2006-12-14 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: LOCATION: MEMBERS PRESENT: Parking and Traffic Commission MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: December 14, 2006 Conference Room B, 3rd Floor City Hall Tina Cassidy, Sue Mueller, Richard Hutchinson, Richard LaFave Chris Negrotti, Wayne Francis Mickey Northcutt and Don Preston (Beverly Affordable Housing Coalition), Dick Doherty (Hancock Associates) Tina Cassidy RECORDER: Cassidy calls the meeting to order at 11 :30 a.m. and explains that the commission is meeting to review a site plan review application and a special permit application for the former Mayflower Motel at 319-325 Cabot Street. The Beverly Affordable Housing Coalition has purchased the property and wants to tear down the existing "motel" structure and construct a new one closer to Cabot Street that would be used as single occupancy, affordable housing. Dick Doherty of Hancock Associates addresses the members and explains the proposed site plan. The total number of housing units on site today is 34; 23 units are in the existing motel structure, and 11 are in the other mixed use building on the site. After the project there will be a total of 48 housing units on site. Doherty explains that there are 13 parking spaces on site today, serving the 34 existing units. They will be adding parking spaces to bring the total number of spaces on site after construction to 43 parking spaces. Doherty informs the members that the applicants have filed several variance requests with the Zoning Board of Appeals. Requested variances include a variance to allow the building to be 38' tall, 3' taller than permitted by zoning; a variance to reduce the size of a parking space from 9' wide by 18' long to 8' wide by 18' long; a variance for the total number of spaces provided on site; a variance for the minimum width of a two way traffic aisle from 24' to 18'. LaFave asks for clarification on the number of units on the site today and after the project. Doherty lists the changes in number of units as well as parking spaces. He points out one area of the parking lot (the southern corner) where the two-way travel aisles will be only 18' wide. A brief discussion was held regarding the commercial spaces on site. Doherty explains that one of the buildings currently houses a nail salon, an electronics store, a Brazilian store, and an accountant's office. He adds that the Brazilian store generates largely foot traffic, and the accountant's work is seasonal (and so, therefore, is the customer traffic associated with it). Parking and Traffic Commission minutes Page 1 of2 December 14, 2006 meeting Cassidy expresses concern about the parking needs of the commercial businesses, and asks if the part of the parking lot closest to the business establishments can be dedicated to retail customer parking. After additional discussion, she suggests an alternative which is to use the southern portion of the parking lot that has the reduced traffic aisle widths for parking by employees of the commercial establishments. The applicants agree to such an arrangement. Preston notes that the Beverly Affordable Housing Coalition will be placing a deed restriction on the property that will guarantee the rental units' affordability in perpetuity. Cassidy asks if there are any other questions or comments from commission members. There are none. She asks if it is the consensus of the Parking and Traffic Commission to recommend approval of the site plan and special permit SUBJECT TO THE CONDITION that the southern portion of the parking lot (that portion that does not meet the minimum aisle width of 24') be used as employee parking for the commercial establishments on site. Members agree that it is consensus of the committee. There being no other business, the meeting is adjourned at 12:15 p.m. Parking and Traffic Commission minutes Page 2 of2 December 14, 2006 meeting