2006-06-07 CITY OF BEVERLY PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD: Open Space and Recreation Committee SUBCOMMITTEE: DATE: June 7, 2006 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Buchsbaum (Chairman), Suzanne Beaudoin, Tony Paluzzi, David Brewster, Elizabeth Dunne, Patricia Adams, Bill Squibb, Pam Kampersal BOARD MEMBER ABSENT: Ellen Flannery STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Amy Maxner – Environmental Planner RECORDER: Amy Maxner Buchsbaum calls the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. YMCA Right of Way Discussion with Jack Meany & Attny. Tom Alexander Maxner states that she has arranged for representatives from the YMCA to come in and speak to the Committee about the proposed mitigation for incursion into the 50-foot right of way and introduces Jack Meany, Executive Director of the YMCA and Attorney Tom Alexander counsel for the YMCA. Alexander states that based on feedback from this Committee and discussions with Tina Cassidy, Planning Director and Roy Gelineau, City Solicitor the YMCA has developed a plan to mitigate for the 50’ right of way incursion. He presents a plan for viewing. He goes on to explain the history as to how the berm and the parking lot were installed which was part of the new teen center recently constructed by the Y. The clearing related to this project created a problem with view issues for the neighboring properties in the Hawk Hill subdivision and the berm that has received a number of coniferous trees was installed to provide a visual screen for the neighbors. Since the YMCA did not think that the 50’ right of way was being utilized this would not cause a problem for the City. Meany explains that the plan shows a 6-foot wide gravel path on the Y’s side of the berm to be constructed with an associated retaining wall and railing within the side of the berm. He states that the Y will remove the berm if it is required to but they prefer to leave it in place. Buchsbaum asks what the City’s rights will end up being if it is left in place. Alexander states that he has spoken with Roy Gelineau about entering into a revocable waiver with the City which Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee June 7, 2006 Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 allows the Y to use the 50’ right of way for these purposes with the caveat that the City will have the right to require that it be removed for the full use by the City at any time in the future. Brewster asks if parking could be made available to those residents who wish to use the path, and states that he would be more supportive if this proposal of parking was allowed for this purpose. Meany states that the Y would not be averse to this arrangement but that parking is an issue at the Y and people who are using the facility would need to get preference. Kampersal asks how long it will take to have the pathway built. Alexander states that it would not take a very long time, maybe a month on the outside. Buchsbaum asks if there will be removal of vegetation for path construction. Meany states there will be some but that they would take great care to preserve as many trees and vegetation as possible. Buchsbaum asks if there are any further questions from the Committee. There are none. Maxner states that the Committee should not feel pressured to render a decision tonight and that if the plans could be left with members to further review, the Committee could discuss this later or at another meeting when members had time to think about the proposal. Members agree with this approach and Alexander agrees to leave a couple copies of the plan with the Committee. Buchsbaum thanks Alexander and Meany for coming to the meeting and speaking with the Committee. Approval of Minutes Dunne moves to approve the May 3, 2006 meeting minutes as amended. Seconded by Brewster. Kampersal abstains. Motion carries 7-0-1 (one abstention). YMCA Mitigation Plan Discussion Buchsbaum asks if the Committee would like to discuss the mitigation plan just presented. Dunne asks if signs alerting the public of this path and right of way should be required as part of the plan. Members agree this should be incorporated into the plan. Kampersal asks who would be the responsible party for maintaining this path. Buchsbaum states he would assume that the YMCA would take care of the maintenance, and thinks maybe this should be part of the plan. Further discussion ensues regarding the right of way. Members agree that signage should be required and that path maintenance should be the responsibility of the YMCA. Members ask Maxner to inquire as to whether Cassidy and Gelineau would like the Committee’s recommendations in writing. Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee June 7, 2006 Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 Right of Ways Tall Tree Drive: Maxner states that Roy Gelineau has agreed to draft a letter to the Ho’s informing them of the situation and the potential remedies to the problem and states she will follow up with him as to his progress on this. Buchsbaum states the City Council Legal Affairs and Accounts subcommittee has requested that th he attend their meeting on June 12 to discuss the Tall Tree Drive right of way situation. Maxner agrees to confirm the time he is expected at that meeting and provides maps to him detailing the area in question. Natural History Newspaper Articles & Earth Day Recap Maxner states that she wanted to do a post-Earth Day Walk wrap-up article to recap its success and give a sneak peek at next year’s schedule, which in her opinion should include Pole Swamp Lane and Branch Lane. Brewster suggests that Maxner’s article should include a plea for interested citizens to become members of the Committee or volunteer opportunities. Beaudoin asks if the JC Philips wildflower walk was ever held. Maxner states it got rained out twice, but that Erika Sonder offered time in the fall to lead a walk. Kampersal states that freelance nature writer, Diane Bair, has submitted an opinion piece on Norwood Pond to the Citizen or Salem News. She explains that Ms. Bair is a Beverly resident that lives close by and she attended the first Earth Day walk at Norwood pond. Discussion ensues regarding potential Earth Day walk themes for next year and members agree that experts in geology and botany should be part of the program next year. Buchsbaum states that the Peabody Essex Museum may be an avenue to find such people in those fields. Maxner states that John Dick, wetland scientist for Hancock Associates, leads nature walks on a regular basis and thinks he may be willing to be a host next year and promises to check with him on the possibility. Vitale Site Land Swap – Draft Letter to Conservation Commission Dunne states she has re-drafted the letter and provides members copies for their review. Members agree the letter effectively addresses their concerns and believe it is ready for the Chairman’s signature. Paluzzi and Squibb abstain from this issue considering their rolls on the Conservation Commission. Beverly Open Space & Recreation Committee June 7, 2006 Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 East Beverly Substation - Correspondence regarding potential trail Maxner states she has drafted a letter and prepared maps to send to National Grid for consideration regarding the potential for a trail connecting Boyles Street to the Conservation Commission property off of Tall Tree Drive. Members make a few suggestions for minor changes to the plan, and agree the letter is ready for the Chairman’s signature. Project Review before Other Boards and Commissions Buchsbaum states that the Planning Board is in the midst of considering a subdivision off of Bayview Avenue, and asks if the Committee has anything further to add to its previous letter advocating for public access to Hannah Park and the ancient highway. No changes are discussed. Maxner states this item has been continued and will confirm the date when the hearing will be held. Buchsbaum states the Ventron Site is in the midst of beginning stages of planning for a residential development and public access along the water is paramount to maintain. A petition by the developer to rezone this parcel is now in joint public hearing with the City Council and Planning Board and the hearing has been continued to September. He suggests that the Committee weigh in during this process. Dunne volunteers to draft a letter to articulate the Committee’s concerns. Open Space & Recreation Plan Update Buchsbaum provides spreadsheets detailing lands of conservation interest categorized by ownership on separate sheets. Section 5 is discussed at length, as are parcels of interest, and several maps are reviewed. Maxner agrees to inquire with Roland Adams, GIS Coordinator, if these spread sheets can be sorted by Ward. She also agrees to confirm the list of properties that have CR’s and Chapter 61 restrictions. Brewster agrees to develop a spreadsheet for Goals & Objectives section. Buchsbaum states the subcommittee should probably meet separately to further refine the update sections to the plan. A meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 28, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. for a working group on several sections to the plan. New Business There being no further business to discuss, Buchsbaum suggests that the next regular meeting be thth pushed to Wednesday, July 12 considering the July 4 holiday would precede their usual meeting day. Members agree. Brewster moves to adjourn. Seconded by Kampersal. All members in favor, motion carries 8-0. Meeting is adjourned at 9:45 p.m.