MARCH 1, 2007
ROLL CALL: Present: Jake Petronzio, Russ Hadley, Jerry Guilebbe, George Casey
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted.
e-mail from Director of Public Works, Michael Collins on installing a railing at the
entrance to the Veterans Room here at Memorial Building, we will also forward him a list
of items that we would like to request be completed at Veterans Memorials at Odell park
and here at Memorial Building.
Jake Petronzio asked to have the floor and review where we stand on the new plaques at
Veterans Memorials at Odell Park, the cost for the plaque for the Bell will be $ 975.00
completed and installed. The remainder of the plaques we will discuss at a later date, the
costs will run into the thousands of dollars.
Further discussion took place on type of plaques, material to be used and size, this
decision will dictate the actual costs for all the plaques, the quote is here on file in the
Veterans Office, it was reviewed by all and available to anyone who wises to review the
Jerry Guilebbe gave a report on the meeting he had with the Parks and Recreation
Committee on February 18t at the Public Library. There was not a quorum for the meeting
so it was more of an open discussion, the committee members who were there looked at
the drawing and after much discussion asked that it be updated to include all changes that
have taken place and all future changes.
George Casey made a motion we open this topic for discussion, seconded and passed.
Jerry Guilebbe will take the drawing and have all the changes both current and future
added to the drawing, Jake suggested that we have the drawing looked at by the Mayor,
we as a group agree. Once this has been approved we will then take it to the Parks and
Recreation Commission, if the document is approved we will then ask that Veterans
Memorials at Odell park be turned over to the War Memorial Advisory Committee. At
this point we will then ask the City Council to draft an order and bring before the Council
for a hearing and a vote.
Jake Petroinzio made a motion we set up a time to meet with the Mayor, seconded and
passed. We called the Mayor's Secretary Linda Giallongo and she has scheduled the
meeting for Monday March 5th at 11 :00 am.
Motion was made to adjourn by Russ Hadley; seconded and passed, meeting was
adjourned at 10:25 am
Next meeting will be Aprillih, 2007 at Memorial Building.