Members Present:
Historic District Commission
April 12, 2007
William Finch, John Condon, James Younger, Ralph
Turcotte, Matthew Lewis
John Frates
Kate Newhall, Associate Planner
Kate Newhall
Members Absent:
Others Present:
Mr. Finch calls the meeting of the Historic District Commission to order at 7pm.
1. Certificate of Appropriateness - Marcia Talbot - 53 Bartlett Street
Ms. Talbot explains proposal. She plans to replace the three-piece window and door unit on the
southeast side of the building with a partial clapboard wall and new paired custom wood window
with wood muntins on the outside and on the inside.
Mr. Younger questions the materials and whether or not the new window is vinyl.
Ms. Talbot states it is wood.
Mr. Finch asks if the windowsill is at same height as other sills as viewed from inside the home.
Ms. Talbot states the she didn't measure that, is not sure.
Mr. Finch states that the proposed window units meet the expectations of the Commission.
Mr. Richard Laws, President of Homeowner's Association supports the proposal.
Mr. Finch states that the original window/door unit did not have the muntins. This proposal is
more compatible with the adjacent character of the front fa<;ade. The unit is located on the
southeastern side of the home and is not readily visible from the main street. He suggests
looking into having both the head and the sill of the window from the inside at the same level.
This is not a requirement of the approval.
Mr. Younger makes the motion to approve the application as presented. Mr. Condon seconds.
All of the members are in support. Motion carries.
2. Certificate of Appropriateness - William Finch and Carol Rose - 50 Front Street
Mr. Finch recuses himself from the Commission since he has submitted the application for the
Certificate of Appropriateness.
Mr. Younger assumes the chair position for the Commission.
Mr. Finch states that the application refers to stones taken from the foundation of the building
and piled into an informal wall along the front of the house. He wanted to remain consistent
with Commission's practices and wanted to submit an application. The wall stands 2 feet high at
its highest point and runs along a portion of the sidewalk and the driveway.
Mr. Younger states that there are no members of the public present. He asks Commissioners for
comments/questions regarding Mr. Finch's application.
Mr. Turcotte asks about the sidewalk and whether or not any of the wall encroaches onto the
Mr. Finch explains that the wall is on his property, not on the sidewalk.
The Commission feels that the wall is very small, contained solely on Mr. Finch's property, and
constructed of "authentic" materials, with the rocks having been taken from the home's
Mr. Turcotte makes a motion to accept the proposal as presented, Mr. Lewis seconds. All
members are in favor. Motion carries.
3. Approval of Minutes
The Commission reviews the minutes from the December 13, 2006 meeting.
Mr. Younger makes a motion to approve minutes as written, Mr. Turcotte seconds. All members
are in favor. Motion carries.
4. New/Other Business
Ms. Newhall states that the Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) has sent a copy of the
Area Form for Route 127 to the Commission for inclusion in the HDC files. She requests a vote
for the acceptance of inventory form into HDC files.
Mr. Finch states that Ms. Leah Zambernardi and he have reviewed the form in the past and that it
is appropriate and accurate.
Mr. Younger makes a motion to accept the MHC Area Form for Route 127 into the HDC files.
Mr. Condon seconds. All members are in favor. Motion carries.
5. Adjournment
Mr. Condon makes a motion to adjourn, Mr. Younger seconds. All members are in favor.
Motion carries.
The meeting adjourns at 7:20pm.