2007-04-20 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: LOCATION: MEMBERS PRESENT: Parking and Traffic Commission MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: RECORDER: April 20, 2007 Conference Room B, City Hall Wayne Francis, Chris Negrotti, Richard Hutchinson, Tina Cassidy, Sue Mueller, Bob Mead Richard LaFave Tom Alexander, Thad Siemasko, Bob Griffin Tina Cassidy Cassidy opens the meeting at 10:30 a.m. and asks Mr. Alexander to make a presentation. Alexander explains that the applications before the Planning Board involve the Federal Heights condo project at 253 Rantoul/ 48 Federal Street which is under construction. The project as built to date does not conform to the plans approved by the Planning Board, and the mortgage company which now owns the property wants to rectify the situation. Alexander lists the differences that are arguably matters for the Parking and Traffic Commission to consider. Griffin distributes copies of a revised plan that has been modified to include an additional handicapped parking space near the new building; previously, the only handicapped space on site was adjacent to Rantoul Street. The driveway opening onto Rantoul Street has been narrowed to 24' in width, and additional curbing and a street tree will be installed to take up the difference. Griffin also explains that the width of the entrance to the underground parking lot on the southern fa<;ade has been increased to 18', instead of the 14' originally requested. The opening on the western fa<;ade is now 11' wide instead of the 16' of width shown on the approved plans. Griffin adds that spaces #19 and 20 mayor may not be needed. They are not in existence today, and the ultimate need for them will depend on the uses in the commercial building which is currently vacant. Cassidy expresses concern about the width of the driveway openings and the fact that the vehicles in both of the outdoor parking spaces (spaces #17 and 18) will have to back through the garage to exit every time they leave. Griffin states that with the 3' wide pedestrian way next to the western entrance effectively provides 14' of access. Griffin adds that since only unit owners will park in the garage, they will be accustomed to the arrangement concerning those spaces. There is a general discussion about the outdoor parking spaces and access to that side of the building by fire fighters. Francis says that the fire lane is ineffective for truck access and access to the garage via the lane would be difficult, requiring men to take hoses down a retaining wall. He would like to Draft Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 1 of2 April20, 2007 see access from the surface parking lot on the Rantoul Street side of the building. Alexander suggests providing access through the proposed fence at the trash corral and Francis agrees that this would address his concern. Cassidy asks if it alleviates any concern he might have about parking spaces #17 and #18, and Francis says he would have no problem with the spaces if that access was provided. N egrotti notes the location of the structural columns in the interior of the garage and is concerned that cars could back into them and damage them. He suggests adding bollards around the southernmost columns to protect them from vehicles, and Alexander agrees to provide it. Cassidy asks N egrotti if he has any concerns about the two outdoor parking spaces and he answers no. Mead says he is in favor of the plan so long as the public safety personnel are satisfied. Mueller has no questions or issues with the proposal. Hutchinson says his concerns have been addressed by the earlier discussions. Cassidy states that she cannot vote in favor of the plan because of her concern about the safety of vehicles entering and exiting the garage. She states that the vote of the Commission will be 5-1 to recommend to the Planning Board that the plan be approved SUBJECT TO the addition of bollards around the southernmost columns in the underground garage and the installation of an opening in the fence surrounding the proposed trash corral to provide access to the south side of the building by public safety personnel. There being no other business, the meeting is adjourned at 11:20 p.m. Draft Parking and Traffic Commission Minutes Page 2 of2 April20, 2007