Public Meeting Minutes
Historic District Commission
August 30, 2005
Members Present
: William Finch, James Younger, Matthew Lewis,
John Condon
Members Absent
: John Frates
Others Present
: Leah Zambernardi
Leah Zambernardi
Mr. Finch called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
1. Discussion of Amendment to Historic Districts Ordinance Section 10-29.4
Finch states he asked Zambernardi to put this item on the agenda. He states the
Ordinance originally read that exclusions from commission review include "colors to be
determined by charts used by Williamsburg, Virginia Historic District, for use on
buildings and roofs." He states that about two years ago, the Council amended this part
of the Ordinance to read that "colors for use on buildings and roofs" shall be excluded
from commission review. Finch states that he would like the Commission to decide
whether not regulating the color of roofs is a concern or not. He states that red metal
roofs and the like are becoming popular.
Zambernardi states that Finch made a suggestion to regulate roof colors other than black,
gray or even brown.
Mr. Younger and Mr. Lewis note that even these colors can vary.
Zambernardi states that the current language allows the Commission to regulate
materials. Finch states that typically, asphalt shingles replacing asphalt shingles are not
regulated. If someone were to want to change the material, the Commission would be
able to review this and at least discuss and comment on the color choice.
Members decide not to recommend changing the Ordinance.
2. Discussion for Commission Policy for Treatment of Materials on Non-
Contributing Buildings within the Fish Flake Hill Local Historic District.
Finch states that the Commission needs to decide on its policy for making
recommendations on treatment of new construction and new additions to noncontributing
buildings in the District. He states that we also need to decide what the threshold is for
determining what buildings can be considered noncontributing. He states we could opt
Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes Draft
August 30, 2005
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for the National Register criteria of 50 years or younger. He states that our current policy
is to allow only wood windows which match the existing configuration of windows if it is
a replacement of a historic window or to require a window that is historically appropriate
if it is a change. Members discuss allowing metal clad wood windows with applied
muntins to the exterior and interior of the window and internal spacers and its application
to only buildings of 50 years or younger.