City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission (Special meeting to discuss Dog Park Proposal)
Date: April 13, 2006 (7:00PM)
Place: GAR Hall
Board members present: Mark Casey, Bill Lowd, Jack O’Neil, Arthur Powell, Gary Lambert, Mike
Gaudette, Kate Driscoll, Patty Adams
Board members absent:
Others present:RecreationDirector Bruce Doig, Beatrice & Mr. Mendez
Mr. & Mrs. Mendez were present to discuss the severe dog feces problem in the Ward 3 area. Mrs.
Mendez is the Chairperson of the Ward 3 Civic Association. Mrs. Mendez had emailed BARC regarding
problems on Summer Street and at Holcroft Park with dog waste not being picked up. She also had
concerns about the Dog Park Proposal.
The Mendezes expressed concern about the condition of Holcroft Park due to the number of kids that play
in that area. The Ward 3 Civic Association planned an event at the park for the weekend of 4/22 and they
wanted to know if the area could be cleaned up by DPW. Bruce said he would contact Phil Klimowicz to
ask if the park could be cleaned before 4/22.
Dog Park Proposal:
The commission discussed the potential rules and regulations for the proposed off-leash areas. After
reviewing rules and regulations from the Brookline Green Dog Program and the BARC proposal, it was
decided to adopt most of these rules. Regulations from other off-leash areas were reviewed and some of
them were added to the list. The following is the final list of rules and regulations accepted by the
commission to be added to the Dog Park Proposal for presentation to the City Council:
1. Dogs are allowed off leash in posted off-leash areas ONLY.
2. Off-Leash Hours:
a. Off-Leash Areas in Designated Parks – Dawn to 9:00AM
b. Dedicated Dog Parks – Dawn to Dusk
Exceptions: No dogs allowed at any park during any event permitted by the Beverly
Recreation Department (sporting events, community activities, park programs, etc.) or
while Beverly Department of Public Services crews are working at these locations.
3. Off-Leash areas are open to Beverly residents only. NOTE: City should look into issuing
orange tags in the future for easy identification.
4. Owners must maintain effective verbal control and always be able to see their dogs when off
5. Dogs who show signs of aggression must be removed from the park immediately. Aggressive
dogs may be banned from off-leash areas.
6. Owners must carry bags, pick up after their dogs every time and dispose of the waste properly.
7. Owners are personally liable for any damages or injury their dogs inflict.
8. Each person is limited to three dogs.
9. Dogs must display city dog license and current rabies vaccination tag and be parasite free and
10. Dogs must be at least 4 months old to be allowed off leash.
11. Dogs in heat shall not be allowed off leash.
12. Dogs are not allowed in playground areas, sand boxes, or garden areas.
13. Dogs must be leashed prior to entering and leaving off-leash areas. Owners must carry a leash at
all times. Leashes must be removed prior to entering off-leash areas.
14. Use of off-leash area is at own risk to your dogs.
15. Dogs prohibited from digging in park areas.
16. Person in charge of dogs should quiet them if they bark. Loud dogs must be removed from the
17. Violators of these rules are subject to penalties and fines under city ordinances, removal from the
off-leash area and suspension of off-leash privileges.
18. Off-leash privileges in any park may be revoked at any time at the discretion of the Beverly Parks
and Recreation Commission.
Other Items Discussed
The commission also agreed that signage must be installed at the proposed off-leash areas before any of
them are made available to the public. The commission also discussed the following areas:
Signage will include the rules & regulations for each park, Emergency contact – Dial 911, and
Beverly Recreation Department website – www.bevrec.com
Education - September Recreation brochure will include 2-3 pages listing off-leash areas and applicable
rules and regulations. Mailings can be included in water bills, excise taxes, tax bills, etc. Press releases
will be sent to newspapers, BEVCAM, etc. The BARC website should include all information regarding off-
leash areas.
It was decided that the commission would review this list of rules and regulations and vote on the final
proposal at the park tour scheduled for April 22, 2006.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:45PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce Doig
Beverly Recreation Department