LPAC Minutes: October 19, 2005
Talking Points Relative to LPAC’s Letter to Mayor Scanlon
1. What will be the composition of the entity in charge of the Lynch Park carriage house?
a. Parks and Recreation Commission as it is today.
b. Parks and Recreation Commission plus additional members.
c. Some other existing city government agency.
d. New authority created from scratch.
e. Something else.
2. What will be the authority of the entity in charge?
a. Enter into contractual agreements, formal and informal.
b. Care and custody of building.
c. Operation of building.
d. Finances, i.e. setting and collecting fees and keeping proceeds earmarked for
continued improvements.
e. Usage of the building.
3. Procedure for making adjustments to Questions 1 and 2 if deemed appropriate?
4. Continued role of the Lynch Park Advisory Committee?
5. Specific questions for John Dunn in advance of our meeting with him Nov. 30?
Also, what are the mechanics of creating the ad promised to Maria’s and getting the copy
to Joscelyn before she goes on maternity leave?