March 28, 2006
Conservation Commission
Members Present
David Lang (Chair), Tony Paluzzi (Vice-Chair), Dr. Mayo
Johnson, Gregg Cademartori, and Bill Squibb
Members Absent:
Ian Hayes
Others Present:
Amy Maxner – Environmental Planner
Eileen Sacco
Lang calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at G.A.R. Hall
Discussion with Mayor William Scanlon – Former Vitale Site
Maxner states that Mayor Scanlon will not be at the meeting this evening and suggests
the Commission continue the matter to the next meeting on April 11, 2006.
There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter Paluzzi moves to
continue the matter to the April 11, 2006 meeting, seconded by Johnson. The motion
carries 5-0.
Request for Determination of Applicability
Cont: - 12 Bridge Street – Construct Two Story Addition – Martin Osterode
John Dick of Hancock Environmental addresses the Commission and explains that the
applicant is proposing to construct a 2-story addition and deck to an existing single-
family house within the buffer zone to a coastal bank and riverfront area to the Bass
River. He explains the addition and deck will be supported by pile footings and sono
tube footings and no foundation will be dug. He also notes that at the last meeting the
Commission asked for an alternatives analysis and notes that under the Riverfront
Protection Act an alternative analysis is required and provides a written analysis to
members. He explains the options his client has, one being that they do not build the
addition at all and notes that the construction would be roughly the equivalent of the
same plan and notes that if they go back the grade drops off significantly and it would
make it difficult to do. He also states that it is not practical architecture to place the
addition in the back and notes that the ease of development and cash cost of the addition
is tied up with so many considerations and that would eliminate the idea on the basis of
cost and practicality.
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Mr. Dick reviews the situation and notes that the deck and the addition are set above
grade and talks about the logistics and explains the plan. He notes that construction
related impacts would be the same if the addition were moved to another part of the
house. Erosion control measures would also be the same as proposed.
Maxner notes that Mr. Dick’s letter indicates that a drip line recharge trench would be a
suitable method of dealing with the roof runoff. Dick explains the applicant would be
amenable to a drip trench.
Paluzzi states that he wants no dumping of cement on the site. Dick acknowledges that
and states that in that case it will have to be removed from the site.
Lang asks if the members want to visit the site. Maxner states that it is a fairly
straightforward project that can be easily monitored for compliance. She provides photos
of the site for members to review.
Lang opens the hearing up for public comment at this time. There is no one present who
wishes to comment on this matter.
There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, Johnson moves to
issue a Negative # 2 Determination for 12 Bridge Street, subject to the following
1. If any trees are cut down on site, an equal number of native trees shall be re-
planted somewhere on site, preferably close to the general area where any trees
are to be removed.
2. A clean crushed stone gravel drip line recharge trench shall be installed along the
perimeter of the roofline to capture roof runoff for infiltration and to avoid
potential erosion from runoff.
3. Any concrete spoils shall be removed from site, and shall not be buried on site.
Paluzzi seconds the motion. The motion carries 5-0.
New: 8 Thomas Road – Install Prefab Wood Shed and Construct Stairs – Joseph
Maxner reads the legal notice.
Mr. Coughlin addresses Commission and explains that he is proposing to place a storage
shed in the lawn area and construct a set of stairs on the rear of the house within the
buffer zone to a bordering vegetated wetland. He explains that the former owner cut
down trees and was ordered by DEP to replant the area. He explains that his proposal is
to construct a pre-built shed on cinder blocks on the side of the house about 40 feet from
the wetlands. He also notes that it is about 10 feet above the elevation of the wetland.
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Paluzzi asks for the size of the stairs. Coughlin states that they are 4 feet X 1 foot.
Lang opens the hearing up for public comment at this time. There is no one present who
wishes to comment on this matter.
There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, Paluzzi moves to
issue a Negative # 3 Determination for 8 Thomas Road. Johnson seconds motion. The
motion carries 5-0.
New: Route 128 – Herbicide application for Vegetation Control – Mass Highway
Maxner reads the legal notice.
Bob Boone, District Environmental Engineer for Mass Highway, addresses the
Commission and explains that they are proposing to apply herbicides within the Route
128 right of way, and is requesting the Commission render a determination as to whether
the areas depicted on the plan are subject to the Act. He notes that pursuant to 310 CMR
10:03 (6) (b), herbicide application is exempt as long as it conforms to the Yearly
Operational Plan complying with the DFA. He also notes the areas on the plan and
explains that for safety reasons they are proposing this, noting that they have to hire
police details to do weed whacking in the area because it is so dangerous.
Boone explains that the spraying starts and stops at areas indicated on the plan sheets, and
they are not allowed to spray through water supply areas. He also notes that areas on the
plan indicate if and when an area can be sprayed and points these out on the plan sheets.
He also notes that they are adhering to DFA regulations.
Boone explains the composition of the spray they propose to use and notes that it is a
combination of Oust and Round Up and is lighter concentration than that sold at Home
Paluzzi asks if there is potential for runoff in the rain. Boone explains that they add
surfactant to the solution to make is stay in place exactly where it is sprayed and cannot
be washed off by precipitation, noting that it can be sprayed within an hour either way or
wind and rain.
Maxner clarifies that they have been doing mechanical maintenance in that area and they
want to start this process. Bruin agrees and explains the other areas in the state where
they use this process. He also notes that it was done here in Beverly from 96-98 and it
was approved.
Lang opens the hearing up for public comment at this time.
Rene Mary notes that zone A is an aquifer to the water supply. Lang explains that the
area is a no spray area and there will be no spraying there.
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There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter, Paluzzi makes a
motion to issue a Negative Determination 5. Johnson seconds the motion. The motion
carries (5-0).
Paluzzi moves to recess for public hearings at this time. Johnson seconds motion. The
motion carries (5-0).
Notice of Intent
Continuation of Public Hearing – off LP Henderson Road and Cabot Street – DEP
File # 5-897 – Request to Leave Constructed Culvert Crossing – Cailin, LLC – c/o
Stanley Bialek
Curt Young of Wetlands Preservation Inc. addresses the Commission and notes that at the
Saturday March 25 site visit the Commission looked at the replication area that is shown
on the revised plan. He notes that there will be significant seeding of the embankment on
the northeast side of the culvert. He also notes that the scale is a little different on the
revised plan but it is consistent with the original plan. Mr. Young also notes that the
access road will not have curbs as that will interrupt wildlife movement and they are
proposing sloped granite cape cod berm.
Lang asks what the alteration by the culvert is in square feet. Mr. Young states that it is a
little more than 3,100 s.f. He also notes that the new area is going to be 8,500 s.f., and
will be a much higher quality area.
Lang opens the hearing up for public comment at this time. There is no one present who
wishes to comment on this matter.
Maxner states that there is a notation on the plan # 8 regarding an extension of an Order
of Conditions. Scott Patrowicz explains that the note refers to Cailin Road and a DEP
Superseding Order of Conditions. He explains that they asked for an extension from
DEP but no action was taken by DEP. He further notes that the owner is aware of the
limbo status of this and that it needs to be cleared up.
Maxner referred to DEP comments and noted that there is a comment about a 401 water
quality report. Patrowicz agrees and notes that they have not done that yet.
Maxner notes that any changes to the plan regarding the surface of the crossing will have
to be approved by the Commission.
Lang asks if there are any more comments regarding this proposal.
Rene Mary, 274 Hale Street, addresses the Commission and asks if there is a statute of
limitation on the Order of Conditions that is in limbo at DEP. Young notes that the
matter has to be cleared up.
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Maxner requests a report on the construction sequence. Young states that he will provide
it at the preconstruction conference.
There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter Johnson moves to
close the public hearing. Paluzzi seconds the motion. The motion carries 5-0.
Cont: 412 Hale Street – Landmark School – construct Athletic Complex with
Parking and Athletic Field
Lang recuses himself from discussion of this matter and leaves the room.
James DeVellis of Gellar DeVellis addresses Commission and explains that a site walk
was held on Saturday March 25 and there were three topics of concern. He explains that
one is drainage, erosion and sediment control and the status of the emergent marsh.
DeVellis reviews the plan and the location of the proposed field, parking and the
proposed gymnasium and a cross section of the drainage for the site. DeVellis notes that
the existing drainage pattern mimics the proposed conditions, noting that the proposed
system will have underground infiltration pipes that will collect into a catch basin and go
back to the resource area. He also notes that the proposed TSS removal is consistent with
DEP regulations.
DeVellis notes that for erosion control they propose to install hay bales and a silt fence.
Paluzzi suggests that they install a construction fence behind the silt fence to create a
visual barrier that will let the contractor know that it is off limits.
DeVellis explains that there is concern that there is a vernal pool on the site and states
that Landmark hired someone to look at that. He introduced Tom Keough of Hancock
Environmental who looked at the site for a possible vernal pool.
Keough explains that he waded through the entire perimeter of the pond for about three
hours and noted the area on the plan. He explains that he did not see any species
associated with a vernal pool; no egg masses, no signs of amphibian activity what so
ever. He explains that the pond is fairly deep. He noted that there is a report that details
his findings and hands copies out to Commission members.
Paluzzi notes that there is a pipe in the ground and asks if there are plans to replace it.
DeVellis notes that the pipe is working and there is no need to replace it.
Paluzzi opens the hearing up for public comment at this time.
Rene Mary, 274 Hale Street, notes that there were several vernal pools certified in that
area. Keough notes that there is not enough of the different species to qualify it as a
vernal pool at this time.
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Johnson suggests that the Commission continue this matter and have a wetlands specialist
look at the pond.
Cademartori notes that it is still very early in the season to make a judgment on the
presence of a vernal pool would be premature, and the Ordinance calls for investigation
during the entire season ending in late May. He also states that he is not sure that the
erosion control measures are adequate, and that he was looking for more representative
set of cross sections of that slope.
Johnson notes that this is a big project and suggests that the Commission have a drainage
consultant look at the drainage calculations. Members agree and indicate that a peer
review is in order for the drainage proposal. DeVellis asks what the process is for a peer
review. Maxner states the Commission established regulations for this and explains the
Commission will chose its consultant, obtain an estimate and the applicant will provide a
deposit to the City for that estimate and work can begin from there.
Jonathon Loring, 502 Hale Street, addresses the Commission and notes he is an abutter
and he has seen snapping turtles on his property and has heard chorusing in the
Maxner asks if the Commission would be amenable to having her accompany Tom
Keough to assist with the vernal pool evaluation. Cademartori states that would be fine
as long as Maxner and Keough agree on what they are observing out in the field. Keough
states he will be sure to take photos of everything they find. Paluzzi states that it would
be fine as long as a formal report is submitted to the Commission of their findings.
Squibb asks what will be done with the existing gymnasium building. Dave Seiter states
it will probably be converted to a performing arts facility.
There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter Johnson moves to
continue the matter to May 2, 2006, seconded by Squibb. The motion carries 4-0.
Lang returned to the meeting at this time.
Lang notes that the Commission will be taking the agenda out of order for a discussion
with owner of 36 Cole Street.
36 Cole Street – Richard and Catherine Obear – Cutting Trees in the Buffer Zone
Maxner explains that while driving on Cole Street last week she observed at least three
fairly large trees had been cut and these were visible from the road. She asked Mr. Obear
to come to the meeting to discuss this with the Commission. She explains the wetland
system behind # 36 is the same one evlatuated for the Thompson Farm Subdivision.
Mr. Obear addresses the Commission and explains that he did not know that he needed
the approval of the Commission to do the tree cutting on his property. He explains that
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he was cutting down a couple of oak trees that were diseased and he was unaware of the
100-foot buffer zone and it was not his intention to ignore the Commission.
Mr. Obear provides photos of the trees that were cut and states that he is sure that none of
them were in the wetland but just in the lawn area of the buffer zone.
Mr. Obear stated that he has no intention of cutting any more trees at this time. Maxner
advises him that he should contact her if he is planning to do any work, including
additions, pools, sheds and such.
Commission members agree that as long as no further cutting is done, no further action
by the Commission is required. Lang thanks Mr. Obear for coming in and discussing this
and encourages him to contact Maxner if he needs to do any further work on the property.
Cont: 9 Park Avenue – Replace Pilings Beneath Residence – Harry Prussman
Kris Van Naerssen addresses the Commission and explains that a site walk was held on
the March 25 and is happy to answer any questions the Commission may have.
Cademartori states that he found the site walk to be helpful and answered a lot of
Lang opens the hearing up for public comment at this time. There is no one present who
wishes to comment on this matter.
There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter Johnson moves to
close the public hearing. Lang abstains. Squibb seconds the motion. The motion carries
4-0-1 (one abstention).
New: 573 Hale Street – DEP File #5-906 – Replace Existing Stone Pier – Jonathan
Maxner reads the legal notice.
Varoujan Hagopian, engineer for the applicant, addresses the Commission and explains
their proposal to repair the existing stone pier within rocky intertidal shore and land
subject to coastal storm flowage. He notes that the pier was constructed in 1914 and last
year a northeaster storm caused considerable damage to it. It serves to provide access for
swimming and tying up small water craft, and it also provides protection to the beach
located to the west. He shows photos to the Commission and notes that they plan to
repair the pier by stacking granite blocks and replace it in kind. He explains that they
will re-establish the new blocks with iron rebar held together with epoxy for better
structure its integrity. He also notes that there is a lot of wave action and tidal plunging
up and down and this will be designed for 6-foot incident waves.
Lang suggests a site visit to the property.
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Maxner asks what the base width of the pier is. Hagopian notes that the width varies
because the blocks are not even. He estimated that the width of the base is 25-35 feet.
Paluzzi asks what the mean high water mark is. Hagopian states that it is 10.4 MHW
underwater. He recommends a site visit at low tide.
Lang opens the hearing up for public comment at this time. There is no one present who
wishes to comment on the matter.
There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter Johnson moves to
continue the public hearing to April 11, 2006. Paluzzi seconds the motion. The motion
carries 5-0.
New: 10 Avalon Avenue – Repair Existing Stone Seawall – Frederic Home
Maxner reads the legal notice.
Fred Radcliffe of Charles Engineering addresses the Commission and explains their
proposal to repair an existing stone seawall within rocky intertidal shore and coastal
bank. He reviews the plans and notes that the wall is constructed of stone and mortar and
is constructed directly on ledge. He also notes that there are a couple of areas where
stones have rolled out exposing voids that are about 8 feet wide and 3 feet deep, and
which at present not supported and shows photos of the area.
Radcliffe explains the process they would use to repair the seawall and notes that they
intend to reinforce the concrete at the toe of the slope and drill reinforced steel into the
ledge and pour concrete to prevent further deterioration and to provide stability by
establishing an apron in front of the wall.
Johnson asks if you can walk to the area at low tide. Radcliffe states that if you go out
there at low tide you will get a sense of what is going on there, but that it is very rocky
and slippery.
Lang asks how they plan to form the concrete apron. Radcliffe states it will require some
shaping into the ledge, but the logistics for the form will be left to the contractor to
determine. He also explains that the apron can be poured at low tide and they will have
to work with the tides.
Lang opens the hearing up for public comment at this time. There is no one present who
wishes to comment on the matter.
A site visit will be held on April 8, 2006 at a time to be determined in accordance with
the tidal schedule.
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There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter Johnson moves to
continue the public hearing to April 11, 2006, pending a site inspection. Paluzzi seconds
the motion. The motion carries 5-0.
New: 44 Prince Street – Reconstruct Single Family Dwelling and Guest House –
David Carnevale
Maxner reads the legal notice.
Bob Griffin of Griffin Engineering addresses the Commission and explains the plan is to
reconstruct an existing single family home and guesthouse, reconfigure the driveways,
landscaping and pool within the buffer zone to a coastal bank and land subject to coastal
storm flowage. Griffin notes that the site is 2 acres and is the same site that the
Commission permitted a floating dock last month. Griffin explains the plans and the
location of the dwelling, portions of which are to be relocated and other portions to be
demolished. He notes that it is a complicated plan that will involve demolition and the
abandonment of an existing septic system.
Griffin explains that they will be removing the driveway from within the 25-Foot No
Disturb Zone and the proposed residence will be significantly further back from the
coastal bank and the existing residence. He explains the utilities and notes that they will
be brought in from Prince Street and explains the plans to be in compliance with Title V.
Maxner asks to have the landscaping plan explained. Griffin introduces Hugh Collins,
who explains the landscaping plans and notes that they tried to save all of the trees and a
couple of Norway maples have to go but for the most part they are working around the
existing trees.
Lang opens the hearing up for public comment at this time.
Carl Soeder, 1 Curtis Point, addresses the Commission and asks if the applicant has any
plans to connect to the public sewer system, and would the applicant accept connection to
City sewer as a condition of approval. Griffin states that they hope to do that at some
point but they might want to put that off for another time for financial or other reasons,
and adds that the applicant would not agree to being bound to connecting to City system
as part of the approval process. Soeder also notes that the building is in the 100-foot
buffer zone and he didn’t hear that addressed in the presentation. Griffin notes that there
is nothing in the regulations that prevents them from working in the buffer zone. He also
notes that the plans meet all of the requirements and complies with the Wetlands
Protection Act and local Ordinance.
Lang explains that the burden is on the applicant to show evidence that there will not be
an impact on the resource area from the project. He also informed the public that the
Commission will be continuing this public hearing and conducting a site visit and will
have much more discussion about this at future meetings.
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Jim Mansfield, 41 Prince Street, addresses the Commission and notes that the driveway is
in the 25-Foot No Disturb Zone.
Jim Garrels, 37 Prince Street, addresses the Commission and suggests that the applicant
move the chain to the boat ramp further down Prince Street. Griffin notes that it is not a
bad idea and states that they will take that into consideration.
Maxner asks if they have a plan to mitigate the runoff in the area of the boat ramp.
Griffin states that they will allow water to flow as it does today and noted that there will
be an increase in the runoff for the relocated structure.
Pam Mansfield, 41 Prince Street, addresses the Commission and states that she is
concerned about traffic. Lang explains that traffic is a Planning Board issue and the
Commission only has jurisdiction for protecting the resource areas.
Johnson asks for an explanation on the overall impervious surface coverage on the site.
Griffin notes that they are decreasing the amount of impervious surface in the coastal
bank, and suspects there may be an overall increase in impervious surface on the site, but
he does not have the calculations at this time.
Rene Mary, 274 Hale Street, questioned the moving of the existing residence. Griffin
states the applicant is well within his right to move portions of the house
There being no further questions or comments regarding this matter Johnson moves to
continue the public hearing to April 11, 2006, pending a site inspection scheduled for
Saturday April 8 time to be determined. Paluzzi seconds the motion. The motion
carries 5-0.
18-20 Longmeadow Road – Sebastian Barcelar – EO Action Update
Mr. Barcelar addresses the Commission to update them on the progress he has made
since the issuance of the enforcement order on his property when he installed large
concrete blocks, retaining wall and footings for a deck within the buffer zone to a wetland
area located in the rear of both properties. The Commission advised Barcelar at a
previous meeting to obtain quotes for the services of a wetlands scientist to delineate the
wetland line in order to get a clear idea as to where the wetland is and how close the
activity is to the line. Barcelar states that he talked with a consultant and the cost would
be around $2,000 to mark the wetlands. He states that he is self-employed and cannot
afford to pay that much at this time of year. Lang suggests that he Commission visit the
site on April 8, 2006 and see if they can come up with its own determination of the
wetland limits and advise Mr. Barcelar from there. Lang thanks Mr. Barcelar for
attending the meeting.
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Orders of Conditions
off LP Henderson Road and Cabot Street – DEP File # 5-897 – Request to Leave
Constructed Culvert Crossing – Cailin, LLC – c/o Stanley Bialek
Paluzzi suggests issuing Standard Conditions. The Commission discusses special
conditions as follows:
The tree at the approach and along access to wetland replication area shall remain and the
area will be restored. The details of which shall be reviewed at the preconstruction
meeting as well as the stabilization of the construction area.
Squibb states the applicant should obtain the plan from NEPCO to address the step up,
and the Commission should require that the final grading will eliminate the step up so
that wildlife movement will not be impeded.
Cademartori suggests that the replication should be done as quickly as possible and the
planting should be done by October 1, 2006. Cademartori also requests that the work
shall be supervised by a wetlands scientist and monthly reports on the progress shall be
submitted to the Commission from the initiation of the project.
Members agree on the following Special Conditions to be applied to the project:
1. Any large trees at the approach or within the access route to the replication area
shall remain and the area will be restored. The details for surface treatment of
access route, final location of access route and methods to stabilize the
construction area shall be provided and reviewed at the pre-construction meeting.
2. Final grading within all areas of streambed and adjacent embankments to culvert
shall eliminate any and all barriers to wildlife migration and mobility.
3. The replication planting shall be completed no later than October 1, 2006. A
wetland scientist shall supervise replication activities and plant installation and
shall submit to the Commission monthly progress reports from the initiation of the
There being no further comments regarding this matter Johnson moves to issue the Order
of Conditions as discussed. Paluzzi seconds the motion. Lang and Cademartori abstain.
Maxner notes that the motion fails with a 3-0-2 vote.
Cademartori notes that he has issues with approving a project on property that is in the
care and custody of the Conservation Commission.
Lang states the Commission
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Squibb notes that the Commission has been asked to approve other applications for this
site over the years.
Maxner notes that any issues that members may have had about this should have been
raised from the start, and she was under the impression that if the Mayor signed the NOI,
that was the same as the applicant obtaining permission from the owner, in this case the
City of Beverly.
The Commission reviewed their options regarding this matter. Lang notes that overall
the project is good and suggested that the Commission reconsider their earlier vote.
Cademartori states that considering he did participate in the discussion of the Order of
Conditions he would be willing to reconsider the vote.
Paluzzi moves to reconsider the vote for the Order of Conditions. Johnson seconds the
motion. Lang abstains. The motion carries 4-0-1.
Paluzzi moves to issue an Order of Conditions with the Standard and Special Conditions
as already discussed. Johnson seconds the motion. The motion carries 4-0-1 with Lang
9 Park Avenue – Replace Pilings Beneath Residence – Henry Prussman
Paluzzi suggests Standard Conditions and the following Special Conditions:
1. If construction debris and other refuse is not removed from the site on a daily
basis, a dumpster shall be located on site during construction.
2. Prior to construction, alternatives to CCA (Copper Chromium Arsenate) treated
wood shall be explored.
Johnson seconds the motion. Lang abstains. The motion carries 4-0-1 (one abstention).
Requests for Extensions of Orders of Conditions
6 Foxhill Court, DEP File #5-793
Maxner reads a letter from the applicant who is requesting a one-year extension to the
Order of Conditions issued for 6 Fox Hill Court.
Maxner states the applicant has yet to complete the grading of the side yard, but the
addition has been built. She states she has monitored this project and it has been in
compliance with the Order to date.
Paluzzi moves to grant a one-year extension. Johnson seconds the motion. The motion
carries 5-0.
44 Boyles Street, DEP File #5-768
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Maxner reads a letter from the applicant requesting a one-year extension to the Order of
Conditions issued for 44 Boyles Street. She notes that this is the second extension on this
project and pursuant to the Ordinance each Order can only be extended twice. She
explains that the grass has been planted but the applicant wishes to mow it a few times
before he pursues a Certificate of Compliance.
Paluzzi moves to grant the final one-year extension. Johnson seconds the motion. The
motion carries 5-0.
19 Temi Road, DEP File #5-796
Maxner reads a letter from the applicant requesting a one-year extension to the Order of
Conditions issued for 19 Temi Road. She notes that the pool has been installed but the
addition has not been completed as of yet.
Paluzzi moves to grant a one-year extension. Johnson seconds the motion. The motion
carries 5-0.
Vitale Site
A brief discussion ensues regarding the steps that need to be taken for the Commission to
consider in swapping the Vitale Site. Members agree this will be further discussed at the
April 11 meeting.
Approval of Expenses
Maxner requests approval of the following expenses:
??$5.36 to Amy Maxner for Certified Mail for the issuance of DEP File #5-899;
??$85.00 to Amy Maxner for her attendance at the March 4, 2006 MACC Annual
??$85.00 to Gregg Cademartori for his attendance at the March 4, 2006 MACC
Annual Conference
Paluzzi moves to approve the expenses. Johnson seconds the motion. Cademartori
abstains. The motion carries 4-0-1 (one abstention).
Maxner informs the Commission of the latest invoice received from George Hall of
Anderson & Kreiger, LLP, the Commission’s independent counsel for the Boyles Street/
Manor Homes at Whitehall appeal, in the amount of $55.92.
Approval of Minutes
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The minutes of the Beverly Conservation Commission meeting held on February 28,
2006 were presented for approval. Johnson moves to approve the minutes as amended.
Lang abstains. Paluzzi seconds the motion. The motion carried 4-0-1 (one abstention).
Site Visits
Amy Maxmer will check the April 8 tide charts and arrange the site visits and inform
the members of the final schedule.
There being no further business to come before the Beverly Conservation Commission
this evening, Johnson moves to adjourn the meeting. Paluzzi seconds the motion. The
motion carried 5-0.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m.