2005-09-08 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Parks and Recreation Commission Subcommittee: Date: September 8, 2005 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Mark Casey, Bill Collins, Jack O’Neil, Gary Lambert, Patti Adams , Dave Gardner, Arthur Powell, Mike Gaudette Board members absent: Others present:Director Bruce Doig, City Council President Paul Guanci, Councilor Kevin Hobin, Councilor John Burke, Russ Rollins, Deb Ploszay, John Archer and members of the Dog Park subcommittee. Minutes of previous meetings (June 2, 2005 & July 7, 2005) were accepted as written. Chairman Casey invited Deb Ploszay (Save the Pool Committee) to make her presentation to the Commission. Deb’s group has put together a plan to restore the pool at the Beverly Golf & Tennis Club. In this plan the Recreation Department would take over control of the facility, which is currently under the jurisdiction of the Beverly Golf & Tennis Commission. The plan recommends a 25% increase in membership fees. Their fundraising has brought in $10,000. Their estimate for the necessary renovations is $36,000. They are asking that the Recreation Dept. cover the $26,000. They do plan to continue with fundraising events. Chairman Mark Casey thanked the committee for all their efforts but reminded them that the pool is still under the jurisdiction of the Beverly Golf & Tennis Commission and that there is no money for the repairs in the Recreation Department budget. Gary Lambert, who is also a member of the Beverly Golf & Tennis Commission, explained the timeline and why that Commission decided to close the pool. In March of 2004, after both the Recreation Commission and the City of Beverly were unable to offer financial assistance for the necessary pool repairs, the BG&T Commission voted to close the pool. Deb Ploszay and the Save the Pool Committee went to the BG&T Commission and asked to be given the opportunity to raise the money through private fund raising. The BGT Commission granted this request, which was extended through the end of 2004. At that time the group asked for more time. The BG&T Commission gave them an extension to March/April 2005 at which time the committee asked for another extension. At that time the BG&T Commission voted to carry through with their plans to close the pool stating the following reasons: Commission was skeptical of their budget and question that the numbers as presented can be achieved and therefore it seems to them doubtful that the pool can operate at a profit. The Commission also questioned the $36,000 estimate for repairs, which they believe could easily be double that considering ADA issues, etc. He would not support this proposal or moving jurisdiction to the Recreation Commission. The Chairman thanked Deb and her group again and told them there would be further discussion on their plan. DOG PARK COMMITTEE PROPOSAL The Chairman has reviewed the proposal and has written up a list of questions. Bob Lynch from Brookline has been invited to the October 6, 2005 meeting. It was agreed that the meeting on th October 6 would be held at City Hall. It will be posted as a joint meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission and the Beverly City Council Committee as a whole. Arthur Powell suggested that surrounding communities should be approached to coordinate dog parks that would be shared. He reported that according to North Reading, people are coming from all over the area to use their facility. Mike Gaudette asked again for the names and addresses of all BARC members. Mr. Collins reported that he spoke to the Attorney Generals Office and was told they were not required to register with them. Page 2- Public Meeting Minutes-Beverly Parks & Recreation Commission – 9/8/2005 DIRECTOR’S REPORT ?? Homecoming was a huge success. All events were well attended. Some parking issues. ?? Vitale Site: have moved ahead with construction ?? DPW: talking with Mike Collins about a date for the cookout. ?? Carriage House Roof: work should begin soon ?? Lynch Park: Bruce described how he would like to change the traffic flow in and out of the park. He is currently getting prices for gates, etc. ?? Harry Ball: the improvements that have been complete are very impressive, work continues. Meeting adjourned. Respecfully submitted Gail Carmody Recreation Department