2000-07-06 ~.. .BEVERL Y HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTIIORITY MINU1ES July 6, 2000 Beverly Public Library PRESENT: J. Frates,D. N~P. Allen, C. Raymond., T. BirDer, J. Murray, T. Wheelock GUESTS: L. Bochynski, T. Ca.qssidy J. Frates opened the meeting and introduced T. Bimer, the newest member of the Harbor Authority. There was no Public Input A Motion to accept the Minutes of the previous meeting was made by D. Nemnan ann seconded by P. Allen. All in favor. Corrrrnittee Reports PJAnn;ng and Development D. Neuman commissioned new signs. T. Cassidy checked with everyone to be sure they were all right. Star Signs is Tru,1cing these up. J. Frates received the final report from the Consultant on the Ferryway Usage. D. NeumAn stated that there was a $45,000 grant to pay for this. We have paid $40,000 to date. It is a good review. Facilities Report The dumpster on the McDonald's parcel has been demolished and removed. L. Bochynski put up a tape so no one would fall. We need to put in a ramp. If we need it soon, we should put out to bid. D. Neuman made a motion to move forward with it expeditiously. P. Allen seconded. Cement and Brick or Asphalt. All in favor. Public Access At Cummings Center, the City prepared the plan. We will pay for materials, and the labor will come from a Grant T. Cassidy will go before th4 Conservation Commigsion on July 11,2000. D. Neuman gave an update on the Bunk property. J. Bunk spoke to T. Cassidy with an apology and he will do what is expected and IJlsndated by his licewe. Licenses and Permits Thibodeau Property. D. Neuman will look into what is the next step to this pemrit. He is concerned about Public Access. He explained that the boots would be parallel to the float and not perpendicular. Other Business C. Raymond stated that his lawyer called him to see where things stand in regard to the Port Marina re::lponse. J. Mmray stated that R. Costa would be replaced by M Troubetaris on the board. D. Neuman asked what money comes out of our Budget and what comes out oftbe Clty Budget J. Fmtes made a motion to set up a Finance Comniittee. C. Raymond seconded. The Motion was withdrawn. D. Newnan made a motion that there be 4 sub COl1l1lliuees with 2 llleJ..U.bcrs on each. Committees to be: Finance, License Pennits & Public Access, Facilities, and plnnning & Development. D. Nenman asked how we could move fOlWard with McDonald's etc. B. Raymond made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by P. Allen. All in tavor. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss