City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: July 7, 2005
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Mark Casey, Bill Collins, Gary Lambert, Dave Gardner, Patti Adams
Mike Gaudette
Board members absent: Arthur Powell, Jack O’Neil
Others present:Director Bruce Doig and members of the Dog Park Group
Chairman Casey asked the group to present their proposal noting that no decision would be made
at this meeting.
Bill Collins spoke on behalf of the committee beginning with a brief history. March of 2004 dog
park subcommittee was formed to create a dog park for Beverly. A number of locations in Beverly
have been considered including Bessie Baker, Brimbal Hills Drive, the Brimbal Ave. landfill,
Standley Street, and Henderson Road.
The original proposal has evolved from creating a dog park into a proposal modeled after
Brookline’s Green Dog Program. The Brookline Green Dog program includes off leash hours,
limited off-leash hours at some parks and on leash in all the parks. A lot of information was
gathered after the Bessie Baker experience where it was learned that neighbors do not want to
have the only dog park in the city in their neighborhood. This was also what they heard at other
proposed locations, such as Lynch and Dane. Also learned from their research and after a recent
meeting in Brookline was that dog owners would be less likely to use a remote location as opposed
to a off leash area in their neighborhood.
New proposal is for limited off leash hours at a number of parks (when there is no permitted
program, dawn to either 10 am or 1 pm. depending on the season), as well as on leash hours at
all the parks. This has been very successful in Brookline where dog owners are happy and there
have been significantly fewer complaints. The Brookline Parks Department, which was against this
program in the beginning, is in favor of it now. Brookline has found that the parks are now
cleaner due to the self-policing and it is believed that this can happen in Beverly. Bruce asked
why if this self-policing is so successful why the Beverly parks are so filthy during the winter, when
dogs are allowed. Mr. Collins felt that dog owners not wanting to lose their off leash privileges will
be more diligent in cleaning up and in reminding others to do the same.
Director Doig asked that a correction be made to the written proposal presented which states that
in 2002 the Recreation Commission attempted to ban dogs from all parks when in fact the ban
was for Lynch Park only. Mr. Collins agreed to make that correction.
Patti Adams asked if the Brookline and Beverly parks were equal in size, use, etc. Mr. Collins
explained that Brookline is six sq. miles with 50, 000 people. Parks are as small as three quarters
of an acre up to 60 acres. All parks (about 30) are multi use.
Mike Gaudette said he spoke to Brookline’s City Solicitor, Dog Officer and to the man in charge of
the grounds in Brookline. The grounds crew told him that after the winter season the parks were
despicable but that during the summer the off leash areas were 100% improved. He also told him
that the volunteers in the program are key in making it work. He proposed that the Dog Group
come to the Sept. meeting with a list of the volunteers and how they will handle or report the
uncooperative dog owners (some of which he has encountered personally). He also asked for a
list of BARC members to better understand the demographics. He has requested this list before
but BARC has refused to provide it. According to the Attorney Generals Office this list should be
made available if asked for.
Questions were raised about enforcement of the rules and regulations portion of the proposal. It
was noted that no matter what some people will not follow the rules just as some do not follow
the laws.
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Discussion also included safety concerns at off leash areas both for the people in the park and the
other dogs.
Gary Lambert suggested that the Commission further investigate the Brookline program by either
inviting them to a meeting or visiting Brookline. Mr. Collins stated that the City Council has
requested that Bob Lynch, Brookline Recreation Director go to one of their meetings. Any meeting
with Mr. Lynch should also include the Brookline Animal Control Officer.
Motion was made to arrange a special meeting in September (after the regular monthly meeting)
to continue discussions. Motion was seconded. Motion was carried with all in favor.
Motion was made that the committee arrange a meeting to include Brookline City Solicitor,
Recreation Director, Animal Control Officer, Beverly City Solicitor, Recreation Director, Animal
Control Officer and a member of the Beverly City Council. Motion carried with five in favor and 1
abstained (Dave Gardner). Commission thanked Mr. Collins for all his hard work.
Lynch Park Advisory Committee: Council has approved the bond for the roof repairs. Next
meeting is Monday, to finalize plans for David S. Lynch Appreciation Day on Sunday July 17.
Some funds will be raised through the pizza tasting and ice cream social. The Ice cream is being
donated by Dick & June’s.
Homecoming: fireworks still planned
Vitale Site: Bruce attended a meeting recently with Roy Gelineau, Frank Killea and Tina Cassidy.
Lights have been taken off the table due to the expense. The soccer organization was asked to
contribute to the lighting costs but was unable to do so unless the City bonded the money. The
City declined. Current agreement calls for a 3-tier set up which the company is moving ahead
with. Since this is not what the City wants they are attempting to arrange another meeting.
Lynch Park: DWP working hard to keep park in good shape. Seawall has been repointed. Holes
have been filled and seeded.
Beverly Golf & Tennis Commission: Word is the City Council wants to shift control of the pool
from BGT Commission to the Parks & Recreation Commission. In its current condition, with no
money for repairs, the Recreation Department is not interested in taking control of the pool.
Harry Ball: Parking lot has been paved and striped. $30,000 of pavement and labor was
donated by Charlie Benevento. Striping and drainage were paid for by Little League. New stands
have been delivered. More work is planned.
Youth Collaboration: Moving ahead with plans to renovate the skate park, the basketball court
and the building. Donations are being sought.
Field Committee: Discussions being held about developing an artificial turf field somewhere in
Playground Equipment: currently the Edwards School equipment is sitting in the Dane St.
bathhouse. Slide at Lynch still needs to be repaired. Lynch swings still need to be installed.
DPW will survey all the parks to check mulch depth to see where mulch needs to be added.
Drug Testing: over 80 staff members have been tested and everyone has passed.
Park Signage: many signs need to be updated, some areas have no signs.
City Budget: bottom line up about $5700 due to raises.
Enterprise Fund: will have final figures for the year at the next meeting.
No Trespass Orders: Bruce has been asked to write two, one for a coach in youth soccer
against a person who has been harassing her and another for an employee.
Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted
Gail Carmody
Recreation Department