Elise R. Bernstein
Stephen C. Reynolds
Kevin Gallant
Norman E. Ganley
Carlo Sartori
191 Cabot Street
Beverly, MA 01915
(508) 921-6000
Minutes Of July 16, 1996 BCOD Meeting
Members In Attendance: Elise Bernstein, Art Daignault, Norm Ganley, Kevin Gallant & Steve
Reynolds. Others In Attendance: Susan Cole, Patricia & Tim Hoy
1. Re: BCOD Bus. Cards- It was decided that Kevin Gallant would buy a software program to
do up a few of our own business cards to use when doing access surveys, attending meetings,
or just as an ID, rather than going through the expense of printing up 500 for everyone with
turnover, etc.
2. The entire membership spent the majority of the meeting discussing (editing and critiquing)
the FIP Space Survey forms which Art Daignault and Keyin Gallant had worked on. Steve R.
facilitated a conversation on his suggested process and timeline for completing the HP Space
Survey project. Art told us about an address list of property owners to assist in the project. It
was unanimously voted that we but it if the cost was reasonable. Art to investigate and report
to Steve. Elise to look into exposure with BEV-TV which Tim Hoy said was free.
3. Steve updated all on letters to Beverly Postmaster Jake Zaleski from BCOD and Beverly
resident/state access monitor, Stephen Hoy.
4. Elise updated all on Turtle Woods Access issues and reported great progress in meeting with
architect about re-doing kitchens there.
5. Plans for all members, including Tim Hoy and Bob Nelson to go to the State/MOD Access
Training on 7/23 were discussed.
6. Members agreed to meet next on August 27mvs. 8/20 due to Steve's vacation plans.
7. Steve reported that a budget of $1500 had been approved by the Mayor, subjec~ to the
approval of the City Council.
8. Members agreed to meet on the 3~ Weds of each month starting in Sept due to scheduling
conflicts at the library,
9. It was decided to talk about "City Watch" at next meeting.
10. Susan Cole reported problems with curb cuts at So. Hardy St. and Railroad Av. Norm agreed
to look at it and call George Zambouras.