February 19, 1998
Beverly Library - Program Room
Members Present: Ehse Bernstein, Art Daignault, Kevin Gallant, Tim Hoy, Bob
Nelson and Steve Reynolds
Members Absent: Nonn Ganley (excused)
Ex Officio Member: Patty Hoy
Guest: Eileen Twiss-Resident, Russell Rollins-City CouncilWard 2, Ralph Hickey-
Mass. Office on Disability (MOD), William Terry-Bev. Licensing Board, John
Tre~3,-Bev. Chamber of Commerce, Bob Munroe-Assistant City Solicitor, Virginia
McG!ynn-City Councilor Ward 4, Catbryn OIlare-Beverly Citizen, Tim Flaherty-
Councilor at Large, Tim Brennan-Building Inspector, and Peter Seamarts-
Administrative Aide to Mayor ScanIon.
This evening's agenda for the Commission was the Common Viticular License. The
purpose of this meeting was to have an open dialog between the BCOD, the
business community and city officials in an effort to make businesses in Beverly
"accessible" to the disabled community and to address the issues of concern of the
After the welcome of the participants, a video was shown of how one city in
Washington state became "accessible" with all parties in the city working together.
One reaction to the video was: What is "reasonable" to become "accessible" fxom a
financial viewpoint?
Bob Hickey of the MOD helped set-up a Common Viticular License for the town of
Chelmford stated that it is good to have a spirit of good faith and have a plan to
become "accessible." He also mentioned that the Building Inspector has to work
together with the Commission on Disabilities. The Business Community also has to
work with the Commission on Disabilities, especially when business is slow.
There are five (5) steps to being "acA~ssible." They are as follows:
a) Handicap Parking
b) Handicap Signage
c) Having a ramp and path
d) Having an entrance
e) A path of travel to the restroom
What are the potential problems7
a) $ - who has hardship7 (tax credit can provide relict)
b) How to define "reasonable and achievable?"
c) Could the city get block grants for future years to provide $ for
business? Or local banks might offer loans?
d) Who has the authority over the actions of the Beve~y Licensing
Board7 How to create a process between the Licensing Board and the
City Council?
e) The task of visiting and evaluating 123 places which could mean the
hiring of additional staff to the Building Inspector's Office.
f) How to create a communication link between the Building
Inspector, Licensing Board and the City Council.
Common Excuses for Businesses not to become "accessible" are as follows:
a) "I'm exempt."
b) "I can not afford it."
c) "We'll carry the wheelchair."
d) "Tell them to go elsewhere."
Tim Hoy of BCOD suggested to have Jim Maroney of Media One do a show on the
Common Vitieular License fxom an educational point of wlew. This idea was well
received by the participants.
The next meeting of the BCOD is March 19, 1998 at the Beverly Public
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.