City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Parks and Recreation Commission
Date: June 5, 2003
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Mark Casey, Kevin Hobin, Arthur Powell , Patti Adams, Dave Gardner,
Gary Lambert, Jack O’Neil
Board members absent: Lauren Young
Others present Bruce Doig, Tom Scully, Bill Collins
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted as written.
Park Department: A large pine tree, recently donated to the city, was installed at Lynch Park
up near the office and tot lot.
Playground Equipment Update: Holcroft, Gillis and Cahill installations are complete. Swings at
Obear and Lynch need to be installed.
ADA Compliance: Many parks have been visited, most of which need cut outs through the
equipment timbers for handicap accessibility, as well as more HP parking spaces at all parks. Mr.
Daignault is putting together a plan for the city, which will include the needs for the parks.
Touch A Truck was a huge success. DPW handed out over 2000 hardhats.
Parks: Will open Tuesday, June 24 and the beaches on June 23.
Budget: Hearing with City Council at City Hall on June 17, Plan A budget has been submitted
($248,000) and a Plan B budget has been requested ($231,000).
Veteran’s Memorial at Odell Park: Ruling returned by the City Solicitor “the Commission is still
fully responsible for the park”
Sandy Point Sailing Association: Sailing equipment will remain with the Recreation Dept. since
it cannot legally be donated and leasing or renting would come under strict state regulations.
Meeting was held with Mr. Lupini, Bruce, Dave Gardner, and Mark Casey to discuss the new
building plans for Beverly High School to make it a community facility year round. Mr. Lupini also
mentioned that he should be contacted directly if we have any difficulty obtaining school building
permits for our programs.
Bartlett: Mr. Lord, a park neighbor, was present to discuss the field and light problems at
Bartlett Gardens. Since the basketball lights are on all night, he has had to call the police many
times to report use of the park after 10 pm. He would like to see the lights on a timer. He would
also like to see the lights hooded to cut down on towards his house. The possible increase in
vandalism was discussed. Bruce agreed to speak to Mike Collins to see what the options would
Bench Plan: Discussed the need for a plan for Lynch and Gillis. It was decided to look over the
sites on the park tour, which is scheduled for June 14 at 7 am.
Beverly Golf & Tennis Pool: Pool opening was delayed because of a faulty pump, which has
been replaced. Discussed other improvements needed such as repairing the bottom drain, which
was closed off last year because of a leak. For safety purposes, all pools should have two drains.
The costs of repairs to the pool were estimated at $25,000. ADA compliance needs were also
discussed. These would include a lift for the pool and a complete overhaul of the bathhouse
facility. These improvements were estimated at an additional $25,000. Memberships are low.
Should improve as the weather does.
Minutes 6/5/03
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Beverly Golf & Tennis Pool: (continued)
The use of personal floatation devices (PFD’s) were discussed. They were allowed last year and
we have received many calls about our current policy to not allow any PFD’s. Bruce is
recommending that only Coast Guard Approved PFD’s be allowed at the pool and the parent must
be in the pool with the child. Motion was made, seconded and carried to only allow Coast Guard
Approved PFD’s for the children who need them. Parent must accompany child in the pool.
Dogs: Ordinance passed by the City Council excluded the word beaches.
Discussed the possibility that beaches that are not owed by the City (Rice’s, Brackenbury) would
not be covered by the ordinance. Clarification is needed.
Draft of the plan was presented by Dave Gardner. A motion was made to accept the Sally Milligan
Kiosk Plan, motion was seconded and carried with all in favor. A motion was made to accept the
overall draft plan, motion was seconded and carried with all in favor.
Signs at the parks (except for Lynch) still need to be updated to reflect 7:30PM instead of 9:00PM.
The numbers have been ordered but some are backordered. Signs will be updated when the new
numbers arrive.
Lynch Park Advisory Plan was reviewed.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Gail Carmody
Recreation Department