legal Affairs and accounts to whom was referred the matter of application fro two limousine licenses-Tristar Chauffeur Management have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows to wit: Recommend the license be Granted Order Read once and Adopted 9-0 Vote #203 The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of Second Hand Junk Dealers License, Janice Lebow have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit; Recommend the License be Granted Order read once and adopted 9-0 Vote #211 The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of Request to waive Alcohol in Public Building Ordinance have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption Ordered: That the City Council approve the request of The Garage School of Art to waive City Ordinance Chao 15-Sec. 10 Alcohol in Public Building for an occasion at the Beverly Farms Library on Thursday October 11, 2007 from 5-9:00 PM. Order read once and adopted 9-0 Vote #213 The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of Request to waive Alcohol in Public Building Ordinance have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption Ordered: That the City Council approve the request of A. Ara Danikian to waive City Ordinance Chao 15-Sec. 10 Alcohol in Public Building for an occasion at the Beverly Farms Library on Thursday November 1, 2007 from 5:30 to 8:00 PM. Order read once and adopted 9-0 Vote #171 The Committee on Public Services to whom was referred the matter of Comm. re Police Incident-Lost and Found Property have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Receive and Place on File Order read once and adopted 9-0 Vote #172 The Committee on Public Services to whom was referred the matter of Comm. re Police Report and conduct of Councilor have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Receive and Place on File Order read once and adopted 9-0 Vote #190 128 The Committee on Public Services to whom was referred the matter of Appointment to Council on Aging Patricia Reade and Sandra T orode have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the Council approve the appointments Order read once and adopted 9-0 Vote #191 The Committee on Public Services to whom was referred the matter of Reappointment to Council on Aging of Cynthia Montalbano have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the Council approve the appointment Order read once and adopted 9-0 Vote #192 The Committee on Public Services to whom was referred the matter of appointment to Parks and Recreation Commission-Jan Jefgood have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the Council approve the appointment Order read once and adopted 9-0 Vote #170 The Committee on the Whole to whom as referred the matter of Communication regarding 15 minute public input session have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Refer to Legal Affairs Order read once and adopted 9-0 Vote #171 The Committee on the Whole to whom was referred the matter of Comm. re Police Incident-Lost and Found Property have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Receive and Place on File Order read once and adopted 9-0 Vote #172 The Committee on Public Services to whom was referred the matter of Comm. re Police Report and conduct of Councilor have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Receive and Place on File Order read once and adopted 9-0 Vote #186 The Committee of the Whole to whom was referred the matter of Request for investigation by FBI into allegations of corruption within Police Department have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit Refer to Finance and Property Order read once and adopted #189 The Committee on the Whole to whom as referred the matter of Mayor's Report have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: 129 Refer to Finance and Property Order read once and adopted 9-0 Vote #199 The Committee on the Whole to whom as referred the matter of Open Space and Recreation Draft Plan have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Refer to Public Services Order read once and adopted 9-0 Vote Unfinished Business: Resolutions: Motions and Orders: #215 By Councilor Guanci: Section 8-5 of the Beverly City Charter requires the City Council to review the City's Code of Ordinance every five years. Attached to this communication is an order calling for that review to be conducted by outside counsel as well as funding request for Mayor Scanlon to consider and approve. The members of the Ordinance Review Committee and the City's Legal Department decided outside counsel would be the most effective approach to seeing this task done completely and efficiently. Refer to Finance and Property #216 By Councilor Guanci: In the spring the City Council approved an order to create a Forecasting Committee comprised of members of the City Council and members of the School Committee for the purpose of reviewing future revenue sources and expenditures in order to aid future policy making decisions. I have asked Councilor Donald Martin to serve as committee chairman and have asked Councilor Miranda Gooding to assist in this important venture. I will serve as the third councilor on the committee. I have requested that Nancy Brusil, School Committee President, appoint two members also. It would be he committee's goal to present a report to both the City Council and School Committee in December of this year. Receive and Place on File #217 By Councilor Burke: Resignation from Parking and Traffic Commission of Richard J. LaFave Approved 9-0 Vote #218 By Councilor Burke: Ordered that the Beverly City Council appoint Mrs. Nancy C. Scialdone of 24 Beckford Street as a member of the Beverly Parking and Traffic Commission, filling the unexpired term of Richard J. LaFave who has resigned due to time constraints. Refer to Public Services #219 By Councilor Gooding: 130 We Arben & Rajmonda Buzi are the owners of the single family on 11 Pickett Street and want to have a permit for placing a dumpster 13 by 8 foot. Because our driveway is to narrow the dumpster is going to be placed 5 foot in the driveway and 7 foot out of it, for no more than 5 days. The dumpster company is Dumpster R Us, Inc. The dumpster that we order was the smallest that they can provide. Refer to Finance and Property Meeting adjourned: 8:45 PM Frances A. Macdonald, CMC City Clerk 131