2001-02-12 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 12, 2001 PRESENT: Commissioners Barnico, Duval, Eaton, Farmer, Lydon, Mahoney, Nelson, Rosen, Vitale, and White ABSENT: Commissioner Gourdeau PUBLIC: Tina Cassidy, Ken Lewis, Gerry Nelson, Ken Robinson, Richard Mello, Renee Mary, Gardner Trask, Peter Simpson, Dave Graham, and Kathleen McLaughlin A. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Farmer called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. 1. Presentation: · Edwards & Kelsey – Dave Graham told the Commission of the M.A.C. meeting in March for the Snow Removal Equipment (SRE) funding approval. Dave recommended B.A.C. presence at the meeting. Dave also mentioned the coordination with Bob Mallard and Bob Mezzetti for the Airport Vegetation Management Plan Equipment. Dave brought the Commission up to date on the Master Plan’s Airport Layout Plan map. 2. Reading of the Minutes for January 2001 – Chairman Farmer called for a reading of the minutes from the January meeting. Commissioner Eaton made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Vice Chairman Vitale. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Reading of the Financial Report – Chairman Farmer called for a reading of the financial report. Commissioner White gave the financial report for January 2001. Commissioner Eaton made a motion to accept the financial report subject to audit, seconded by Commissioner Nelson. Motion passed unanimously. B. OLD BUSINESS · Airport Industrial Parcels – A decision by the Commission if they wanted to sell any airport industrial parcels was tabled. C. NEW BUSINESS: · Doozer’s Inc. Lease Assignment – Cancelled BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 12, 2001 · NorthShore Helicopters Inc. - Cancelled D. AIRPORT MANAGER’S REPORT: The Airport Manager’s report for the 2/12/01 BAC meeting was included in the commission packets. The Airport Manager updated the Commission on events that had taken place since the packet mailings. Updates included Gurnard building contamination testing results, Master Plan ALP review by E&K, Wyler lease draft, and airport year-round hunter. F. CHAIRMAN/COMMISSION COMMENTS: · Chairman Farmer asked for an update on the airport website. · Chairman Farmer told of possible City of Peabody interest in the Gongas evergreen · Chairman Farmer told of smoothing relations with Executive Jet over an incident involving a based tenant. · Vice Chairman Vitale updated the Commission on Aviation Day preparation. F. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Entered into Executive Session to discuss an issue contained in the provisions of Airport general rules and federal grant assurances. G. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Duval, seconded by Commissioner Nelson. Motion passed unanimously.