2005-12-01 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: December 1, 2005 Place: Beverly Depot Restaurant, Park Street Board members present: Mark Casey, Bill Collins, Jack O’Neil, Gary Lambert, Dave Gardner, Patty Adams, Arthur Powell, Mike Gaudette Board members absent: Others present:RecreationDirector Bruce Doig, Asst. to the Director Joscelyn Ruelle-Kersker, Gail Carmody, Mayor Scanlon, Janet Doig, Debbie Casey, Nina Lambert, Chris Kersker, Jennifer O’Neil This meeting was called to order at 6:45PM. Minutes of previous two meetings were accepted as written. Director’s Report: New backstop at Cooney Field about to be installed. Still working on lease agreement for GAR Hall. Several ads sold for the Winter/Spring brochure totaling over $1000 Continuing with plans to upgrade benches at Odell Park and add benches along waterfront public ways. Carriage house roof is complete except for flashing, chimneys, and skylight. nd Lynch Park Advisory Committee working on fundraising and setting dates for 2 annual David Lynch Appreciation Day with Symphony by the Sea. Additional work at Harry Ball Field is progressing. Beverly Little League is working with city officials to move forward with concession stand and bathroom updates. Beverly Youth Collaboration moving forward with plans to renovate the McPherson Youth Center, hoping to receive state supplemental budget funding along with private fundraising. Vitale site work is progressing and nearing completion. Foundation for concession stand has begun. Bruce is working as Co-Chair for First Night Beverly 2006 with Don MacQuarrie and a group of new volunteers. Reviewed Enterprise budget numbers as of the beginning of December 2005. The “final” decisions have been made to close the BG&T pool. The pool should be filled in soon. Year-End Summary: Bruce distributed a copy of the 2005 year-end summary with the Director’s Report and reviewed the report with the commission. Overall, 2005 was a very good year and Bruce thanked many senior staff members for their contributions to the department throughout the year. Meeting adjourned followed by the annual Commission dinner. Respectfully submitted Bruce Doig, Recreation Department