City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: April 6, 2006 (7:00PM)
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Mark Casey, Bill Lowd, Jack O’Neil, Arthur Powell, Gary Lambert, Mike
Gaudette, Kate Driscoll
Board members absent: Patty Adams
Others present:RecreationDirector Bruce Doig, Asst to the Director Joscelyn Ruelle-Kersker, Ward 4
Councilor Kevin Hobin, Mrs. Clements, Antone Lauria, Mark Brewer, James Harrison
Minutes from the March 2, 2006 meeting were reviewed and approved unanimously.
Introduction of New Members - Kate Driscoll and Bill Lowd were introduced as new members of the
Beverly Parks & Recreation Commission.
Antone Lauria and Mark Brewer from the Beverly Co-Ed Softball Leagues spoke to the
commission. They wanted the Recreation Commission to confirm that the field permits for Innocenti Park
belong to the weekend and weekday co-ed softball leagues, not to the former league commissioner. Mike
made a motion and Gary seconded it. The motion passed unanimously.
Community Service Project – Gazebo at Dane Street Beach:
Mrs. Clements addressed the commission. As a community service project Chase Clement would like to
put a gazebo at Dane Street Beach. His mother stated that he has done years of research with the
Beverly Historical Society and work on planting gardens at the beach. He has selected a gazebo that is
similar to the one that used to be there and intends to raise funds to buy it and get volunteers to build it.
The Commission had questions/concerns with the placement of the gazebo, possible vandalism and
accessibility. Gary suggested that the Commission keep this in mind while on the park tour later in April.
The Commission will email Chase and the councilors from Wards 2 and 4.
Mark distributed a set of documents that contained an email from Jim Lindley, an email from a Ward 1
resident regarding dog waste on the tennis courts at Obear, Bill Collins’ letter of resignation from the
Recreation Commission and a letter from the Food Project.
James Harrison - The Food Project:
The Food Project hires kids from the city to grow food, sell it in communities and donate the money from
those sales to the needy. They have procured a few acres at Long Hill on which to grow food and they
have a few children from Beverly working with them this spring/summer. The Food Project wanted to sell
their food, via a small farmer’s market once a week on Mondays at Odell Park. This was not received
favorably by the veterans. The Recreation Commission suggested that Jay look into using Ellis Square.
Dog Park Proposal:
Mark explained how the small meeting with he, Bruce, Mayor Scanlon, Kevin Hobin and Bill Collins came
about and his hesitations about it. At the meeting it was agreed that the four sites for dedicated dog
parks (Henderson Road, Brimbal Heights/Hills/Dump, Standley Street and Phillips Estate) and one
neighborhood park in each Ward (Lindsay, Independence, Innocenti, Cooney Field behind the outfield
fence, Colgate, Dix) would have off-leash hours. Dedicated dog parks would allow dogs off-leash from
dawn to dusk and the six neighborhood parks would allow dogs off-leash from dawn to 9:00AM.
The members of the Recreation Commission who were not at the meeting with the mayor felt that the
issues of enforcement, handling complaints, citizen volunteers were important and should be included in
the plan presented to the city council.
Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes – April 6, 2006 (Continued)
Mike makes a motion to accept the list of parks as presented by the small group (Mark, Bruce, Mayor
Scanlon, Kevin Hobin, Bill Collins), emphasizing the time limits (dedicated dog parks – dawn to dusk and
the six neighborhood parks – dawn to 9:00am) and pending development of the rules and regulations.
Arthur seconds the motion for discussion.
Discussion - Jack expressed concern about children and dogs together at Hannah. He wondered what
level of participation BARC would have in this process since Bill Collins’ resignation from the Commission.
He said that he would like some resolution on the enforcement issue. Someone asked about the specifics
of the ordinance change regarding dogs and the consensus was that the changes to the ordinance could
read that they apply to designated areas only. Someone asked for a list of pet rules and regulations in the
Mike amends his motion to accept the list of parks as presented by the meeting with Mayor Scanlon under
the conditions that we work out all rules and regulations and have BARC’s list of citizen volunteers. Arthur
seconds the motion for discussion.
Discussion - Arthur asks if it is possible for us to try allowing dogs off leash at the dedicated dog parks
first, see how the public reacts, then consider opening up the neighborhood parks to dogs. He does not
support the small group’s plan and he is worried about abutters to neighborhood parks, noise, out-of-town
activity, foul odor and the Commission’s lack of a system to process complaints/problems.
Gary does not support the small group’s plan, either. He feels that due process was not followed. Bill
Lowd and Kate Driscoll both abstain from voting. They had questions and concerns about enforcement,
police involvement, lack of a system to process complaints/problems and BARC’s volunteers. Jack felt that
the Commission should bundle their rules and regulations in with the plan and suggested another meeting
to finalize them.
Arthur makes a “friendly amendment” to the small group’s plan. He proposed that the Commission vote to
implement the Henderson Road and Brimbal Heights/Hills/Dump sites now (as they are currently ready to
be used) and tack on the six neighborhood parks after Labor Day, after the Commission and the
community have reviewed the success of the first two sites. The Standley Street and Phillips Estate
properties may be added as soon as they are ready.
Arthur makes the above amendment a motion. Jack seconds. Bill Lowd supports. Kate supports. Mike
also seconds.
The Commission endorses the proposal from the meeting with Mayor Scanlon plan as follows:
Dedicated dog parks will be implemented as off-leash areas from dawn to dusk as soon as possible. The
six neighborhood parks will go online after Labor Day with off-leash hours from dawn to 9:00am. Any park
or area not addressed in this plan is subject to the current laws. This amended motion passes
Joscelyn - Summary of Her Projects In-Progress:
Evening Enrichment – Ends on 4/11. New location at Senior Center instead of BHS was a huge success.
Most classes ran and several exceeded their maximum enrollments.
Brochure Advertising – receiving several new ads. Considering mailing a smaller version of the brochure
as the summer season starts to remind people about summer programs and events.
Summer Camps – Summer interviews are going well. Still waiting to hear back from some returning staff
members. Science Adventures is a new program and we have had many inquiries and early registrations.
Bruce & Joscelyn attended NETI in Newport, RI and attended many great seminars.
BG&T pool was finally filled in.
GAR Hall will be declared surplus property by Mayor Scanlon.
Odell Park: NS Voke HS will replace the slats on the 5 benches at Odell Park. DPW will widen
walkway when they install curb cuts along Rantoul Street later this year.
Parks and Recreation Commission Minutes – April 6, 2006 (Continued)
Harry Ball: BLL is working with the Building Inspector on plans for additional renovations in 2006.
Beverly Youth Collaboration: Still no vote by the State Senate to approve Supplemental Budget. Work
is continuing to start fundraising and begin McPherson renovations ASAP.
Vitale Site: NEPCO to finish seeding fields ASAP this spring.
Enterprise Fund: The fund is looking good so far this year after camp registrations.
Bruce met with Beverly Children’s Learning Center to discuss list of available parks and camps for
BCLC kids.
Bruce discussed potential sponsorships from Kelly Nissan Suzuki and Modell’s.
*Next Special Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 13, 7:00pm at the G.A.R. Hall.
Gail will post it and Mark will send out a reminder email at the beginning of the week.
*The Park Tour will take place on Saturday, April 22.
Meeting will be posted. Group to meet in the parking lot at Lynch Park at 7:00am.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Joscelyn Ruelle-Kersker
Bruce Doig
Beverly Recreation Department