JANUARY 3, 2007
Meeting called to order at 9:00 am:
Jake Petronzio
Russ Hadley
George Casey
Jerry Guilebbe
Jake Petronzio called the meeting to order, again the question on the status of the GAR
Hall, we still have many items that has to be removed from the Hall. Jake made a motion
that we contact the Mayor and set up a meeting with him on our plan to remove what is
left at the GAR and move it to Memorial, Jerry remained Jake that we have an additional
storage area at Memorial that we need to clean up that can be used for storage of items
used once or twice a year, this will free up more space in our meeting room.
Jake suggested we bring this all up with the Mayor when we have our meeting, seconded
and approved by all.
Russ Hadley asked about what will happen to the Memorial and flagpoles at the High
School when construction starts and to make sure that they are incorporated into the new
High School design. George Casey also asked out the memorials that are inside the
building, we will bring this up to the Mayor at our meeting.
Jerry Guilebbe brought up Memorial Day this year and how at the last Veterans Council
meeting we decided to only have one band plus the High School Band. We are also not
sure on the National Guard Unit, who may have had a group sent to Iraq, an invitation
has been sent this week to them.
Jake and Russ made a motion that to get costs for the plaques for the Bell Tower and
have them for next meeting, it was seconded and approved; the group would like to have
them completed for Memorial Day.
Russ made a motion that we look into pruning the trees at Veterans Park, a brief
discussion was had and we will send a letter to the arborist to get his thoughts and
recommendations, also discussion on a light for the bell was discussed, a motion was
seconded and passed that we send a letter to the City Electrician for his input along with
the letter to the arborist.
Committee Reports;
There were no reports
Motion was made to adjourn by George Casey, seconded by Russ Hadley, motion passed
and the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 am.