2004-04-057:25 PM Pam Kampersal re ideas for a better Beverly 7:35 PM Rosemary Maglio re appointment of Richard Dinkin 7:50 PM Public Hearing re Trans. To Acct. NS Regional Voke ($13,396.73) Refer to Finance and Property Regular Meeting of Beverly City CouRegular Meeting of Beverly City Council 8:00 PM April 5, 2004ncil 8:00 PM April 5, 2004 Roll Call : Councilors Present: John J. Burke, Ronald Costa, Timothy Flaherty, Patricia Grimes, Kevin Hobin, Donald Martin, Maureen Troubetaris , Paul Guanci Councilor Coughlin was absent Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag : Led by Councilor Troubetaris Appointments: City Clerk Frances A. Macdonald #149 Clerk of Committees Kathleen P. Connolly #150 Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting: Meeting of March 15, 2004 Communications from His Honor the Mayor : #126 April 1, 2004 Beverly City Council 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I am pleased to inform you that I am appointing Thatcher W. Kezer, III as the City’s new Director of Purchasing. Mr. Kezer comes to Beverly from the Metropolitan Area Planning Council with significant experience in managing regional purchasing efforts and organizing local, state and federal officials to create programs of mutual benefit. I have attached his resume for your review. Mr. Kezer, a former resident of Beverly, also recently returned from a tour of duty for Operation Iraqi Freedom. Posted in Arlington, VA, Major Kezer was responsible for supervising a team of 32 individuals that managed the deployment of communication personnel and equipment to the Middle East and South West Asia. Given his experience in organizing both small and large-scale programs, it is my intention to appoint Mr. Kezer, along with Assistant City Solicitor Robert Munroe as the team dedicated to negotiating the contracts with the City’s unions. I am sending notification of this decision under separate cover to union management teams and their respective counsels/business managers so that we may pursue timely and active negotiations with all these groups. I will officially submit Mr. Kezer’s temporary and permanent appoints as purchasing director to you at your next meeting on April 5. His first day in the office will be Monday th April, 12. th Very truly yours, William F. Scanlon, Jr., Mayor Receive and Place on File 63 #127 April 1, 2004 Honorable City Council City Hall 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 Re: Temporary Appointment of Pauline Teixeira as Director of Human Resources Dear Honorable Council: A vacancy exists in the position of Director of Human Resources and the needs of the City require that such position be filled, I designate Pauline Teixeira to perform the duties of Director of Human Resources on a temporary basis until the position can be filled in accordance with Section 3-3 of the Beverly Home Rule Charter. I certify that Pauline Teixeira is qualified to perform the duties which will be required and that I make the designation solely in the interests of the City of Beverly. This temporary appointment is made in accordance with Section 3-5 of the Beverly Home Rule Charter and will be effective April 5, 2004. Very truly yours, William F. Scanlon, Jr., Mayor of Beverly Receive and Place on File #128 April 5, 2004 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby request that your Honorable Council authorize the Mayor to sign the attached Contractor Signature Verification Form and Standard Contract Form for a five-year contract for the Council on Aging State Grant as explained in the attached communication from Leslee Breen, Council on Aging Director. Very truly yours, William F. Scanlon, Jr., Mayor Refer to Legal Affairs #129 April 5, 2004 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby re-appoint, subject to your review and recommendation, the following to serve as members of the Conservation Commission: Ian Hayes 2 Brookhead Avenue Mayo Johnson, MD 256 East Lothrop Street Anthony Paluzzi 64 17 Victor Avenue Their terms to be effective until June 30, 2006 Very truly yours, William F. Scanlon, Jr., Mayor Refer to Legal Affairs #130 April 5, 2004 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby appoint, subject to your review and recommendation, Ms. Ann Devereaux, 11 Lawnbank Road, Beverly, MA 01915 to serve as a member of the Beautification Committee as per the attached recommendation from Chairman Rod Shropshire. Very truly yours, William F. Scanlon, Jr., Mayor Recommend approval of the appointment #131 April 1, 2004 Honorable City Council City Hall 191 Cabot Street Beverly, MA 01915 Re: Temporary Appointment of Thatcher W. Kezer III as Director of Purchasing Dear Honorable Council: A vacancy exists in the position of Director of Purchasing and the needs of the City require that such position be filled, I designate Thatcher W. Kezer III to perform the duties of Director of Purchasing on a temporary basis until the position can be filled in accordance with Section 3-3 of the Beverly Home Rule Charter. I certify that Thatcher W. Kezer III is qualified to perform the duties which will be required and that I make the designation solely in the interests of the City of Beverly. This temporary appointment is made in accordance with Section 3-5 of the Beverly Home Rule Charter and will be effective April 12, 2004. Very truly yours, William F. Scanlon, Jr., Mayor of Beverly Receive and Place on File #132 April 5, 2004 Honorable City Council City Hall Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: I hereby appoint on a permanent basis, subject to your review and recommendation, 65 Mr. Thatcher W. Kezer III, 92 Monroe Street, Amesbury, MA 01913, to serve as the Director of Purchasing for the City of Beverly. Very truly yours, William F. Scanlon, Jr., Mayor Refer to Legal Affairs and Accounts #133 April 5, 2004 The Honorable City Council City Hall, 191 Cabot Street Beverly, Massachusetts 01915 RE: APPOINTMENTS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE REZONING COMMITTEE Dear Honorable Board: I hereby appoint, subject to review and confirmation, the following individuals to serve as members of the City’s ad-hoc Comprehensive Rezoning Committee: Ms. Carla Cox, 6 Clark Avenue, Beverly, Massachusetts Mr. John Colucci, 10 Puritan Road, Wenham Massachusetts (Chamber of Commerce representative) These individuals will replace Debra Hurlburt, Peter Gilmore, and Robert Valliere who were appointed to serve by a previous administration but are no longer in the City’s employ. I respectfully request that the Council waive the provisions of the City Ordinance relative to residence within City limits for Mr. Colucci’s appointment. The appointments of Ms. Cox and Mr. Colucci will complement the remaining members of the Committee, who include Ron Costa, Richard Dinkin, Wendy Frontiero, Scott Houseman, Donald Neuman, Donald Preston, and John Thomson. Respectfully, William F. Scanlon, Jr., Mayor Recommend approval of the appointment Communications from other City Officers and Boards #134 March 30, 2004 Beverly City Council 191 Cabot St. Beverly, MA 01915 Dear Honorable Council: On behalf of the Friends of the Beverly Public Library I would like to request a one day waiver of the prohibition against serving alcohol in a public building at the Beverly Farms Public Library on May 22, 2004. The Friends of the Beverly Public Library are hold a fundraiser to benefit the Farms Library on May 22, 2004 from 6:00 PM until 9:00 PM at the Beverly Farms Library. The purpose of the fundraiser is to raise additional funds to buy furniture for the Beverly Farms library. We expect about 250 local Beverly resident to attend the event. We would greatly appreciate the approval of this request for a one day waiver of the prohibition against serving alcohol in a public building at the Beverly Farms Library. If you need any further information please contact me at 978-921-6062. Thank you very much for your consideration and we look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, 66 Lynn Frances-Lunn President, Friends of the Beverly Public Library Refer to Legal Affairs and Accounts #135 April 4, 2004 Honorable City Council C/o Mrs. Frances MacDonald City Hall Beverly, MA. 01915 Dear Councilors, Re: C14 –S 94, Obedience to special traffic-control devices We have been working with The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, MBTA, regarding safety issues on and around the railroad crossings in Beverly. We believe by adopting MGL 720 CMR 9.06 (23), as a City of Beverly Ordinance, Obedience to signs, signals & markings, we can make the railroad crossings safer. Please take the necessary action to add Chapter 14, Section 94, sub-section (e). No person shall stop their motor vehicle on railroad tracks. ADD: c14, s 94 (e): Violation of this section shall be punishable by a $50.00 fine. Very truly yours, Dennis O. Tarsook, Traffic Sergeant Safety Officer Refer to Legal Affairs Communications, Applications and Petitions: #136 Communication from Salem City Council re Salem/Beverly Water Supply Board Receive and Place on File #137 Comm. from Comprehensive Environmental Inc. re Phase II Stormwater Annual Report Deadline Receive and Place on File Refer to Frank Killilea, #138 Communication From Cummings properties requesting change in Zoning Designation for Parcel A-1 on Approval Not Required plan endorsed by the Beverly Planning Board on Oct. 17, 2002 be changed from General Industrial District (IG) to Restricted Industrial/Research/Office District (IR) Refer to Legal Affairs and Planning Board 67 #139 Application for five additional Amusement Device Licenses-Union Club, Inc. 141 Cabot Street Refer to Legal Affairs and Accounts #140 Petition of Mass Electric for 1 single owned wood pole and miscellaneous overhead equipment in Hart Street. Refer to Public Service and Aid #141 Communication to Salem City Council from Representative Mary Grant relative to Salem/Beverly Water Supply Board Receive and Place on File #142 Comm. re appointment of Richard Dinkin to Planning Board Refer to Legal Affairs and Accounts #143 Comm. re Edwards School Zoning Change Refer to Legal Affairs and Accounts #144 Petition for request to clean up Beverly Golf and Tennis sidewalk Refer to Public Service and Aid #145 Application Two limo licenses, Express Limo, Ltd, 70 Brimbal Ave. Refer to Legal Affairs and Accounts #146 Late File Claim Sewer Damage Elizabeth Blackburn Receive and Place on File Refer to City Solicitor Reports from Committees : #58 The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of Communication relative to the condition of the pool at Beverly Golf and Tennis Club have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: 68 Receive and Place on File 8-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #109 The Committee on Finance and Property to whom was referred the matter of Transfer to Account North Shore Regional Voke have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption Ordered: That the City Council approve the request of the Mayor for a transfer of Thirteen Thousand Three Hundred Ninety-Six Dollars and Seventy-Three Cents ($13,396.73) to account “North Shore Regional Vocation School District” from “Reserve for Unforeseen Expenditures” First Passage: March 15, 2004 Public Hearing: April 5, 2004 Final Passage: April 5, 2004 8-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #91 The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of request to change name on Petroleum Storage License have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption Ordered: That the Council approve the change in name on the petroleum license from Estate of Martha Lewis to 191 Essex Street Trust, with William, Stephen and Thomas Lewis being named as Trustees 8-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #101 The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of Reappointment- Director of Engineering-Frank Killilea have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the Council Approve the Appointment 8-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #105 The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the appointment Design Review Board Douglas haring have considered said mater and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the Council approve the appointment 8-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #106 The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of Reappointment- Planning Board William Betts and Elizabeth McGlynn have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: 69 William Betts 8-0 Vote Elizabeth McGlynn 8-0 Vote Recommend the Council approve the appointment 8-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #106 The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of Reappointment to the Planning Board-Richard Dinkin have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the Council Approve the Appointment The vote in committee was as follows: For: Maureen Troubetaris and Patricia Grimes Against: John Burke 7-1 Vote with Burke voting against Order read once and adopted #116 The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of Application for Livery License, Real Time Car Service have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the license be granted 8-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #122 The Committee on Legal Affairs to whom was referred the matter of request for thank you to be sent to Congressman Tierney and Representative Hill have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Receive and Place on File 8-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #100 The Committee on Public Services to whom was referred the matter of Appointment- Director of Community Services-Thomas Scully have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the Council approve the appointment 8-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #102 The Committee on Public Services to whom was referred the matter of reappointment of Director of Public Services, Michael Collins have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the Council approve the appointment 8-0 Vote Order read once and adopted 70 #104 The Committee on Public Services to whom was referred the matter of appointment and Waiver of Residency-Council on Aging-Brad Gaige have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the council approve the appointment 8-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #107 The Committee on Public Services to whom was referred the matter of reappointment Trustees of David Lynch Public parks Fund-Arthur Powell, Barbara Feenan, Lauren Young and Rosalie Kerr have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Recommend the Council approve the appointment 8-0 Vote Order read once and adopted #140 The Committee on Public Services to whom was referred the matter of Petition of Mass Electric for pole and equipment in Hart Street have considered said matter and beg leave to report as follows, to wit: Submit the accompanying order and recommend its adoption Ordered: That the City Council hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, April 20, 2004 at 7:58 PM in Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall, 191 Cabot Street, Beverly Mass. Relative to a petition of Massachusetts Electric for one Single Owned Wood Pole #1842-84 and miscellaneous overhead equipment on Hart Street. 8-0 Vote Order read once and adopted Unfinished Business: Resolutions: Motions and Orders: #147 By Councilor Burke: Ordered: That the Beverly City Council and the Mayor meet to discuss the number of on- duty Beverly firefighters available to protect the citizens of Beverly, the reduction in the number of firefighters from 13 to 10, and the Department’s need to adequately staff Ladder One. Refer to Public Service and Aid #148 Bu Councilors Flaherty and Hobin Ordered That the members of the Salem City Council be invited to a Public Services Committee meeting to discuss the Salem/Beverly Water Supply Board Recommend adoption of the order Meeting adjourned: 9:15 PM Frances A. Macdonald, CMC City Clerk 71 72