January 15, 1998
Beverly Library - Fogg Room
Members Present: Elise Bernstein, Art Daignault, Keyin Gallant and Steve Reynolds
Members Absent: Norm Ganley & Tim Hoy (excused) and Bob Nelson (unexcused)
Ex Officio Member:
I. The Agenda for this meeting was reviewed and accepted by the members present.
It. The Minutes of the November & December meetings of 1997 were reviewed and
accepted by the members present.
IlL Old Business
A. HP Survey Update
1. Members considered sending "Thank You" letters to those owners who
are in compliance and not to forget those owners who asked for advice
prior to any changes being made.
2. Art Daignault is to formulate a list of properties that were surveyed in
1997 as either in compliance, non-compliance or no change.
3. In a potential letter, we must emphasize that the owner may find
himself/herself involved with the Attorney General's Office for non-
B. HPP Program Update/Discussion
1. No problems or issues to be discussed.
C. Beverly Post Office Update
1. Steve Reynolds is to call Earl Maxwell and Jim Coan of the regional
office in Reading regarding a celebration after the completion of the ramp
that will make the Beverly Post Office accessible to the disable
D. AAB Reform, Dunldn Donuts Update & New Bakery Issue at 1 West St. in
Beverly Farms
1. Steve Reynolds is going to obtain an update on the AAB regulation
2. Steve Reynolds is to fax the Mayor in order to receive an update from
the Mayor's meeting with Bert Glovsky regarding the placement of the
new ramp at Dunkin Donuts on Cabot Street.
3. Steve Reynolds called AI DeFuseo Jr. regarding the meeting with
the AAB. His son expressed that the AAB liked the ideas that they
presented to the Board. Steve is going to contact A1 DeFusco Sr. prior to
the next meeting.
E. Common Victualer's License
1. Art Daignault is to contact the Library to see what dates are available
for the Program Room from February 19th and going into March.
2. The status of the video is that it still hasn't been found, according to
Elise Bernstein. She stated that the video cost $400.00 to buy. Steve
Reynolds made the suggestion that the Commission buy the video. No
motion was made.
3. Steve Reynolds is to call The Massachusetts Restaurant Association.
4. The Agenda for the Common Victualer License meeting is as follows:
a. Introduction of BCOD's objectives in having a Common
Victualer License for Beverly.
b. Presentation of the Video
c. Speaker from the City of Cambridge to share their experiences
with the Common Victualer License.
d. Discussion of problems/issues that the business community fear
with the passage of this license.
e. Discussion of the process by which an owner can obtain this
5. Information Requested
a. Tax credits for owners that make their establishment accessible.
b. Letter from the Mayor or Peter Searoans endorsing this license.
c. Elise Bernstein is going to seek some information regarding the
Economic Development Industrial Counc'~ (EDIC) that Joyce Golin
is involved with.
6. Invitations to be sent to the following individuals:
a. Russ Rollins - Legal Affairs & Accounts
b. Arty. Bob Munroe - City Solicitor's Office
c. Tim Brennan - Building Inspector
d. Peter lttomas & Tom Trudell - Chamber of Commerce
e. Peter Seamans - ADA Coordinator
f. Members of the Beve~y Commission on Disabilities
New Business
A. City Buildings/ADA Transition Plan and Permanent Building Commission