April 17, 1997
Beverly Public Library - Fogg Room
Present: Elise Bernstein, Art Daignault, Kevin Gallant, Nonn Ganley, Tim Hoy, Patti
Hoy (welcome back) and Steve Reynolds
Absent: Bob Nelson - NOTE: Bob arrived as members were leaving and in the
parking lot. He informed Elise Bernstein and Steve Reynolds about the shams of the
City Hall and Peabody Building issues. He encouraged Steve to send the proposed
letter to the Building Committee and to support the City's efforts to work with the
developor/owner of the Peabody Building on Cabot SWeet.
1. The Agends was reviewed and ananimously accepted.
II. The Minutes of the last two meetings were reviewed for approval and were
unanimously accepted.
Ill. Old Business
A. City Hall Access Update - Norm went to and reported back to us on the
Building Committee's meeting regarding this issue. He told us about the plans
per Phil Hubbard to pursue getting a waiver from the State on the elevator. It
was unanimously agreed that the BCOD would not support the waiver. In fact,
it would strongly oppose any such effort. Steve Reynolds promised to send the
appropriate parties a written notification of the BCOD's position on this issue.
B. School Disability Awareness Curriculum Update - Keyin reported that
Danvers had not done anything on this, which is contrary to what Steve Reynolds
and Elise Bernstein heard them report at a joint North Shore CODs meeting.
Steve suggested to Kevin Gallant to check with the MOD on this and report back
with his findings.
C. HPP Update - Steve Reynolds indicated that he was no longer able to keep
up a master log sheet in Excel spreadsheet format of the individual member's log
sheets. Keyin Gallant offered to pick up on this effort over the sttmmer.
D. HP Space Survey Update -
1. Art Daignault reported that he was continuing to make good progress
and distributed some of what he had done.
2. Keyin Gallant volunteered to provide extensive help on this project
over his summer break.
3. Steve Reynolds mentioned that Conpie Linscott had contacted him and
that a Mr. Olson had volunteered to personally stripe the HP space on
Vine Street at the Beverly Farms Library and that she thought she co'rid get
someone to do it on Broadway Street (next to the Registry). Art Daignault
offered to drop lIP space diagrams to the Library and to Connie.
E. Girl Scout Camp Accessibility Update and Discussion - Art Daignault
reported what he had learned about the issues there at "Sally Mulligan", and
several suggestions by other BOCD members were provided to Art Daignanlt
for follow-up.
F. Beverly Common Gazebo Update: Steve Reynolds reported that the
Beverly Rotary Club's "Dream Auction" was likely to be quite the success and
that he did receive a verified commitment from the architect and Tom Alexander
that the gazebo would be accessible. In fact, it's likely to be at grade-level. If
not, it'll have a ramp. Tom Alexander had said he didn't want to see a repeat of
whathappened in Milton in which the gazebo had to be re-built to
accoramodate a ramp.
IV. New Business
A. Public Meetings at City Hall: It was decided that Steve Reynolds' letter
would address this issue.
B. Next Election of Officer(s) for the BCOD:
1. Scheduled for the next meeting, May 15th.
2. Elise Bernstein explained that she would not be seeking re-election as
co-chair and that sbe-would not see re-appointment to the BCOD after the
completion of her tenn. She, again, mentioned her concern that more
women be sought as members. Steve Reynolds said that he thought Patti
Hoy could assume Elise's spot, if she were interested and if she were
appointed by the Mayor.
V. Adjournment
A. Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.