City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: October 6, 2005
Place: Beverly City Hall, Council Chamber
Board members present: Mark Casey, Bill Collins, Jack O’Neil, Gary Lambert, Patti Adams,
Arthur Powell, Mike Gaudette
Board members absent: Dave Gardner
Others present: Mayor Scanlon,Members of the City Council,Director Bruce Doig, School
Superintendent Hayes, Bob Lynch, Recreation Director in Brookline
Joint meeting of the Beverly City Council Committee of the Whole and the Parks and
Recreation Commission was called to order:
Mr. Lynch gave his report on the Green Dog Program in Brookline. Their pilot program began in
June 2004 and has been extended to June 2006. They have 1500 licensed dogs in Brookline and
estimate 1000 others that are not licensed. Brookline is a community of 57,000 people in only 6
square miles.
Brookline has received great cooperation from the dog owners. Mr. Lynch has a contact list of 58
dog owners who he can call to address any issue that may come up at one of the off leash areas.
It is understood that the Brookline Parks & Recreation Commission can rescind off-leash hours at
any area at their discretion. He distributed a list of rules, which includes no use of areas adjacent
to schools. They have found parks are actually cleaner now than prior to starting this program.
They presently have 14 park areas (out of 26) that allow dogs off leash. They range in size 1.1
acres to 64 acres with a minimum of 2 areas in each of the 6 districts.
Meeting was opened to questions from the Council and Commission members. Issues discussed
Enforcement: Mr. Lynch explained that Brookline has one animal control officer. Self-policing
and volunteers are heavily relied upon. Councilor Tim Flaherty also questioned the issue of
enforcement in Beverly. Mr. Lynch stated that he would prefer to have additional Animal Service
Officer coverage in Brookline. There is currently only one ASO to cover the entire city.
Liability: The Brookline Town Council ruled that liability rested with the dog owners. Councilors
Maureen Troubetaris and Kevin Hobin questioned whether or not the City of Beverly could accept
the liability of incidents from dogs off leash.
Mr. Lynch was thanked for his report and participation.
Joint meeting was adjourned.
Parks & Recreation Commission moved to a committee room where they continued
their regular commission meeting:
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written.
Chairman Casey handed out copies of a letter received from the Beverly Golf & Tennis Commission
stating that they are not in favor of relinquishing control of the pool to the Parks and Recreation
The 6 Annual Mom’s Softball Tourney held last weekend was very successful. Over $5000
was raised. St. Mary’s held onto the Championship for second straight year.
Beverly Parks & Recreation Commission…minutes…October 6, 2005…page 2
Cooney Field: Project is underway to improve the backstop. Babe Ruth League and Landmark
School will contribute money to cover the entire cost of the project. This project was
unanimously approved by the commission.
GAR Hall: control of the building has been turned over to the Recreation Department.
Veterans Office has recently moved to Memorial. Building will eventually be put up for sale. In
the mean time a fee schedule for building use needs to be set.
Gazebo Donation: Discussion was held on the gazebo that Jack Murray wants to donate for
use at a park. The gazebo was previously used indoors at Kings Grant. It was felt that it
would need extensive work to make it suitable for an outdoor location. A motion was made to
decline Mr. Murray’s offer. Motion was carried with all in favor. Chairman Casey will send a
letter to Mr. Murray.
Brochure advertising: sample letter and price list were discussed. Suggestions were made for
the types of ads to accept or reject. Motion was made to go ahead with soliciting ads as
presented. Motion carried with all in favor.
Benches: Bruce has talked to Phil and it seems a few more could be added at Dane. Also
there are some public way areas off Lothrop Street that could be considered.
DPW appreciation party: working on a date and details
Carriage House Roof: work could begin anytime
Trees: Phil has planted some trees for people who have requested them.
Odell Park: Bell Tower being constructed.
Harry Ball: Field A has been re-sodded. Work continues.
Equipment update: Bruce wrote to the City Council listing playground equipment that needs
to be removed.
It was decided to hold the next meeting at the GAR Hall.
Meeting adjourned.
Respecfully submitted
Gail Carmody
Recreation Department