1998-06-18 Minutes of Meeting
June 18, 1998
Beverly Public Library
Fogg Room - 7:00 p.m.
Members present: Elise Bernstein, Art Daignault, Kevin Gallant, Norm Ganley and Steve Reynolds
Members Absent: Tim Hoy and Bob Nelson
Guests: Eileen Twiss and Greg Ames
I. Members reviewed and accepted the agenda with the addition of the Shopper's Shuttle, Memorial
Middle School and Eileen Twiss.
II. Members reviewed and accepted the minutes of the May 21, 1998 meeting.
III. Old Business:
A. ADA Day in Salem
1. This speciai event is to be held on July 26, 1998,
2. No new information to report!
B. HP Survey Update:
1. There has been movement on the part of the City to be "in compliance."
2. West Beach Update:
a. No change in status of the West Beach situation.
b. Any agreement made between the BCOD and West Beach must be
approved by all members of the BCOD.
c. Based on the area of the property, BCOD would like to have an
approximate number of vehicles that could be parked on the property.
Norm Canlay to look into this.
3. The private sector parking lots are ready to be re-surveyed after July 1, 1998.
4. Dodge Crossing Update:
a. Art Daignault has had no response to phone messages by Derek
Cavanaugh, owner of Dodge Crossing on Enon Street. The parking
lot was re-striped, but not to the agreement made by Mr.
Cavanaugh and Mr. Daignault. The Cornmission agreed to write a
letter to Mr. Cavanaugh. Mr. Daignault will do this.
5. Memorial Middie School
a. Art Daignault met with representatives from the School Department
and Pat Hines of "Lines by Hines," in regards to the striping of the
HP area which the Principal of Memorial disagreed with.
b. The final agreement was the following:
- The "van accessible" space and access aisle would
be moved to the left and the two other HP spaces
with the access aisles would be moved to the right, so
that a crosswalk would be placed in the middle for
the safety of the children.
c. The attitude of the Principle of Memorial left something to be
desired. Art DaignauFt wrote a letter to the Superintendent in regards
to this matter.
6. At the next meeting, the Commission will review and discuss the "financially
exempt" status of some of the private property owners in regards to HP.
C. HPP Program Update:
1. No information to report!
D. Beverly Post Office Celebration Update:
1. There has not been any correspondence from Mr. Muse in regards to a
2. Elise Bernstein is going to write a letter to Mr. Muse to find out the status of the
E. AAB Matters
1. Dunkin Donuts:
a. Work is in progress on making the business accessible.
2. City Hall:
a. According to Dawn Goodwin, the grant money will be used before
the end of the month. The contract has been awarded and has been
asked to start purchasing the materials needed for the project. In that
way, the money will get used and not be lost.
3. "Mackerel Cove Association"
a. Residential organization of the Dane Street Beach/Lothrop Street
area who want to improve their area of the City.
b. Areas of concern are the following: sidewalks and curb cuts.
F. Common Victualer's License
1. The BCOD would like to find out the status of the Licensing Board. Norm
Ganley will write a letter in regards to this matter.
G. Shopper's Shuttle
1. Art Daignault wrote a letter to Tina Cassidy, City Planning Director, with respect
to the ABC Bus Company violatinl~ their contract with the City in not using a
specific dedicated bus for the Shopper's Shuttle. The bus that is used periodically in
not "accessible" for individuals in a wheelchair. A meeting is being set-up with the
President of ABC Bus Company by Tina Cassidy.
H. Surf Chair's
1. Elise Bernstein will request a meeting with the Chamber of Commerce regarding
donations for surf chairs.
2. Elise Bernstein will do a joint letter with Joan Fairbanks, Director of Parks &
Recreation, and Mayor Scanion to the Beverly Lions Club.
IV. New Business
A. Dunham Castle
1. There will be a meeting of the Board of Trustees on July 2, 1998.
2. The Commission agreed to send a letter to Essex Management in regards to the
ramps and doorway that need to be repaired, so that they will be "in compliance."
3. Art Daignault will write the letter to Essex Management. The letter will include:
a. Prompt reply with a plan of action and a timetable for the project
b. Commission will offer their assistance
c. If no prompt response, the Commission will notify the complainant
as to his options
B. Eileen Twiss
1. There was discussion regarding a motion by Art Daignault for Eileen Twiss an
ex-officio member of the Commission. The motion passed and Eiteen Twiss
accepted the offer.
V. Next Meetinl~ is August 20, '1998 at the Beverly Public Library's Fo88 Room at 7:00 p.m.
VI. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.