November 19, 1997
Beverly Public Library - Fogg Room
Present: Elise Bemsteh~ Norm Ganley, Bob Nelson (late - work at City Hall), Steve
Reynolds, Counc~or Russ Rollins, and Mayor ScanIon (few minutes)
Absent: Art Daignault & Kevin Gallant (excused absences), Patti Hoy and Tim Hoy
L The Agenda for this meeting was reviewed and accepted by the membership.
IL The Minutes of 10/16/97 meeting were reviewed and accepted by the membership.
lII. Old Business
A. City Hall Access Update
1. On 11/18/97, the City Council approved funds to hold a public hearing
on the City Hall modi~catious.
2. BCOD member on the Building Commission - Norm Ganley
3. Follow-up letter to Mayor Scanlon to advise him of the need to make
immediate plans for City Hall access.
B. I-IP Survey Update
C. HPP Program Update/Discussion
D. Beverly Post Office Update
1. Susan Cole phoned Steve Reynolds to inform him that she was told that
the modifications would not be completed prior to 12/97. Steve R. will
follow-up with the Postmaster and work out making services available.
E. AAB Reform, Dunkin Donuts Update & New Bakery Issue at 1 West St. in
Beverly Farms
1. How to address access issues?
2. AAB to review both businesses.
3. BCOD should be a part of the process to approve the assessment of
the accessibility of a building prior to its opening.
F. Common Victualer's Liceuse
1. Committee of Legal Affairs & Accounts
a. Prior to the ordinance being in place, can we somehow review
licenses of new businesses.
b. Review of the waiver process.
c. Representatives from the BCOD, City Hall (Russ RoBins), City
Solicitor' s Office (Attorney Bob Munroe), Building Inspector (Tim
Brennan) and the Chamber of Commerce to meet in January, 1998
to begin discussion to develop the criteria for the Common
Viclnaler Liceuse.
d. BCOD is to provide a video and experiences of other cities /
towns in setting up such a process.
e. Move that, we do informalion and kick-off a meeting in January
at 7:00 pm at the Beverly Public Library regarding the Common
Victualer Liceuse.
- Note that restrooms may not be needed in a grocepJ store
and gas station.
- Plumbing Codes?
- What sets off rehab.; for example, replacing gas tanks.
f. Representatives from the Mass. Office on Disabilities and the
Cambridge Commission on Disabilities to be invited to the
g. Availability of grants/loans for businesses. As the property is
sold, the lien is to be paid back to the City for re-loaning.
IV. Adjournment
A. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm when the library closed.