City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: September 4, 2003
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Mark Casey, Kevin Hobin, Patti Adams, Lauren Young, Jack O’Neil, Bill Collins,
David Gardner, Arthur Powell, Gary Lambert
Board members absent:
Others present: Bruce Doig, Tom Scully, Arthur Daignault
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written with one amendment changing Jack McNeil to Jack
O’Neil on the attendance list.
ADA Coordinator Report:
Met with Arthur Daignault, the ADA Coordinator for the City of Beverly, regarding the City’s ADA
Compliance Transition Plan. Arthur briefly described the process of creating the transition plan and the
timeframes for the city to resolve any issues. Arthur explained that any complaints filed against the city
could result in court-mandated changes, which could be costly if the city does not plan ahead to resolve
these issues.
Arthur also asked how the HP parking situation at Lynch Park was for the concerts this summer. Bruce
explained that on Sunday evenings, band members took most of the available parking spaces in front of
the barn. There did not appear to be a major problem with lack of HP parking after the first few weeks.
Arthur suggested that temporary signs be placed in front of the barn during busy times. The signs should
have the international HP symbol and the text “Per order of the ADA Coordinator” to designate these spots
as temporary HP parking when needed. It was agreed that these signs would be used next summer.
The monument in the sidewalk at Odell Park was discussed. Odell Pak was not on Arthur’s park report and
he was not aware of the situation there. It was agreed that Arthur would look at the park and add any
issues to his Transition Plan.
Director’s Report:
Bruce updated everyone regarding the playground equipment at Lynch Park. The swings are still not
installed but Bruce has been talking with Dr. Play and Mike Bouchard of DPW to plan the installation.
Mike’s folks also replaced the damaged rope bridge on the large structure with a pressure treated wood
bridge ($358). The cost of replacing the rope bridge would be over $1000. The minor rodent problem
under the large structure has been resolved.
Bruce discussed the Mayor’s proposed renovations to the exterior of the Recreation offices by the North
Shore Vocational HS. The labor would be free but the materials could cost about $10,000. This would
cover the stripping and replacing of the roof, clapboards, and windows. The Commission approved
unanimously (9-0) spending up to $10,000 for this project from the Enterprise budget. Arthur Powell
mentioned that other funding sources might also be available for this project, including the Lynch
Bruce clarified that even though the Part-Time Salaries budget line item is currently overspent by $93,000,
this is standard for this time of year since the majority of our City budget is for part-time summer staff and
all of our summer staff, including camps, pool, rangers, and gate staff, are included in this line item even
though they are Enterprise items. Money is transferred from the Enterprise Fund to cover these expenses
as needed in the fall. This year’s expenses were higher due to the new camp and pool staff.
The City will transfer the $184,000 from our Enterprise Fund to the general budget on a monthly basis.
With a current balance of $236,000, the monthly transfers should leave us with enough money to cover
the summer expenses until fall and winter revenues come in. In the past year, the Enterprise Fund rose
from $221,000 to $236,000, leaving a balance of about $52,000 after the City takes the $184,000 through
Bruce briefly discussed the Vitale site and mentioned that based on discussions with Peter Gilmore and
Debbie Hurlbut, three long fields (360’ x 200’) would be available when the project is completed, hopefully
by fall of 2005.
Briefly discussed the 2003 Mom’s Softball Tournament scheduled for October 3-5, 2003. Also discussed
the 2003 Homecoming events. Despite the weather, most of the events were held and were very
successful. The golf tournament had 258 participants and made $6700 despite increases in the costs for
the tournament.
Bruce discussed the vandalism at the Common and informed the Commission that a No Trespass order had
been issued against one of the involved. The No Trespass order applies to all Park & Recreation property,
the Youth Center, and the BG&T Club. A potable toilet was also torched at Cooney Field along with
several other incidences this summer.
Bruce mentioned that he has talked with the City Electrician about the lights at Bartlett Gardens. Because
the lights belong to Mass Electric, we will need to get permission from them to do any work on the lights.
The cost estimate to put the lights on a timer was $2000 from Fisher and George. It was suggested that
we contact Ron Costa and see if we can get one light shut off. Ron has some contacts at Mass Electric
and the park is in his ward.
Bruce informed the Commission that the Beverly Youth Collaboration is moving ahead with plans to build a
new teen campus at the YMCA Sterling Center.
Bench plans were discussed. Lauren will work with Bruce to create plans for Obear and other parks.
Lauren will look at possibly adding one more bench at Independence due to an oversight on the original
plan. The Commission agreed to put a bench for Joan Fairbank and Liz Caputo at the top of the hill at
Lynch. The Commission agreed to allow the benches at the Washington Street Park to be sold to
interested families for the same cost as the other benches ($1050).
Bruce discussed the results from the BG&T Club pool. Membership revenues were $16,675 and pool
expenses were $19,497 to date, for a loss of $2882. Camp registrations accounted for $18,007 in
revenues and $15,015 in expenses, for a profit of $2991. It is expected that pool expenses will increase by
$2000 after final invoices are received for closing, chemicals, and weekly testing. The Commission was
pleased with the final results from the BG&T pool. However, about $50,000 in improvements will be
needed at the pool to correct code issues, ADA compliance issues, and improve maintenance long term.
Bruce will discuss these items with the Golf & Tennis Commission at their meeting on 9/10. Based on the
results of that meeting, the Parks & Recreation Commission will need to decide on whether or not to
manage the BG&T pool again in 2004.
Bruce discussed a few other issues with the Commission. For Dane Street Beach, it was decided that the
Commission should put the concession contract out to bid for next year since several vendors were setting
up on park property throughout the summer anyway. Plans for improvements to Harry Ball field by Phil
Klimowicz and Beverly Little League were discussed. The Commission decided to schedule the Fall Park
Tour for 10/18/03 at 7:00AM. This tour will include all of the parks not toured in June.
Topics of the Month:
The Budget Update and BG&T Pool and Camp were covered in Bruce’s Director’s Report. Odell Park
Improvement Plans were tabled for a subcommittee to discuss and set up a process for reviewing the
plans for the park. Bruce briefly discussed the idea of having night security on duty at Lynch Park. It is
felt that this would be the best deterrent to vandalism that has occurred over the past summer.
It was proposed by Kevin Hobin that the golf cart be loaned to the Beverly High School Athletic Trainer for
the fall season to assist her in covering the BHS grounds for all teams. This proposal was approved 9-0
with a stipulation that the Athletic Director agree to assume all responsibility for damages to the cart and
any injuries related to use of the cart. The Athletic Department would also provide safe storage for the
cart and access to the cart would be limited to only the Athletic Trainer and the Athletic Director. Bruce
will type up an agreement and have it signed by the Athletic Director upon transfer of the cart.
Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted
Bruce Doig
Recreation Department