July 17, 1997
Beverly Public Library - Fogg Room
Present: Elise Bernstein, Art Daignault, Norm Ganley, Tim & Patti Hoy, Bob Nelson
and Steve Reynolds
Absent: Kevin Gallant
I. The agenda was accepted without adjustment.
I1. The minutes of 6-19-97 were accepted without adjustment.
III. Old Business
A. City Hall Access
1. According to Peter Searoans, the Mayor administrative aide, they will
be installing an intercorn system that was proposed by Steve R. of BOCD.
B. School Disability Awareness Curriculum
1. Chris Koil from the Mass. Office on Disability stated to Kevin G.
that the Medford Commission on Disabilities was the only one having a
disability awareness curriculum.
2. The contact person for this project on the Medford Commission is:
Diane McCloud
Medford Commission on Disabilities
Medford City Hall - Rm. 214
Medford, MA 02155
3. Keyin G. is to keep seeking information from the Medford Commission
regarding this issue.
C. Handicap Parking Survey Update
1. Art D. did not make an appointment with Dennis Tarsook
because he wanted to wait for the final draft of the letter for Sgt. Tarsook's
2. The Commission would like to have these letters mailed before the next
meeting in September.
3. Art D. will be setting up a meeting with Sgt. Tarsook regarding the
handicap parking surveys.
4. It is a priority for Kevin G. to set up a database of the property owners
from the handicap parking surveys.
5. Norm G. has not ordered the HP signs. He is going to contact
Lany Smith.
D. Handicap Parking Program Update
1. All members are to turn in each month their log sheet (s) of violations
to Kevin G. to be placed on the master list.
E. Hannah Village
1. The owners have painted the HP spaces in yellow with the universal
emblem on the pavement. Some of these HP spaces have an access aisle,
but some don~. No HP signs have been placed in front of the HP spaces.
F. Wild Horse Cafe Update
1. It was suggested by Steve R. for Bob N. to ask Marshall Handly, City
Solicitor, for a legal opinion as to the owner of this property.
G. Letter to Border Books
1. Patti H. read a draft of a letter that she and Tim H. wrote regard'rag
handicap parking at Border Books store in Peabody.
IV. New Business
A. YMCA Plans
1. According to Bob N., the only question is in the Day Care Center.
Everything else seems to be okay.
2. Bob N. is to bring the YMCA plans to the next meeting
3. Steve R. is to ask Claudia Lack to the next meefmg to discuss the
YMCA plans. -
B. Business Cards
1. Art D. handed out business cards for Kevin G.
C. Appointment/Term expiration Dates
1. Elise B. is to research the terms of appointment of each BOCD
V. Adjournment
A. Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm.