LPAC August minutes/Page 1 of 3
Lynch Park Advisory Committee Minutes for August 18, 2005
Mission Statement: To enhance Beverly’s jewel to a 21
century community park while maintaining its historic
character and charm.
Attending were Rich Benevento, Liz Caputo, Tina Cassidy,
Tom Clark, Nancy Clark, Ginny Currier, Bruce Doig, Susan
Egan, Joan Fairbank, Stacy McHugh and Nick Zarkades.
July minutes were approved.
Bruce Doig delivered the treasurer’s report for January 1
through August 17. Beginning balance was $11,118.73,
revenue $7,520.21, expenses $4,391.41 for an ending balance
of $14,247.53. David S. Lynch Appreciation Day netted
New officers were elected for an unspecified period of
time, Rich having served as chairman and Joan as secretary
since June 2002. Joan and Tom Clark are co-chairs, Bruce is
treasurer and Nancy Clark is secretary.
Tina Cassidy addressed the city’s issues with pursuing
National Register status for the carriage house based on
pitfalls with the Golf & Tennis Club including unapproved
window replacement and elevator position.
Tom reported that the roof work was to begin sometime after
September 7.
Nick is working on the completion of the promotional
Susan Egan presented a comprehensive strategic planning
session in which the committee listed the opportunities and
issues facing LPAC. (See attached.)
Next meeting will be at the main library, September 15, 7
Respectfully submitted by recording secretary Nancy Clark
LPAC August minutes/Page 2 of 3
Lynch Park Advisory Committee
Mission Statement
“To enhance Beverly’s jewel to a 21 century community park while
maintaining its historic character and charm.”
Opportunities Facing LPAC
1. Park Resources – H2O – Multi-use – Community gathering place, most
popular park, long history as a park, every age group
2. Harness community support
3. Expanded H2O opportunities – Viewing pier, sailing, kayaking, play
4. Develop & expand all aspects of history
5. Theater productions]
] cultural and arts venue
6. Symphony ]
Issues Facing LPAC
1. $$$ - $15,000,000 - Carriage House 5K, 5 yrs-2010, roof year 1,
year 2 envelope
2. Dog – animal issues
3. Maintenance
4. Neighborhood concerns – noise, parking
5. Pedestrian & vehicular conflicts
6. Accessibility
7. Signage
8. Lighting
9. Policy & Use
10.Self-sustaining income
12.Discontinuing of site features
13.Contractural obligations – Dick & June’s, camp
14.Community acceptance/awareness
LPAC August minutes/Page 3 of 3
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Proposed Strategic Items
Committee Structure
Historic Designation –year 1
Development –all years
Policy & Use
Marketing & PR –all years
Events –Open House of Carriage House, Christmas, Halloween
Public Relations –city boards, city council
Finance –all years
Committee to Recruit More Members
Strategic Development Plan
Direct Mail
Annual Fund
Solicitation – gate/concerts
Fund Raising – auction
Endowment (5% for preservation)
Planned Giving
Major Gifts
Capital Campaign
Strategic Plan – Financial Business Plan
Strategic Marketing Plan